
Recently, the American Psychological Association’s (APA) Task Force on Media Violence published its findings on the impact of violent video games.

The Task Force found that violent video games do increase overall aggressiveness.

This increase was exhibited in many forms, including increased aggressive behaviors, thoughts, emotional effect and bodily (physiological) arousal. A decrease in empathy toward others was also reported. The more one played violent video games, the more one became desensitized to aggressive and violent themes.

The belief by some that playing violent video games causes a “catharsis” of these aggressive, violent feelings was not found to be true.

Fuck off Jack Thompson. Causation =/= Correlation

This means video games cause aggression against women and misogyny. Anita was right.

Video games don't call increased aggression at all. These fucking nigger faggots need to fucking kill themselvse and god damn fucking DIE

I legit they do cause people to be more agressive. But only those of lower intelligence who are very impresionable like young kids and manchilderen. Just look at people who ragequit and proceed to break stuff because they got mad at pixels

Literally this. No causation has been established. For all we know, people who are more violent are more likely to want to play violent video games, not the other way around.

>violent video games do increase overall aggressiveness
And what are these violent video games? Because if I'm playing something like call of duty damn straight I'll get pissed, much like most people who play it, but I could play resident evil, prototype, or whatever all day and be in a zen state of calmness.

prove it

Nuh uh you first.

We should ban books, they make people violent as well.


Not popular enough among the impressionable youth of the west.

Islamophobe, the qran is a book of peace

who said anything about banning things you dumbass

I did, just now.

Maybe the video game industry should make more non-violent games for these kids?

Maybe people shouldn't be such huge raging faggots

this... non violent games are fucking gay as crap... tetris sucks dick.

>videogames make you violent

I've yet to pop a cap on a nigga or slap a bitch, all the instances where i had to insult a stranger was because i exhausted the diplomatic options and some people just wont give a shit unless you make them understand you mean business. Its also been like two times in my entire life.

Yeah I played Call Of Duty like once but that doesn't mean I can't tell reality from virtual world. I know not to shoot the crap out of people when they make me mad. This isn't some black or white argument, sure maybe violent video games leave some on edge. But it only really effects those with mental issues that need help. Which due to problems with identifying systems (AKA: we are letting stupid people go free) never seem to get the help they need until it's too late. And then the blame is placed on a general public labeling all gamers savages because the killer played a videogame before.

so edgy