Let's have a comfy BOTW thread

Are you looking forward to the DLC? Are you buying the DLC?

What do you want the next zelda to focus/improve on?

Other urls found in this thread:

>favourite NPC
>favourite town
>favourite weapon type
>favourite side quest
>favourite shrine
>favourite divine beast
>how you would rank it with other zeldas

Part of me wants to be hype for the DLC but I feel like I've done all there is to do after 80 hours until DLC 2 comes

Desert is the comfiest

stopped playing a month ago after 125 hours

now I'm waiting for the DLC to have some more fun. fuck yeah I'm looking forward to it

>favourite NPC
>favourite town
Hateno village
>favourite weapon type
korok leaf
>favourite side quest
¯\_ ツ _/¯, have completed just 13
>favourite shrine
the first one obviously
>favourite divine beast
>how you would rank it with other zeldas
this is my first Zelda

Eventide is the best part of the game so yes I'll be getting the DLC for sure

I really hope the next one is in termina, despite the whole "alternate dimension" or "five stages of grief" stuff. I hope it builds on BotW but with actual dungeons and more varied sidequests, another half of the map at sea with actual boats would be really cool as well and give the Zora more than just a record label office. This way we kill MM and WW fanservice in one blow as well as giving a huge variety of things to add (Deku, masks, Ikana Kingdom, Snowfall, a non destroyed Ranch, etc.)

>Are you looking forward to the DLC?
Yeah. Don't have anything to play so it's just the DLC and then I'll wait for Splatoon 2. Still log on every day to listen to the music because it's comfy.

>Are you looking forward to the DLC?
>Are you buying the DLC?
Probably not right but eventually.
>What do you want the next zelda to focus/improve on?
Side quest that help build the world more and more weapon variety.

DLC when?

I am disappointed with master mode; just making the enemies ranked up does nothing but create damage sponges. Trial of the sword might be cool; I enjoyed the island shrine quest.

Really hoping DLC 2 will flesh out the champions. The storytelling was good but left me wanting more.


and the next one by the end of the year

Wait so there will be gold enemies right? In the trailer the gold lynel seems to have a new move where wind kicks up all around it or something? Can anyone confirm?

should I wait for the dlc to start playing this? I bought a switch and zelda on friday but havent started it yet

Decent Switch bundles when?

Torrented and playing on cemu
Played for 4hrs today and no crash/ bugs
2 Beasts in and I'm having fun
Will look forward to the trail of the sword when it comes out

You're a fucking idiot if you payed the $300 for the handheld that runs this game and the extra 60 on top of that, completely not worth it.
At most I'd pay $40 for it.

normal mode is plenty difficult. hard mode dlc will just give enemies more HP and change what weapons they will hold.

Bumping this question, thought I saw a new move as well

Enjoy having one game out of an entire fucking console, I guess?

No playable champions no buy
No sequel DLC no buy

>favorite npc
>favorite town
>favorite weapon type
>favorite sidequest
uhhhhh idk.
>favorite shrine
the constellation one
>favorite divine beast
vah medoh. was easy but also just really fuckin fun
among the best. top three are botw, twilight princess, and alttp.

>>favourite NPC
>>favourite town
>>favourite weapon type
One handed
>>favourite side quest
Not sure, I completed all of them yesterday
>>favourite shrine
Not sure here either, the puzzle ones but not the one where you guide balls
>>favourite divine beast
Ruta, first one I did and it was the best one
>>how you would rank it with other zeldas
1. Botw
2. Majora's Mask
3. Ocarina Of Time

>Are you looking forward to the DLC? Are you buying the DLC?
Yes, already did
>What do you want the next zelda to focus/improve on?
Do like metroid, one main title and one "spin-off", could be cool

start playing right now, lad

2D or MM-style?

I can already see how an MM-like spinoff can work

Make the moon calamity Ganon and your ultimate goal is to find ways to warm the champs and protect the beasts

Have a huge epic battle at the end with you needing to conquer each corrupted beast SOTC-style

That would be my dream

I wanted 2D,but now that you mention it, both

Only comfort I need is Gerudo comfort

How would a 2D botw style game work anyway, given that the game world has a lot of verticality

still so much of the desert and the snowy lands I havent fully explored


Why do people like eventide so much? It's fun and all but it's pretty normal I guess? Then again I cheesed it so I probably shouldn't say anything


I need ideas for a second playthrough when the DLC drops. So far I'm planning on doing
>Master difficulty
>Pro HUD
>Jap VA
>Fast-traveling exclusively between the top of towers (unless completely stuck)
>No food consumption inside battle

When BOTW first released I played it basically whenever I could for as long as I could and finished it in about 130 hours (including all shrines). After this and Persona 5's "end of a journey" syndrome, I'm looking forward to the DLC so I can justify playing this monster of a game again.

>ywn see human Ganon in BOTW aesthetics
Kill me now

I'm really hoping that Ballad of the Champions ends up being the good type of DLC, because BOTW is a pretty good game and I'd like a reason to play it again.

The DLC we have right now kind of irks me though, it's more of an enhancement to the experience rather than an addition to the game. Plus, hard mode isn't something we should be paying money for, this kinda worries me about Nintendo's future for DLC.

This game was so fuckin weird, but the best game I've played since the Witcher 3 honestly.


Doesn't have to be botw style

future Gerudo will be in this style so if Ganondorf reincarnates or another Gerudo male is born you'll get to see that. Might not be the same cell shaded style but it'll be the same general design

The only change I want them to make to the Gerudo is getting rid of those bloody heels

Which part of comfy you didn't understand? Go to some other Switch thread to talk about how you're a big boy and you're totally cool for stealing a game.

Old man probably
Knight's Broadsword
>Side quest
The dueling peaks treasure hunting one
The blue flame
Definitely the most fun I've had in a Zelda game but probably equal in overall enjoyment, if that makes any sense.

Don't forget only upgrading armor twice at most and not cheesing bosses with the bow.


>Favorite NPC
Paya :^)
>Favorite Town
The Rito one
>Favorite Weapon Type
Two Handed Greatsword
>Favorite Side Quest
Not sure, maybe the one where you build the town
>Favorite Shrine
Constellations one
>Favorite Divine Beast
The Bird
>How would you rank it
Number two Zelda game. Second only to Majora's Mask, and third would be ALTTP.

>favourite NPC

>favourite town

>favourite weapon type
Sword and Shield

>favourite side quest
they all need some work

>favourite shrine
Noble Pursuit or Lightning ones

>favourite divine beast

>how you would rank it with other zeldas
top 5

heels are here to stay

they need more tits

they've got the kind of tits really active women would have plus their tops look like they provide damn good support. Buck naked they probably have more tits than they look like when they have those puppies covered up

Heels in the desert seems like pure and utter lunacy. Nabooru never wore such illogical footwear

Ballad is story DLC, and seems to be the main course of the DLC as a whole

>Heels in the desert seems like pure and utter lunacy. Nabooru never wore such illogical footwear
Nabooru is a thing from the past. Modern Gerudo lust for Hylian dicks

Considering the Gerudo in Ocarina came to town, fucked men and left once they reckoned they'd been impregnated I'd say the Gerudo have taken a step backwards as far as securing the future of their race goes

Nabooru also lusted for hylian dick though.

It's in a long cave, behind a huge stone gate.

I won't tell you how to open the gates, however (there are two of them in Hebra) only that you already have all you need to open them. No quest or item required.

but they still do this
only underage ones

>you will never be asked by a /fit/ brown girl to fill her with your seed over and over until she's knocked up as she walks out the door with your gallons of semen still spilling out of her

But WHERE is the huge stone gate? I've been all around Hebra and wasn't able to find out.

Only Risa considers doing this but the lessons from Ashai are starting to break down her natural Gerudo instincts

The other Gerudo want to be romancedand most of the Gerudo don't look at you and decide whether you'd produce strong children but rather are seduced by compliments or giving them nice things. They then try and get married to you and settle down rather than draining your balls and leaving you once you've served your purpose

this is why Ganondorf needs to come back. Gerudo are pussifing themselves too much

>favourite NPC
>favourite town
Tarry Town
>favourite weapon type
2 Handed Swords
>favourite side quest
Building Tarry Town
>favourite shrine
Eventide island / Dark Shrine
>favourite divine beast
>how you would rank it with other zeldas
Definately up there with MM, ALTTP and OOT

how many korok seeds do you niggas have?
>841 for me

Wives of Hyrule lobby group petitions king to ban Gerudo from leaving their region because their husbands are coming home smelling of other women (Gerudo) and when challenged claim they're doing their civic duty maintaining the peace and helping out an ally. The king doesn't want a fight on his hands so he speaks with the Gerudo chief and the Gerudo are introduced to ideas of monogamy, marriage and romance

around 100. I'm won't try to find them all, I'm not masochistic

462 or so


Where the fuck is the lord of the mountain?

Because unless you cheese it, it forces you to play carefully and make use of the many approaches and options the game gives you.

But if you go in with your guardian abilities you can cheese the shit out of it and make it a huge waste of time.

>mfw the first War happened because Gerudo are too slutty

>favourite NPC
>favourite town
>favourite weapon type
>favourite side quest
Eventide I guess
>favourite shrine
The twin ones on dueling peaks
>favourite divine beast
>how you would rank it with other zeldas
Top three easily

>What do you want the next zelda to focus/improve on?
More enemy variety. My biggest criticism of BOTW besides a lack of dungeons is that you're basically fighting moblins, bokoblins, lizalfos, and almost nothing else 95% of the time for the entire game. Once in a blue moon you get a ninja and some chu or those golems but that's about it besides the enemies that don't scale.

I get the mentality of having a few enemies that can do a lot of things rather than a large amount of enemies that are functionally the same but there really should have been a lot more.

I was hoping that they'd do something about that with the DLC packs but all we seem to be getting are beefier bokoblins and lynels, plus floating enemies out of nowhere.

I was really hoping that they'd put in a new zone or something, but it looks like we're just getting the misadventures of the champions rather than something new.

I guess we'll get Hyrule Castle Town if nothing else. Hopefully the lone dungeon they've promised is good enough to soften the blow of the divine beasts being short and simple.

Here's a thought. If Gerudo naturally always fuck men of other races doesn't that mean that the Gerudo Voe would be looked upon as odd for wanting to fuck other Gerudo since the only relationships anyone ever has (for procreation not recreation) are interracial ones.

This, the enemies have varied movesets but damn I would like more visually distinct enemies

I think past hyrule might be quite different, with larger more elaborate towns, but eh

>I think past hyrule might be quite different, with larger more elaborate towns
I'm hoping that we get to see all of the homesteads that were razed to the ground plus some new towns and villages, but I'm expecting one or two things and little else.

>>favourite NPC
>>favourite town
>>favourite weapon type
Guardian weapons
>>favourite side quest
dunno, side quests not really a strength of this game
>>favourite shrine
Combat trials, nice n simple, drops weapons
>>favourite divine beast
probably the Rito one
>>how you would rank it with other zeldas
Current fav for me


>Are you looking forward to the DLC? Are you buying the DLC?
I wasn't keen on it because I thought that you'd have to start over and erase your save to play it but as soon as I found out that it will be separate I pre ordered. That trial of the sword sealed the deal for me as well since I loved eventide island.
>What do you want the next zelda to focus/improve on?
Make the main dungeons different and unique from each other like past games instead of feeling like a slight extension of shrines and using the same gimmick.
Put lots of interesting sidequests in there and we've got another Majora's Mask. If the map is as big as BOTW, it will be better than that game as well.


>favourite NPC
>favourite town
Tarrey Town
>favourite weapon type
>favourite side quest
From the Ground Up
>favourite shrine
All of the ones that you can skip by doing a bomb jump or something. Those are more satisfying than actually doing the puzzles
>favourite divine beast
Vah Medoh
>how you would rank it with other zeldas
Literally the best

When is the dlc is released anyway?

Am I the one that really fucking loved korok seeds? They feel like a nice extra reward everytime I find one by accident since I often get them while trying to do something else. It didn't even feel repetitive 300 seeds in as I never really search actively for them

Master trials is Friday, story is Winter

I wonder what "additional challenges" is, hmmm, did not notice that before

This friday? cool. I miss the comfy botw threads. Gonna be fun posting images again.
Huh. Now i'm curious about that too.

Better be an option to disable menu pause and flurry rush

on the interactive map is there anyway to remove korok seeds I have already found?

I'm afraid that the second expansion is just going to add a story bit and not add a new region to the map

No, but you shouldn't be chasing after them anyway
There is a map area not utilized right? I suppose the new dungeon will be situated there. I would expect a past hyrule too, although I don't think it will be that different

Is Cemu user alright?

I finished the game after 75 hours. It has the best open world I've ever seen but the combat, enemy variety and weapon breakage system were so disappointing that I actively started running away from fights.

I think I'll do another new game when all the DLCs are out.

You can complete the game like I did

Expect some crashes and stuttering but unless you have AMD it shouldn't be bad enough to make you stop

Ive been playing, I installed a shader cache to fix the major stuttering. Its kinda clippy but VERY playable.

The actual game is pretty clippy as well, especially with the weapons of the enemies, which really annoy me.

At least the enemy doesn't have a bullshit magical advantage like in dark souls

There's that word again.

'Comfy' can be used to describe a relaxing atmosphere. Don't get triggered by that user

The combat would be much much better if they removed flurry rush and made parry less OP

Am I the only one that likes divine beasts more than traditional Zelda dungeons?

I like them as well, kinda. The concept is fantastic, my only issue with them is that they are too small, I understand that shrines are there to replace them, but imagine if we had both, shrines and interactive gigantic moving dungeons of the usual size. That would have been truly perfection.

The lack of "lock and key" puzzle design that exists solely to get you to pull out the dungeon item and instead allowed for open ended problem solving was a real nice way to go about puzzles, but they could have done that in traditional dungeon room layouts just as well, the shrines show that.

What the Beasts are lacking are hazards, they're really light on enemies and environmental damage.
They're also kind of tiny, which I understand is so they they can fit withing the overworld as mechs that roam around, but I don't think it's an improvement over large sprawling dungeons, especially when the rest of the game is so big, it's odd to not have big dungeons too I think.

The puzzles are better imo but they should at least have different skins in them