All right, let's settle this once and for all - who the fuck was the best PlayStation Mascot platformer and why - and also who should be first to come back and why. Also of note - it has been leaked by the same guy who leaked Days Gone and Shadow of the Colossus Remake that BOTH Sly and Jak are making a comeback within 12 months.
Discuss this.
Noah Sanchez
Joshua Watson
Every opinion in this thread will be extremely subjective and based on what game series they used to obsess over as a kid.
That said, Ratchet and Clank forever, motherfuckers, this is not an opinion, this is a fact.
Aaron Collins
Ratchet and Clank had its time. Jak needs another game. Spyro needs a redemption.
Ethan Green
Anyway gonna go with Crash > Ratchet = Spyro > Jak and Dexter => Sly In saying that though Sly 2 is a masterpiece as is Ratchet 2 but the original Crash Trilogy kind of invented it's own incredibly popular and well made sub genre of what is like 3D Lane platforming and it still hasn't been topped IMO in pure platforming goodness.
Andrew Parker
You can buy them all on Vita already, I don't really want new versions of any of them. Aside from maybe the bunny thing, I don't know who that is.
I liked Spyro and Ratchet&Clank as platformers the most, though Crash/Mario Kart or whatever it was called was the most fun.
Caleb Gomez
Bunny thing? Daxter? He has his own game on PSP which was actually really good.
Justin Hall
The other smug looking orange animal with the denim shorts that isn't Crash. I am just now realising he's actually on that Jak fella's shoulder, and not behind him.
Aiden Walker
Why is it limited to platformers? Parappa needs a new game.
Ethan White
OH yeah that's Daxter, he was human for about 5 seconds at the start of the original Jak and Dexter before getting transformed into a ottsel (a hybrid of an otter and a weasel), by Dark Eco This is about playstation platformers my friend - not rhythm games