Announced at E3

>announced at E3
>dead already
Deathmatch games are fucking dead.

Other urls found in this thread:

This is what people wanted the game to be

I'm in the 'I'll come back when it's not a beta' camp personally


same, they wiped all my cosmetics so I lost itnerest

It's not gonna be big, even when they tried to make it appealing to new comers its still too much for the modern day gamer to get into

I have only begun to BADASS!

>hello fellow gamers and overwatch players, do you want to play the epic hardcore deadmatch arena? we even bought the quake name for brand recognition!
Gee, I wonder why failed.

Well, you unlock cosmetics like a F2P game, except that you also buy it, isn't great? Seems it worked really well for Evolve.

I just can't get into shooters anymore. Used to love quake 3 and UT as a kid but man these days I just want to play something comfy like a turn-based strategy game and shitpost on Sup Forums while waiting for my turn.

cool blogpost retard

Not surprising. The servers sucked.

Upgrade to real-time with pause like EU4 and you won't even have time to shitpost.

Amazes me how out of touch these developers are.


I thought Victoria2/Hearts of Iron 3 are the good ones?

Is the classic mode in the game already?
Tryed the game a couple times and i could not care less about heroes and abilities, i just want some good old fashon Quake with new fancy graphics.

They are, EU4 is a worse EU3 for scrubs and the new HoI a complete travesty. Guess CK2 is fine if you are into incest of eugenetics (not my thing).

Quite honestly I'm only interested in this game because Blazcowikz is playable.

Depends on how autistic your opinions are. They're different kinds of games anyway.
CK2, EU4, Vic2 and Hoi3/Hoi4 all have different focuses and gameplay. Just pick the one whose time period interests you the most.
Don't listen to anyone who says EU3 is better, they're insane and should not be let outside their cave.

Also, Stellaris is a thing. Super entry level for Civ people.

What about the DLC? People say they're mandatory but can also be pirated even on the Steamversions with the (legit) base game

>it's another thread where tired gamers lie to themselves and pretend like they're not tired of arena shooters by nitpicking and coming up with excuses

Just give it up already.

Fuck Johan. Unless you want to play multiplayer, just pirate everything.

You won't. Nobody else will, either.

RIP arena

and different character that effect gameplay my dear bethesda drone

Giving characters stats and abilities was stupid. Stop fucking with the formula.

its dead because you need the shitty bethesda launcher

The problem is they didn't do enough to change the formula. They were on the right track because nobody cares about the original formula anymore, which is why this game failed. It's too similar.

Nah kiddo, Overwatch is doing just fine and it's not on Steam. Stop making excuses for your shitty dead copycat game kek

>Even comparable.
Was it autism?

Blizzard launcher is bigger than bethesdas

Blizzard has a dedicated following, and battlenet has been around for a long time. Bethesda doesn't have that kind of following.

They still didnt fix the issue that if you play with 100+ fps the game hogs all your upload. And yes I know the last changelog claimed that they had fixed that but no. The game still showed my ping as ridiculously low like 19 but whenever I checked my network usage it at worst was eating all of my upload (I only have 1mbps up) and whenever your upload gets eaten that much it also completely fucks up your download speed. So what happens most of the time im just rubberbanding into walls and hits are registering with severe delay or not at all.

Now sure people just tell me that MAYBE YOU SHOULD HAV EBETTER INTERNET but look the amount of upload this game uses is not just 10x but like fucking 100x when compared to other perfectly functional multiplayer games. They're either completely fucking retarded when it comes to programming or they're running a botnet with that data.

>nobody cares about the original formula anymore, which is why this game failed
So, they copied the "for casuals formula" a niche already covered and saturated by OW and Paladins and failed even harder. Looks like you are great at business, user.

>two games


Is it in open beta or some shit?
I'll try it, but I won't play it. Why play the same shit when Unreal Championship II did it already and will undoubtedly have done it better?

Also, TF2 and other dead games.

Cucks already payed from OW and they won't pay for other game, specially since they need to grind new cosmetics and would lose their "progress". Same goes for Paladins and the F2P market. They are slaves to the sunk cost fallacy. Also, both are team games, so these so called "gamers" can blame their team, you can't blame anyone for your failures in an arena. And that's the public for the "FPS with ASSFAGGOTS elements", already distributed.