ITT: Overrated Characters

ITT: Overrated Characters

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>not even showing feet
overrated indeed

fuck feet, i wanna see her teets

Disgusting foot fags. Commit sushi please.

Kill yourself

>fuck feet
Yep, that's the idea. Thanks for reminding me.

*ruins Cloud's life*

Is there a single female character from a decently popular franchise that ISN'T overrated? Honest question.

Heather from SH3. Prove me wrong. YOU CAN'T


Eleanor and Magilou>Velvet

What do you think is in those bottles?

i seriously can't imagine a single person with a taste horrible enough to consider her anywhere close to being a good character
each time she opened her mouth i wanted to kill myself from shame

yeah, because nobody except Weirdos who would fuck their own daughters like her

but the armpits and smirks are great. don't you want to get to know magilou better?

Weird, every time she opened her mouth I got rock hard desu

What a shit argument user. Please commit an honorable suicide


This user knows what's up.

What game is she from?


Is the game good? Last one I played was Xillia and I didn't like it.

It's better than Zestiria (what isn't?)

I enjoyed it desu, the characters are all edgy enough to be amusing and the combat is at least smooth

>It's better than Zestiria (what isn't?)
Symphonia: Dawn of the New World.

Rate the story from 1 to 10. I am a story fag sorry.

7ish I guess

It's above average for weebshit and the various backstories mesh together well

The main story is fairly predictable but interesting enough
dawn of the new world let me make it so that lloyd inexplicably ended up with presea. courage really is the magic that turns dreams into reality

Only overrated in her own game. Not popular enough otherwise.

pirating now

Don't know what your problem was. Her character interactions were leagues better than the rest of the cast and her dub performance was better than anything I've heard in a while.

How bad is Zestiria? I played Beseria and wondering if I should go for it because its in the same world.

She's my favorite video game character, I love Velvet.
Not as bad as people make it to be

She was overall a great character. Her mindbroken and gangraped past only makes it better.

magilou is best girl

Let's be honest, there is no bad girls in Berseria
Or bad guys for that matter
It's the best cast in a jrpg, easily

Pic not related?

>being a footfag
Not even once

my nigga


Velvet and Laphicet

Game hit its stride when I got Magilou's battle music garb and replaced the normal battle theme with hers.

You don't play any JRPGs.

>there is no bad girls in Berseria
>Or bad guys for that matter

How could she be best girl when she's this flat.

OG Laphicet or Phi?

Ayy, the OST has some forgettable tunes, but character themes are amazing.
the whole game he is growing up as a character.
The flatter the better


Opinion discarded.


She's great DESPITE her flatness. I prefer larger breasts myself but would give Magilou the business if given the chance.

Flatties can't be best girls. Sorry, it's just how the world works.

t. pleb

>Not getting her full story and realizing she's faking 24/7 and in reality, she's just a lonely girl who wants friends that won't abandon her.

Shit taste really.

He wasn't great/deep/etc... in this form and yet people praise this version of this "character"

He did that himself.

Too flat to love.

I wonder what it would be like to fuck a boy with a vagina

No such thing as too flat to love.

>Alpha male that punches god in the face

Don't underestimate proto-Magilou


>hating best boy

They ruined him in the remake.

But he was always consistently badass in the first 4 games