When is star citizen actually going to be released?

When is star citizen actually going to be released?

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just 16 years left user

about a month after you die

Last two digits determine how many years it'll take

>Only 2 years


Star Citizen is the Scientology of video games.

When Gearbox finished it.

Once every door on their office is one of those spaceship sliding doors. Be sure to pre-purchase some more ships

That actually seems realistic.

And every employee has a $20,000 capuccino machine, its vital for the development process.

When you idiots stop giving them free money.

This. It's a long form scam. Makes No Man's Sky look like a cheap hustle.

when will they learn?

>this game was originally supposed to ship in 2014
holy fuck what happened

So, why exactly does this game need a loan?

needs just a little more fan support.

No evidence that they took out a loan. The "source" was Derek Smart who has absolutely no credibility when it comes to anything involving Chris Roberts.

Will people finally learn not to fall for the Kick Starter meme?

The backers, Rawberts...


Yeah no evidence except documentation from the fucking bank

>Source is beta.companieshouse.gov.uk
Found the Star Citizen backer

there is evidence that they have taken out a loan in that there is a companies house filing, just not how much the loan was

A loan is one thing.

A loan where the collateral is your entire early access game; a game where you have allowed backers to spend hundreds, even thousands of dollars on ships; is quite another.

I would be fucking furious if I was a SC cuck.

And by "ships" I mean "pixels".

They are just pixels if this game tanks, incredibly expensive pixels. You probably don't even get artwork to remember the expensive pixels you wasted money on.

Can we start posting pictures of how much people have 'invested' in this game? I need a good fap

This is kickstarter meme crossed with whatever the fuck they put in the No Man's Sky kool-aid. Is there something about 'you can do anything!'* space sims that turns people into a messianic cult?

Having actually invested enough to get into the playable tests and reading the forums, this is pretty much on point.

>Is there something about 'you can do anything!'* space sims that turns people into a messianic cult?
Yes. A true open-world sandbox space sim grounded in reality is the sci-fi autist's wet dream.

I know such a thing is practically too good to be true so I never jump into the deep end on these things. But I keep looking because maybe, someday, we'll get one.

good comparison actually

I love how scam shitizen defenders had to dig up some crusty old cunt from the proto-internet just to be able to deflect criticism

Haven't followed this since the leaks about how shit the working conditions were maybe a year back, what's the latest news?

The source is literally a government website

>secured against EVERYTHING

fuck they must be desperate

So how is the fanbase taking it?

This, how are the deluded going to spin this now? If Cloud defaults on the loan, are we going to see lawsuits from the backers?

I went to reddit and they're all basically saying "We don't know if this is a good or bad thing yet" which is correct but they only apply this thinking to the naysayers. Anyone saying that this is a good thing is left alone. Seems like damage control to me

Never ever. It's a shame, shit looked awesome and I can't fucking stand ED anymore

Why not ask them?

I can see a nice5 beta in 2 years, thanks user