Dodged a bullet when I decided not to buy a Switch. Anyone else kinda relieved they are waiting for a hardware revision?

Dodged a bullet when I decided not to buy a Switch. Anyone else kinda relieved they are waiting for a hardware revision?


Waiting for the 1080p on portable mode and 1440p on dock mode

Whoah, a spelling mistake on the internet! Let's get his address and harass him, bro!

A spelling mistake from someone who gets paid to write well.

Does it run 60 fps on other systems?

>caring about the graphics in a SONIC game

It's debatable for other games, but unless you never leave your house or are autistic enough to think people are making fun of you when you do anything video game related outside your basement, portability is worth the downgrade in graphics since it's a Sonic game.

I'm glad I didn't when MHXX was confirmed japan only.

>sonic game


>hardware revision

Nigga, that's a grammar error. And it's something a third grader should know is wrong, like fucking up then and than.

The Switch is barely beyond the Wii U graphically. I had no expectation of visual parity with PS4/Xbox One games.

it's not hard - smart people won't buy a console, unless it has, at least, 10 unique features/games they have some interest in

Are you really that insecure about your console that you have to attack him over a typo?

If you were planning on buying it to play multiplats you're a retard.

>Xbone and PS4
>Running anything at HD 60fps



The graphical differences are to be expected, but it's still a shitty 3D sanic game. You keep getting hurt because you keep trusting senic team to make something playable. And you keep doing it because you're a mentally ill furfag.
That's just the bottom line.

>buying Switch for multiplats
>expecting a hardware revision anytime soon

nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap nsap

I'm just getting a Switch so I can play exclusives. If a game gets released on XBOX it will inevitably come out for PC, where I can pirate it.


>shit exclusives

he didnt talk about the ps4

When is this game even coming out? If it's not soon, it could still get a lot of improvements in time.

From what I see there's no release date yet. I wouldn't worry about it until it's out.

Whoa whoa there, fella, we can't have that rational train of thought round these parts.

>not proof reading
Fuck off, faggot.

>Sonic game

Dodged a bullet there
Well to be honest i dodged countless bullets since the SNES area desu

>Buying a 3D Sonic game

Let me guess, you think Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 are good games too don't you?

the answer is in OP's pic.