This game is Amazing
This game is Amazing
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Yeah too bad this thread is gonna die since nobody on this shitass board plays good games like this
your mother was Amazing last night
It is. I honestly feel bad for pirating it considering it's a new IP and all but eh.
It reminds me of Crystal Chronicles. How is it so far?
link to cia?
It's not bad, but it's not quite amazing either. I feel like the town building aspect isn't as expansive as it could be, and same for the exploration/dungeons. The overworld map lacks anything interesting, while the dungeons aren't nearly as good as the Zelda games that they're inspired from. Unfortunately, it probably won't sell well enough for a sequel that improves on it.
can you fug the big booty water cutie
you can hold hands with her
They should port it to switch not saying the 3ds is dead. Metroid, Mario and luigi and Pokemon will still sell but new ip. There's too many games already for 3ds. Switch could use some games
close enough
Too bad it'll most likely flop
its shit
look at this game
this game is amazing
It was funny seeing it sold out on day 1 at my Gamestop, good thing I had my copy reserved the prior day.
They actually asked the director why it was on 3DS instead of Switch, and he answered the high install base. Can't argue with him there. Develop cheap, and go where the money is.
Keep in mind, the game isn't out in Japan until next month, and town management games do a lot better there than in the west.
I think it's pretty good, plenty of room to improve.
I'm having a blast, my oasis is lvl 18 right now, I did get stuck for like 30 on tumblethorn road, when the rabbit thing first joins you. I haven't done much dungeon stuff so I got low on resources, to keep everyone happy I reduced my shops to like 6 that i can keep stocked,
>Keep in mind, the game isn't out in Japan until next month
that explains why I couldn't find anything that would help online when I got stuck.
There's too many games to buy as of late, so I'm going to be passing on this for now. It looks good, but not so amazing that I need to have it right now.
You're going to hell pal.
I played the demo and I hated the combat , is this game good if I don't want to fight at all?
Do I get to play as that cute little brown boy?
Miura a cute.
Post lizards
yeah he's the protagonist.
You can also play as a girl too
Why not buy it then?
Well if you want to donate I wouldn't be opposed to playing it.
Good lord that thing is ugly
Does it have any postgame content?
Is this game going to turn me into a degenerate furfag?
What kind of game is it?
Completely ignored the 3ds for years except animal crossing but there's a small gap in Vita releases I might pick this up.
Downloading demo right now but it's taking forever for no reason
Randomly generated dungeons.
If you've ever played Rune Factory, it's like that.
Does it have cute girls?
I think rune factory had cute girls. I've never played a 3ds game that isn't animal crossing so I have no idea what rune factory is except that
You bought a 3DS just to play 1 game?
Depends on your definition of cute girls. The OP shows two girls, but there's no dating in this game.
Rune Factory is a kind of Adventure/Farming Sim hybrid. This game is more of an Adventure/Town Management hybrid. Rather than farm, you're managing shops in your home oasis. When you're not doing that, you're out in the world fighting shit, gathering shit, and exploring dungeons.
Still ain't up on freeshop, still ain't up on ciangel.
Yep. Every Nintendo console I've bought since GC has been just for animal crossing
>This game is Amazing
saw it in the store and bought it
Hope you are right about it
No, but it could awaken existing potential.
This. my 3ds only works when I download games from freeshop. So wtf niggas hurry up and get that shit on there please idk what's taking so long
Wow, that's a dedicated fan right there.
How about you buy it if you want to play so badly?
What's the depth like on the combat?
How bout you buy it for me, and I send you dicpix and call you daddy?
Like I said, my 3ds only works with downloads from freeshop not even from the real eShop. Not lying, I fucked up the cfw badly. I would have to get a real cartridge and I don't leave the house. I just want 2 play gaem
About as deep as Secret of Mana
Which is to say it's not deep at all.
Tough luck for you then.
the last thing the 3ds needs is another fucking jrpg
Party Ys weakness system and Musou-esque "movesets"
Had to pull myself away from this game so I could go to sleep.
That was two hours ago.
And here I am.
I can't find it on free-eshop.
Guess you better go buy it then, huh?
Is it not on the eShop?
Same here m8, that music at the Hieroglyph Pedestal is catchy as fuck
if someone can provide me with a picture of the mc holding hands with fat ass water girl, i will buy this game.
Was Sup Forums able to stop this hack?
There is a large amount of handholding in this game.
You hold hands every time you level up your oasis. Which is a lot.
What are you talking about?
Do interactions with villagers change based on your gender?
someone in the last thread spoilt the ending so now i dont feel like getting it
When each store is only allocated 4 copies, it's easy to sell out.
I am waiting for the superior jap version.
>Develop by nip
>Eng ver released month earlier than nip ver
the first time you meet her she begs for your seed. its pretty lewd
If you buy it from the eshop, please post the ticket/key info to the freeshop key database.
They want two games to release with the New 2DS XL next month. While the west still has Miitopia that Japan got last year to release with Hey! Pikmin, Japan pushed Ever Oasis back to release with it.
Because "eh"
So its a M rated game then?
It feels so mediocre.
The combat is shallow and boring, the rpg elements are barely there, item crafting and base building are dull, the writing and story are nothing to write home about.
The art style is ok and so is the pacing, but aside from that I don't get what people like about the game. Does it get insanely better halfway through?
Is the demo good?
yeah but only if you run stock
Unnf Thicc
Not really, it's like twenty minutes long.
so is this more like Zelda Breath of the Wild, or Shin Megami Tensei IV? those are the only nintendo games i like
>Never played a 3ds game that isn't animal crossing
I'd call you a woman but even they at least buy pokemon too, so you gotta be some severe autism case.
I got it in the mail, but waiting to start until I have some days off.
Is there anything I need to know from the get go? Stats, items, etc?
you fuckers seem to be pretty good at telling me shit I need to know from the get go.
I like it so far but I'm worried about how often I'll need to revisit areas because of the skill restrictions. I've done the first big dungeon and I've found many instances of needing a different flower skill and the dig skill. How many skills are there all together?
I want moist fish ass to sit on my face and never get up.
Is it actually a fish tail? It looked like her bottom half was a pure water blob in the demo
Game is pretty fun. Just finished the second dungeon and boss battle.
Only real complaint is that leveling doesn't really feel like it does too much and you don't really get a good sense of progression with your equipment.
The oasis building stuff is pretty neat though. I like how you can start automating everything you really don't feel like doing.
Also, why is there still almost no Esna lewds?
its her legs
Not really, the game is pretty straight forward though the first few hours are basically a tutorial.
Don't rely on the AI, it's ok but really you'll be the one doing most of the damage and kills. Learn to dodge and you'll never die. The lock on can be buggy at times.
Farm everything you can.
Make sure to set up your shops next to the right decorations to get the most dosh.
Don't worry about always having the right party when you go into a dungeon, you'll get a warp spell early on that will allow you to go back to the oasis and swap members and warp back to where you were with no progress lost. Plus any puzzles you solve stay solved.
Upgrade the oasis when you can and just stay on top of making the best weapon. You'll get accessories in chests all over so don't worry about crafting them.
Also if you just focus on the main story quests you'll blow right through the game. Take the time to do any side quest that pops up first and upgrade your shops when you can.
I give it a 6/10. Not bad to kill time with, but makes me wish there was more when all is said and done.
Nope. It's Monster Hunter for casuals and children.
From the trailer (haven't watched the gameplay video yet) I got a Fantasy Life vibe. Accurate or am I retarded?
Yeah, it's simplistic action rpg but this time with town building.
btw, anyone with a stun SP skill is instantly top tier, since they can stunlock practically any enemy in the game. very helpful against scarabs, those armadillos, and flowers, since the attack goes through their blocking.
>78 metacritic
get that nintendo cock out of your mouth faggot
Well, in any case I hope you enjoy it, legally or not. It's not like your conscience will be riddled with guilt because you know you're actively contributing to the dullifacation of the game industry because you simply wished to play it for free, right?
>trusting metacritic
Underage B& detected, enjoy your ban, faggot
I recently had my first festival (or whatever it's called in English) with the scorpion people, is it normal that I still don't have anybody who can cut the spiderweb from the door in that cave near the sand waterfall? I feel like I've had that quest hanging for far too long.
I can't answer your question, but you do know that if you teleport back to your oasis you can just swap your party members and warp back from where you left, right?
You get party member who can cut spider webs after completing second dungeon.