>press one button to play the game
>no real control over Spiderman
>everything they showed was either quick time events or cinematics
Why are people excited for this piece of shit again?
Press one button to play the game
Other urls found in this thread:
>exaggeration: the thread
I too like to over exaggerate things
>>press one button to play the game
>>no real control over Spiderman
>>everything they showed was either quick time events or cinematics
No one of this is true. Why are you autistic again?
Never ever pcbros
The quick time events were annoying but no need to start lying.
Flashy shit sells.
Try telling a normie what constitutes gameplay or not, and they'll just laugh at you. Our hobby is dead.
>Why are people excited for this piece of shit again?
We're all waiting for the true spider man game (a fucking FPS based on skill).
>Why are people excited for this piece of shit again?
Because its a sony exclusive.
web-swing physics and the Mysterio fake boss were the only thing SM2 had going for it. the writing, set-pieces, enemy design, and combat were all lacklustre
your average SM2 fan hasn't even played any of the 2d Spider-Man games, nor have they replayed SM2 since they were kids