Give me your perfect 14 character Dragon Ball roster

Give me your perfect 14 character Dragon Ball roster

ONLY using characters from the original anime.

But that guy does appear in the manga.
I can only think of that fire woman who goku had to take her wind thingy or something like that

1. Kid Goku
2. Teen Goku
3. Jackie Chun
4. Kuririn
5. Tenshinhan
6. Tao Pai Pai
7. Yamcha
8. General Blue
9. Pilaf Machine
10. Piccolo Daimao
11. Ma-Junior
12. Staff Officer Niggerblack
13. Chaozu
14. Yajirobe

And inb4 somebody complains about two Piccolos and two Gokus, Kid Goku and Teen Goku from 23rd Budokai Tenkaichi are two entirely different characters, same with Piccolo Daimao and Ma-Junior.

make Kid and Teen Goku 1 character but an outfit change and add in Mr. Popo

Perfect. I'd throw in Murasaki, Chi Chi (kid and teen), Android #8 and Grandpa Gohan for good measure.

>Mr. Popo
His """fight""" with Goku wasn't even 10 minutes long in the anime, let alone the manga.
As for Goku complaint, see you retard.

1. Goku
2. Kuririn
3. Jackie Chun (Roshi costume)
4. Yamcha
5. Tenshinhan
6. Blue
7. Cyborg Tao Pai Pai (Human costume)
8. Grandpa Gohan
9. Piccolo Daimao
10. Chi Chi
11. Yajirobe
12. Piccolo Jr.
13. Teen Goku
14. Bulma

>no Android 8

Fuck you, I liked him.

I wasn't complaining about 2 Goku slots

Why does everybody hate Mr. Popo?

Yeah I wanted to include Murasaki, Major Metallitron (instead of Android 8, since he didn't do much) and Chi Chi but not enough space for those and others were more important.

Launch blonde
General vilot
that mermaid goku brings back on the nimbus

I think retard OP means everything happened before DBZ, not original anime content

Why the fuck are you guys leaving out Android 8?

>ctrl + f
>monster carrot isn't mentioned yet
fuck you guys

so we can all agree the original DB is better than all other parts right?

1. Goku
2. Krillin
3. Roshi
4. Tien
5. Chiaotzu
6. Mercenary Tao
7. Pilaf with Shu and Mai assisting
8. Bulma
9. Chichi
10. Yamcha
11. Piccolo
12. Yajirobe
13. Launch
14. Commander Red

>No Android 8
>No Arale
Good enough, though.

1.Kid Goku
3.Jackie Chun (Roshi costume)
6.Loli Chichi
8.General Blue
9.Piccolo Daimao (Ma-Junior costume)
11.Android 8
12.Grandpa Gohan
13.Tao Pai Pai

user please, that literally goes without saying.

>7. Yamcha

This is good. I'd replace Bulma with Android 8 but if that didn't happen I'd still be okay with this.

goku black
kid goku
future goku
goku jr
xeno goku
ginyu goku
gt goku
movie goku
neko majin goku
kfc commercial goku

Kid Goku
Tao Pai Pai
Android 8
King Piccolo
Jacki Chun
Grandpa Gohan
Monster Carrot

switch Nam for Pilaf and Bulma for Shen/Hero and you got a great roster right there

1. Kid Goku
2. Krillin
3. Jackie Chun
4. Pilaf
5. Yamcha
6. Nam
7. Android 8
8. Arale
9. Blue
10. Yajirobe
11. Tao Pai Pai
12. Tien Shin Han
13. Picollo
14. Bulma

half of the posters confirmed for never having read DB

Pilaf would be Stage Hazard/Helping character in my game. He can't fight for shit.
I love Shen but IMO Bulma is more important as a character.

General Blue
Sergeant Metallic
Ninja Murasaki
Piccolo Daimao
Master Roshi
Grandpa Gohan
General White

>the original anime.

The pacing in the manga is so much better than the anime. Shame plebs always speak of anime for series that debuted as manga and are much better in the original form in 90% of cases.

>mfw all the episodes about the red ribbon army episodes were not broadcasted in my country because "muh nazi allegories"
Fuck Germany, I had to watch bootlegged episodes in french to watch the complete series

That like, 2/3rds of the series

How has no one said Oolong? He's got a pretty nice gimmick, turning into random shit.

Why can't they make a good game set in the first part of the manga/anime. Little goku, all those colourful characters, ... I don't even care if its a fighting game or an action adventure or a mix of sorts. Don't get me wrong I love DBZ as much as the next guy, but DB doesn't get enough love and attention. Most people who call themselves DBZ fans haven't even read or watched DB.

But there are? Don't remember the name but a GBA game adapted the entirety of DB into a sidescrolle adventure.

Bulma may be more important but she isn't a fighter and Shen would be a way better addition to a roster because think about it, his moves would seem like a joke character's but actually effective. the game could at least pretend the pilafbot is competent,it just wouldn't feel right if that crew wasn't playable in a DB specific game.

Give Bulma a moveset centred around capsules, using Oolong and panty flashing and you got a character right there.

that's quite right.

I know, it was awful

I guess you can make her work.


I never owned that system, and that's a long time ago and an extremely specific platform and genre. I was thinking something more ambitious for a widely popular and praised and loved old series.



>waaahh i must use the perfect syllabic romaji names waahhhh
fuck you weaboo

How are they Nazis? A black guy was second in command and their strongest officer was gay.

You mean Dragon Ball Origins or did you not like that?

fuck off with kuririn and tienshinhan


Do you know how much of a pathetic weaboo you have to be to use roman characters for Japanese names? You either use the Japanese or the English. Romaji is for fat goth high school girls in an anime club.


Kid Goku
18 year old Goku
Piccolo Daimao (young)
Piccollo Jr
Jackie Chun/Muten Roshi
Commander Manlet
Officer Black
Tao Pai Pai
Android 8
General Blue
The dude living below Karin Tower

>Teen Goku
Why? Teen Goku is basically adult Goku. He doesn't change much between the final DB tournament and much of Z from what I can tell.

Have you seen the uniforms they use?

I agree Tien should be Ten Shin Han. Krillin seems acceptable though. It's because most of these fags never read the manga, in fact most probably never read or even watched "Dragon Ball" (aka the first part before DBZ)

>assblasted burgerclaps with their kiddie network dubwork
All good translations/subs/dubs have the correct names.

Huh, I never really took note of that.

>no Spike the Devil Man

Triggered fat moonreading neckbeard

>GOOD translations
>GOOD subs
>GOOD dubs

You shouldn't be taking in media in anything other than its original language. Don't tell me you're a dirty EOP.

Master Roshi
Mercenary Tao
King Piccolo
Mr. Popo
General Blue

1. Kid Goku
2. Teen Goku
3. Jackie Chun
4. Kuririn
5. Tenshinhan
6. Tao Pai Pai
7. Yamcha
8. General Blue
9. Pilaf Machine
10. Piccolo Daimao
11. Ma-Junior
12. Staff Officer Niggerblack
13. Chaozu
14. Yajirobe
15. Red
16. Grandpa Gohan
17. Every fighter in Urinai Baba's tournament
18. Android #8
19. Chi Chi
20. Pilf Gang in machines
21. Piccolo's minions
22. Arale
23. Murasaki
24. Other fighters from tournaments including the muslim

Secret unlock kid Vegeta

And blacks, gays, and jews were prominent and respect members of NatSoc Germany's government and military. What's your point?

this is a good list but 14 just isn't enough

I hate to say it but I'd almost replace yajirobe with chi chi

>replace yajirobe with chi chi
He's literally the strongest human that doesn't use ki.

kid goku
pilaff mecha
king chapa
jackie chun
tao pai pai
tenshin han
purple ninja
king piccolo

Fourteen characters isn't enough.

1. Son Goku
2. Teen Goku
3. Ten Shin Han
4. Krillin
5. Teen Krillin
6. King Piccolo
7. Piccolo Jr.
8. Yamcha
9. General Blue
10. Staff officer Black
11. Roshi/Jackie Chun
12. Tao Pai Pai
13. Mai
14. Namu
15. More RR fighters like murasaki or the android or officers, more contestants from the tournaments, chaozu

>Secret unlock kid Vegeta

I like this

>I'd almost replace yajirobe with chi chi

Both are quite boring desu

well, shit, one of the piccolos then

>20. Pilf Gang in machines
Redundant with "Pilaf Machine"
>Secret unlock kid Vegeta
Fuck off with that.

Other than that, it's about as good a DB roster as you can get. But if you're going to do "Teen Goku" then you should do "Teen Krillin" too. That would put you at over 30, counting the tournament characters like the devil man, the mummy, the indian guy, the slut, the dragon man, etc

Most of them are going to be reskins anyway.

>tfw never getting a good GT gams because Im the only person who enjoyed GT

>bitching about GT in a DB1 thread
post your roster and stop being a faggot

Master Roshi
General Blue
Mercenary Tao
King Piccolo
Adult Goku
Adult Krillin
Pilaf Machine

14 chichis ages 7-21



I never understood why they call him "Tien Shinhan in the dub. Tien is the Chinese reading of Ten, but Shinhan is still in Japanese (he really should be Tien Jinfan if they're going for a full Chinese reading).

advanced adventure is actually very fun, emulate it sometime