I'm just going to leave this cute Lucina here for a bit!

I'm just going to leave this cute Lucina here for a bit!

Please do NOT bully her!

Good thread.

Nice girl (male) you have there. Where are her (his) tits and ass tho?

Lucina is flat. FLAT!

How does it feel to know that the only things will ever penetrate you are swords and lances?

Thanks for finding my cutting board user. I needed to chop up a bunch veggies.


That styles been out of fashion since the 1900s, laddie


Please don't be mean!

Imagine being a girl and being flat. How has she not killed herself yet? It's as bad as being a male and a manlet. There's no place in this world for flat girls and short boys

I love Lucina's chest! I love everything about her!

Please do not leave old soda laying around. Empty and recycle it!


Having actual women make Lucina feel pathetic by comparison because she barely constitutes as a woman in terms of physical appearance!

Just bullying the fuck out of Lucina for being an objectively inferior woman!



If that ever happened, I would hug Lucina and tell her how much I love her just the way she is! Lucina is beautiful!

>you will never stretch to the tips of your toes just to rub your head against lucina's beautiful chest

tallplebs btfo

Blast the gays with dire thunder rays

Her true beauty lies in how easy it is to reduce her to a pathetic pouting mess because she knows she'll never actually be looked at as an actual woman with her deficient void of a chest and complete lack of hips, thighs and ass!

Already can. Different head tho.

Her mom is much better.

No! Please stop! Lucina is beautiful, and she knows it! She does NOT need a big chest to be a beautiful woman!

Lucina is a fine woman no matter what she looks like, but if we're strictly going on about physical appearance, Lucina has sexy thighs and very cute feet!


trust no one, not even yourself.png

Which is why you posted a picture of her with large breasts
Then again, it's not really a picture of Lucina because Lucina could never hope to actually have something resembling a proper woman's body. She's forever relegated to just being a cheaply made copy of her ancestor but with long hair and that's the most she could ever hope for in terms of appearing feminine.

Lucina has a very cute hips and butt! No matter what you say! And her personality is what makes her an amazing woman!


wheres her bulge?

That's more of a chest and ass than she could ever hope for. And personality? Please, don't make me laugh. She's as cardboard flat a personality as she is a girl.
What a joke of a female

You're being a bully and you know it! You don't believe what you say!

Lucina has a very cute body and a lovable personality! She is a sweetheart and very easy to get along with! She acts less like an anime archetype and more like a real girl! I just love Lucina so much!


Oh hey, I hadn't seen Lucinaposter in a while.
What are you up to these days, my dude?

I would never let my son dress nor act like this.

Thrown outta the house by 16!


Here I bought this for lucina.

Belief has nothing to do with the simple reality that Lucina's a failure as a woman.

I have been working a lot and practicing writing and drawing, thank you for asking! I love Lucina and always will, but I keep Lucinaposting a bit more down low now!

I would love to watch Lucina cutely eat a burger, so her cute belly can digest it cutely and her cute body can use it as energy!

Lucina is a beautiful, pleasant woman with tons of fans who love her!

Miriel is best girl.

>making a thread of my daughter without my permission
>talking about her
>posting her
Any last words?


i really fucking hate exclamationposters

Give me tips to become the maximum waifuposter.
I'm an aspiring waifuposter in an undisclosed board here and I'm running out of material. It's surprisingly difficult to remain topical and creative with your writing, specially when everyone just calls u're waifu a slut.

I'd iron my clothes on her chest

*teleports behind you*
*kills u*
heh... nothin personal

*it was a hologram*
Heh..... u think u can hurt me kiddo..... think again

>There are people who actually married Stahl

You should truly love her, and post exactly how you feel, even if other anons think it's flamboyant or annoying! Turn off your filter and don't be afraid to type from the heart! You need to sound excited just typing about her, like you're in love!

You can talk about what you'd like to do with her if she were real, and parts of her that you like! I would love to hold hands with Lucina and walk through town with her, then stop at a cafe and have donuts and lemonade! I also love Lucina's feet and armpits!

*keeps teleporting behind you*

*pulls out muramasa*
try me...

>showing off her armpit like that

do NOT fucking talk about my daughter like that.

*teleports behind you*
*kills u*

*unzips katakana*
enough, ur going down.....

*unzips desert eagle blessed by god and satan*
you couldn't handle me...

*holds up spork*
U wanna fuggin' ave a go m80s?

So. Why isn't this lucinafag and the tharjafag rangebanned yet?

Why would we be? We lost love our waifus! Why does that upset you?

Where do you get your artwork?
I have to scour art sites to find some more for my waifu to use as posting material but I don't know where to start looking.

I use Danbooru and Pixiv! They have the cutest Lucinas! DeviantArt has some too, but you have to wade through a lot of badly-drawn fetish stuff! Lucina wearing a diaper is only cute if she's a baby! Tumblr can work sometimes, since it's mostly reblogged Pixiv stuff!

Lucina has a micropenis and is a premature ejaculator to boot, she even has almost no refractory period. Her penis was practically made to be bullied constantly.

How big is your folder?


Why is she the worst girl? Did they purposely make her bad?

Tharjafags are the worst of the worst.

Lucinaposters are entertaining and good for messing around

Yes, they purposely made her as uninteresting as possible to see how many would like her.

I have just over 100. I'm fairly picky about my cute Lucinas!

This is about as "low" as I'll go - though I'm NOT insulting this image! I think it's very cute, and I love Lucina's smelly bare feet and toenails!

You disgust me. You post my daughter without permission, and don't even have a big folder.

>tfw female Robin is best girl

The best ones are always unobtainable.

Too beautiful.

Why would you force your waif be bullied like this? You knew what was going to happen, and yet still permitted it.

Is it possible you like seeing her ridiculed, demeaned, and suffering?

And would Lucina really admire that quality in her partner?

Anal press Lucina!

>Is it possible you like seeing her ridiculed, demeaned, and suffering?
Possibly, if OP really didn't want to her to be bullied he wouldn't have even made a post like that and just said "Lucina is cute" or something.

Y-You have to marry her first!

Personally, I make threads about Lucina, because rarely, someone posts art I don't have.

I'd post a cute Lucina but I don't want OP to have it.

Never forget

Oh, come on! Give her to me!

>Ike on there twice
That is hilarious.

marth's on there three times

Are pre-FE7 characters besides Marth not in Heroes?

Based Dorcas


Always finish sentences with exclamation marks!

> Lucina begs Tharja to cast a Big Titty Hex on her.

>Tharja casts it but also casts a Bimbo Hex with it to make Lucina a dumb bimbo.

Took me a second but I got your joke, user.
Good job.

Someone post the bimbo Lucina picture.

They have FE4 and FE5 characters in there


> Cute Sexy Bum.

Chad "Reinhardt" Thundercock is considered the best character by many.
Tons of FE1/3 characters
Tons of FE6 charcters
Gaiden/Echoes has 8.

Forgot Seliph and Julia

Shy, embarrassed Lucina is the cutest thing in the world! I've love to draw her while she poses for me, with her face bright red and we playfully tease each other!

I want to rub my dick between her thighs!

>He doesn't like flat
You're on the wrong site my man

Terrible taste then.

>Chrom not missing a sleeve

Artist name?

Unironically this

They got Eldigan in a lot sooner than expected, that's enough for me. Shame about how Lachesis turned out though.

FE4 has the same number of characters as Path of Radiance at 4 and is due for more.

Julia is both high tier (only Nino and Hector are considered better "green units") and very cute. Julia also beats Reinhardt who is hilariously overpowered.

I don't know really

Would Lucina b a size queen