Let's settle this once and for all

Which one was better?


>Sup Forums
>settling anything
go to bed faggot


Skyrim is not completely broken for one, Oblivion has better premises for sidequests but they manage to make every quest the same.

Daggerfall has biggest dick, but morrowind is skilled at using it's large dick u sily faget

>thinking Skyrim is even half the game Oblivion was
Get out of here faggot, Cyrodiil reigns supreme.

Skyrim is "better made" due to across-the-board better production values (less awful animations and such like).

However, it's still worthless because there isn't a single decent component in it that would justify playing it while Oblivion has a few quests that are worth doing.

That's looking at the game itself. With mods Oblivion gains ground because you can make combat and graphics and character progression systems and whatever less bad, but Skyrim remains worthless because there still isn't any piece of worthwhile content.

>Morrofags already shitting up the thread

Oblivion: Quests
Skyrim: Grafix

Oblivion will not lose anything if you add some grafix to it. So Oblivion.