What kind of people think this design actually looks good?

What kind of people think this design actually looks good?




who gives a shit, the game was fun
qtes and long ass cutscenes weren't the best tho
t. pcbro

heterosexual men like me

This is the correct answer. Bayo's original design was created by a woman based on runway fashion models, therefore it's based on what women think is attractive and fashionable. The only input Kamiya had was the glasses and mole.

Currently playing it and trying to get good ranks. But holy crap those random QTEs out of nowhere are so unnecessary. I don't mind some of them in boss battles (basically they are just more hype torture attacks) but when they randomly appear in a cutscene and you press a mircrosecond too late, it fucks your rank.

The last Bayo thread made by a homo like you lasted a while. Maybe this one will too.

Are the QTEs actually harder on PC or easier? Shouldm't having 2x the frames per second of consoles give you more time/frames to react?

>original design was created by a woman