How will normies react to it? Will they accept death or shit on the Hot Rajang Dick on Reddit?
How will normies react to it? Will they accept death or shit on the Hot Rajang Dick on Reddit?
They will drop rocks on it and then anime strike it to death in one fell swoop, the game is going to be piss easy to appeal to the american audience.
>Deviljho gets hit by rocks and falls over
>Great Jaggi dies in one hit
>Gore Magala can't sense anything
>Plesioth's hipcheck's hitbox is so small it's the size of a baby's cock
>Nerscylla gets distracted by dead monsters
>Rathian does fucknothing until you touch her eggs
>Khezu now has music
>Fatalis is the only mildly challenging monster
>Hermitaur no longer wears a shell
>Diablos always gets stuck on walls
>Brachydios' goo can be cleaned off
I dunno. With moving while healing I think I can finally conquer the Rajang.
He probably isn't that bad in worlds.
>Implying it will be in
>normies against apex Rajang
Best monster indeed.
>Rajang, Deviljho, Seregios, and whatever this gen's newest "Quest interruption" monster is decrease sales by a thousandfold
It's gonna be a good year. Also, what would the new quest interruption monster be? A mantis shrimp?
Come on now, casuals bitched about fucking Barroth as the first wall and it got nerfed to hell and back, do you honestly think they are going to put in Rajang, let alone Apex, even if they do do you expect he won't be nerfed?
Could be anything, but they'll probably be stage specific.
As the large monsters on the map will be changing each time you go to it outside of special missions, the designated apex preditor might be different every time.
That being said, an ultimate apex that just wonders around destroying shit like a Joe or Steve will have the chance to show up every time you start a new quest.