Square Enix congratulates Denuvo

Square Enix congratulates Denuvo
>Thanks to you, people have to buy the game
>aka thank you for fucking over PC players
Fuck you Square. You can't even patch NieR after fucking 4 months.

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I don't think Denuvo is preventing SE from patching Nier, it's just Square Enix being a shitty company.

I don't like Square Enix either but isn't Platinum the developer and therefore in charge of patching the game? Or does SE have to give them money for them to patch the game?

It's not that i think. OP just means that Square overall are assholes.
Also what they said here is basically "PC players are thieves that wouldn't buy any game if not for DRM".
How backwards and retarded can you be to fall for the le pirate meme so hard?
Did fucking first Tomb Raider remake have Denuvo? No. And how did it sell? Amazing.

Denuvo basically means that you are not buying the game anymore, you are just borrowing it. If their serves are down, you won't play it.

Since SE is a publisher i think it has to go through them first.

Personally, I think the developer should have to patch their own games (since more people would buy a working port right?) but not all developers work on their own pc ports.

I think, in general, it's another company/the publisher working on it. Remember the trainwreck that was Arkham Knight? Rocksteady didn't develop that (although they probably contributed in some ways). I think if Platinum wanted to patch it themselves, which I doubt they do, SE would have to pay them to do it since they're probably working on other stuff.

I figured, but just because he mentioned Nier I wanted to point that out. I mean, if SE didn't use Denuvo they would still be a terrible company.

But then again, Denuvo is pretty terrible overall so it isn't really helping them.

>Play on PC
>gets bugged games with botnet in it

Do they not know it was cracked ages ago? Who even made this statement? This sounds like horseshit. The Denuvo website basically become a bunch of marketing buzzwords and lies when they revamped it recently.

I wanted to buy NieR on Steam because it sounds like a great game but i won't support a company that threats me like a fucking criminal even though i never pirated a game.

>>Thanks to you, people have to buy the game
did squeenix not notice that denuvo is a joke and can be cracked within days?

It's a japanese company and they don't know shit about PC gaming, only:
>le pirate spook meme
Fuck them.

This. If anything, Denuvo caused less people to buy the game.
Square are fucking retards.

Japanese suits are even more retarded than their western counterparts. News at eleven.

>Taro makes bigger profit than Sqeenix's signature developer team working on Final Fantasy
>Taro's dev team doesn't get shit to work on patching PC, shit it didn't even run that well on the console it WAS optimized for

hell Taro's team probably went back to cleaning bathrooms of Square developers after they were allowed to put out their silly otaku game. Sqeenix knows Noctis' Hair is the MOST important thing to be concerned about.

Seriosly. NieR is IMO a bigger GOTY than fucking BotW but Square are total retards. If not for them the game wouldn't have any bugs and issues probably.

Looking from your point of view... You're right.

still haven't bought it because they haven't patched it despite promising to listen to feedback when it came out
never had a problem with denuvo games but it's a shame publishers think it's necessary
can't blame them with all the rampant piracy on PC tho

>Denuvo game sells well
Aha, PC is nothing but pirates, this PROVES denuvo works and we're going to continue using it in every single game

>Denuvo game sells poorly
Obviously there is no interest on the PC platform, we're no longer going to be making games in this series for PC since you guys didn't buy millions of copies it's your fault

There's no winning with these faggots, is there?

>never had a problem with denuvo games
I have a big problem with Denuvo actually.
What happens if their servers go down/are attacked. Or if Denuvo goes broke? Suddenly you can't play the game you paid for legally and you should fucking own.


>What happens if their servers go down/are attacked. Or if Denuvo goes broke?
Pray game got cracked before

same can be said about steam
digital distribution is cancer, if wen can't make backups, like with gog games.

Based Square Enix

Meanwhile SEGA casually released Bayonetta on Steam, it sold way above their expectations and they said they will continue to port their games.

You can back up 99.999% of your steam games. Only pretty much Valve games won't run if steam is off.

>Denuvo game sells well
All one of them?

Not only one but a first instance of this franchise on PC without much marketing to be honest.

Good game will sell itself and you don't need any DRM for it. How is it that you can basically get any CDPR game DRM-free on GOG and they still sell the best on PC (like Witcher 3).

would have sold better if everyone who wanted to play it had bought it :^)

Thanks to you, people have to buy the game

When did giving money for people hard work became a bad thing?
F*ck you hackers

MGSV too

>When did giving money for people hard work became a bad thing?
where do you think you are?

So that's Total Warhammer and MGSV that had reportedly high sales. Out of how many? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denuvo#List_of_games_with_Denuvo

>Square Enix thinks Denuvo is why we're buying Nier, and not because it's the best game they've published in a decade
"Vote with your wallet" they said.

I'm not praising Denuvo, man. What the fuck is won't with you? You just implied there's one, and I named a 2nd

Now if Platinum had an actual budget, it would be a better game. Running through the same area for the xth time gets a bit dull. That abandoned factory sure has a lot of fucking traffic. Also PC version is wonky and got fixed by some random dude with no official patch in sight

Literally from their website
>No, since only performance non-critical game functions are used in the Anti-Tamper process, Anti-Tamper has no perceptible effect on game performance nor is Anti-Tamper to blame for any game crashes of genuine executables.

Lying though their teeth. They're almost up there with EA and ActiBlizzard alright.

They can't even patch the game until Square asks them to. They fucking are not able to take care of their child because SE are nippon jews basically.

I'm glad I pirated Nier automata.

>their child

You wouldn't have bought it anyways because you would have come up with some other excuse, or "rationalization" to explain away your Jewish tendency to expect everything for nothing.

>tfw I pirated it because I don't trust ultra-weebshits
>tfw I was right
Fuck Nier, the tumblr-retards who fell for muh "deep" story and that hack Taro. The game is a bore and a drag to play.

I have not bought a single game from them though. The only ones they put on PC are shovelware.

>Hey, getting platinum on this might fix the problem the original game had
>Nope, just made it flashier and more unbalanced and didn't even bother to balance the difficulties

Should've stuck with the original dev for automata.

Another retarded speaker for masses.
I'm pretty sure there's a non trivial amount of faggots that bought it before denuvo crack because scene took it's sweet time.

>another pathetic piretafag excuse

It actually was in my Steam Cart but after finding this out i decided i won't be buying it.
You are retarded if you are fine with not even getting the product you paid for but basically that you can get fucked over any minute if Denuvo suddenly decides to turn off their servers.

Obvious falseflagging.

>T-t-the game won't be playable if Denuvo goes away
Look, we get it, you're sad that your copy of Darkspore isn't playable anymore. Let's be completely honest though - you weren't playing it anymore anyways.

The combat is shallow and boring, the environments are bland and the story is unimpressive at best. Read a book sometime.

>unironically defending Denuvo.

>Unironically getting upset over not being able to play games that you would long be done with by the time their Denuvo copies went offline

Same. Even when total warhammer was $12 during a humble monthly.
Denuvo = no buy.

People like you are the reason industry is dying. If you are fine with a product you bought being taken away from you without any reason then you're retarded.

>not being able to play
What world are you living in? Denuvo gets cracked in under 4 days now.

>b-but D-denuvo will crash
Piratefags BTFO as usual.

>I don't buy video games anymore, but people like you who do are the reason the industry is dying
A fantastic argument. Please tell us more how you not buying video games is improving things.

I don't buy games with shitty DRM. You vote with your money.
Sometimes i think that Sup Forums is the most retarded board.

It had sold over 300.000 before the cracked version was out. Personally I think they are right.

Denuvo is bad because it punishes you for wanting to support the developer. It's always cracked anyway and pirates have much better experience than legal buyers because they don't have to bother with DRM.

Bayonetta, an 8 yr old game, sold 200k copies on Steam in less than a month without having Denuvo. Your argument is bullshit. Also
>defending Square and Denuvo
Kill yourself

Boyonetta is an already relatively famous brand that can sells itself and it most importantly it was just 20 dollars. It's not a good example from any point if view.
>shitting for the sake of shitting without giving a fuck about facts and rationality.
Ok, I don't enjoy your shitposting hobby but be my guest.