In an action rpg I don't care about dicerolls and stats. If I hit an enemy I want them to die...

>In an action rpg I don't care about dicerolls and stats. If I hit an enemy I want them to die, not see a bunch of numbers and calculations.
>It really breaks the immersion and takes you out of the game

He's right.
All that weeb ass MMO number grinding is lame as fuck

Out of all the aRPGs I've played, Morrowind is the only one that doesn't do that.

Which I mean, ONE exception isn't the end of the world.

What about Witcher? Even Witcher 2 does it to a degree

That's called an action game, beat-em-up, adventure game, or hack'n'slash

Very bizarre usage of greentext. New here?

>In an action rpg I don't care about dicerolls and stats
This is retarded, because without stats it wouldn't be an RPG. dicerolls/RNG is debatable.

>If I hit an enemy I want them to die, not see a bunch of numbers and calculations
Damage numbers are completely unnecessary in most games so I'm inclined to agree.

>It really breaks the immersion and takes you out of the game
Not really.

You know that whether you hit or not and how much damage you do is determined by stats and invisible dice rolls in Morrowind, right?

Borderlands and destiny is the most guilty of this.

fuck HP numbers flying fucking everywhere. Disgusting.

and people will take this retard's opinion as gospel because it is in a youtube video...