thoughts on the new version from people that play this?
Secret world legends
can I use my character from the regular game? will that still be available? don't want to start over
What is the point of this again?
Is it just free to play or did they make any MAJOR changes to the game? From reading the press release they made it seem like they were making it more single player
There might be a legacy server but Your normal character won't transfer into the new game. Some vanity items will though
Also, it is ridiculous to think that there are people in this board who will not choose the Dragons. It's like they want their characters to be permavirgins just like them.
I'll be busy here having a Korean hottie eating my gochu
Why did the gameplay have to be so shit?
Because they shoehorned a single player horror game into an mmo
-dropped. Not redoing the game again. Hopefully an old server stays up.
It's Illuminati or go home
I maybe wrong here, but it feels much more restricted now it's F2P.
my TSW had a huge inventory, everything unlocked and I could run dungeons/raids as many times as I liked.
SWL I have to pay to increase my inventory (same as TSW, but coin is much harder to come by, unless you pay cash for it).
I have to buy different "classes" so that I can use different weapons and combos (I get the all unlocked for importing my TSW data, but New Players are going to be pigeon-holed into 1 shit class, unless they pay or grind.
And now I can only do dungeons/raids a few times by using 'keys' to access them. I can buy more keys and Subscribers get extra keys, but it is complete horseshit.
Raids and Dungeons were a stopping point in TSW for new players, because the game was pretty dead so you couldn't really do them unless you found a cabal or got really luck. Now Funcom are adding a fucking paywall to this content, so again, they will be fucking dead.
TSW is still active. Just play that instead.
Lots of major overhauls, some bad, most good.
Reticle targeting is surprisingly smooth. 10k limit on actual funds you can make, which can be traded for real cash shop funnymunny.
The cash you get from enemies is literally worthless, though. It's do daily challenges (Which are shit you normally do - missions, kill shit, etc.) Or be broke.
Subscribers get a free chest key (2.50 usd equiv) and 8 more dungeon keys a day, letting them fully loot dungeons three times.
Freemiums get 10, or 1.64 dungeons a day. You don't have to loot bosses, so you can run dungeons for a skin you want or better rewards.
Nonsubs have to wait 3 days to be able to retake quests. Subs wait 8 hours.
I feel like they really, really shot themselves in the foot with this. Time will tell I suppose, I truly hope they get what they need out of it though.
I might try this. The game is horror themed, right? Is it full of jumpscares kind or atmospheric?
Lots of creepy stuff. Not too much jump scare.
It's horror like a lovecraft based pen-n-paper game is horror
Atmospheric mostly.
Atmosphere and story telling, play through it once for a great fleshed out world.
I'm suddenly reminded of Champions Online in its death throes. This sounds horrible.
Can you poopsock your way beyond the f2p limitations, or is it really just that bad?
>God Tier
>Doos Vult xp Tier
>Edgy Weeb tier
You can, easily. Leveling is fast, if you have three zones, you can cap your dailies in a different zone each day.
First zone, if you speedrun, takes maybe two hours, including cutscenes.
I was interested in it cause I heard they were gonna revamp the combat.
I watched the trailer they showed off for it and was disappointed, though. It's very similar to Guild Wars 2 - and I want more.
Maybe in 5 more years they'll remake it again and get the combat right.
>Reddit tier
I saw some clips, and it looked terrible
Moreover, F2Pers can buy everything subscribers can at the exact same price - it's literally only a key and free jumping from teleport pads that subs get.
My suggestion would be to grab any class with rifles. A solo rifle build has enough self-healing to take you through the entire storyline alone.
I like the new combat system more than the "build to 5, then use a dump skill" of the old tsw, but it isn't anything special. And some of the weapon specialties are pretty horrible (looking at you, assault rifles).
Willingly letting some stranger inject you with some bullshit and put a bomb in you
Why would you willingly listen and follow some homeless guy? Also, we're the good guys because the illuminati are bad. Hurr durr
The only group that fits the whole point of playing the game. There is some weird shit going on, we need to know what it is and how to make it work for us. Also, the average singsong already knows what the illuminati and templars are. They clearly can't keep a secret.
also, we get blowjobs from Asian whores. Enjoy knowing that you are confirmed virgins even in a fantasy world
But the combat now is literally just mash every random button you have thats not on cooldown
The burst fire of assault rifles is fucking horrible, someone actually designed it.
>Can only use it 3-4 times in a row due to energy usage
>Pretty much forced to have Lock 'n Loaded which in return wastes one skill slot
If I bought the game before the switch to free to play, will I have to buy a subscription again?
Can I go through the game to experience the story with the free mode?
So is it the good F2P where I can technically access everything without having to pay or do I have to buy every new zone past the first few? I tried the free trial for the original version and liked what I saw but my rig was shit and could barely play it without making it look like utter garbage.
I actually like it, unlike most people on Sup Forums. Though, most of Sup Forums hates video games and especially mmos. Anyone know how to get SWL to work on steam? Read something about replacing RBD file and then doing a 1gig patch. But it still launched the old game for me.
So i pretty much got scammed if i bought the massive edition before all this?
Access to everything.
Sans weapons, but if you remember your OG account, you can unlock them all.
Nah, merge your accounts. You keep all the cosmetics
Where the fuck do i even find them?
>access to everything
Alright rad, downloading it now.
Find what, your old account?
Shit man, it's your fucking emails.
I mean the cosmetic items.
Be forwarded, the first three gigs are a bitch. Their pipeline is running through jersey.
First, link your accounts and get the snapshot. Once you get a character, her to Agartha, the bee zone, and type /delivereditems Then, you know, claim the shit.
Is there no menu or something for that shit?
What, you forget to? Now you're laughing about it because your ass stinks?
It's your mail button.
There is but it's faster to execute commands because UI design is not their fucking forte.
Hit alt, click menu, click delivered items vs type the command to being the menu up.
what's the difference between "basic" "special" "power" and "elite" skill? fucking game doesn't explain anything.
Found it. I think.
No i'm laughing because 4 different MMOs are wiping their playerbase this month and next to try and bring them back from the dead, and it'll kill the remaining playerbase of every single one.
Basics are things like Assault Rifle's Full Auto/Burst Fire, aka, the right and left click skills, specials would be the gimmick based skills ( I s'pose?), powers aren't tied to gimmicks and you can only have one elite skill in your skill bar.
But TSW og will still be around.
Did they fix the combat?
If you think they'll support it, then man I don't know what to tell you.
Are there any passives that help generate hate outside of hammer/chaos/shotgun trees?
I've heard blood draws hate like crazy, but that was in the original, not sure on legends.
is it still meta that you must take swords for PVE damage?
how big is the game? will there be a pre-load?
I dropped old one, because it was completely empty. Impossible to find a party to do dungeons with.
~23 gigabytes. The game opens up for everyone on 26th, so the pre-load is available already.
Is there a point where I can just kills monsters all day for money and exp? I played quite a bit of the original, didn't make it past egypt and didn't reach max level. So I'm wondering if I can reach a point here where all I do is grind mindlessly to max every weapon. Or is grinding really not compatible with this version?
>choosing the memer faction
>buy game for $10
>goes free to play a week after
>don't even play it for more than 10 minutes
>buying games
you deserve it