Would SB have been better if Yugiri was the lead instead of Lyse?
FFXIV Stormblood
and why isn't there any fun dps classes to play?
RDM is quite fun senpaitchi
fun is subjective not objective
>Join a small FC
>Small clique of people that know each other really well and it's hard to become "part of the group"
>Join a big FC
>Lots of different cliques of people that know each other really well and it's hard to bcome "part of one of the groups"
They're both shit
No. Yugiri is too passive. She makes a nice uguuu kawaii shy japanese waifu, but she's shit as a lead. Lyse written like shit, but at least she has an ark, and she's actively moving towards her goals.
>Lyse loves
It would have been better if she died.
this game really needs a better way to introduce you to side activities. now that i have my 1st job at 70 and my 2nd one at 64 i just unlocked the hunt & the minion squad missions
Is SE ever going to release a job in a patch again like they did with ROG/NIN or only during expansions
>minion squad mission
of course
>muh Hien dono
Minfillia should have been the lead, she's Al Mhigan too.
The fuck are you talking about? She tried to assassinate Zenos while Lyse spent her time in the back lines crying
To be fair, those are endgame activites
If leaks are to be believed, we're getting a new tank and/or healer half-way through this expansion.
My prediction is Viking for tank, that'd be rad.
Skip cutscene?
Minfilia is literally in another dimension now user
quests with purple icon is a dead giveaway that they unlock something
>FCs are a microcosm of society as a whole
Who'd of thought it :thinkingemoji
idk what its called ingame. the one at your grand company that lets you send followers onto missions and train them. i dont even know what this is all about or what it rewards.
Yugiri was better than Lyse because they didn't spend too much time on her.
>was on balmung from 2.0
>never had any issues with queues, not even HW launch
>longest queue ever was 30 minutes
>SB launches and instantly 3-4 hour queues during prime time
>fucking 2 hours at 4:00 in the morning
>take the free transfer to Zalera
>longest queue so far has been 5 minutes during prime time on Saturday
I can actually play the damn game now.
Fuck you Balmung.
I don't even care about my medium house in the mists anymore.
fuck off knumi
It's almost entirely pointless. When it came out, we all grinded it to unlock the coats because they look nice for glamour. Once your squad is max rank or whatever they can bring you items from special missions that basically serve as one-time-use FC buffs, if I recall. It's stupid.
>If leaks are to be believed, we're getting a new tank and/or healer half-way through this expansion.
Oh nice, hopefully that's the case then, thanks.
What leaks and why should we trust them
The worst part of Stormblood is Zenos by far. The least interesting antagonist this game has ever had. He's a watered down version of Luca Blight.
I was totally fine with Lyse, and overall I liked SB's cast a lot. The other exceptions for me are Gosetsu, because he's too old, and Yugiri who continued feeling like she lacked all personality beyond "I want to liberate Doma" and even to that end she contributed practically nothing beyond one of the most hilariously doomed assassination attempts in video game history that took two deus ex machina interventions just to go from "complete disaster" to "nothing was accomplished"
Lyse is still good ol' Yda: not that bright, impulsive, quick to fight as her initial reaction (See for example: Catfish Punt, jumping into an ocean just cause she wanted a nice swim instead of taking the boat, literally every cutscene she has a fight in, leaping at Zenos headfirst twice!). She's the star of the show this expansion and it's entirely about things near and dear to her heart and her growing up into a position of actual influence and power. Lyse fights and defeats a bunch of enemies. She's part of a boatload of duties and events and is established as doing a bunch of shit
similar to the WoL. She's basically a True Rune away from being a Suikoden protagonist.
You mean doing THE dumbest thing that happened throughout the story? She single handedly wanted to kill a guy, who raped Lyse, Y'shtola and WoL without breaking a sweat. Whole time I was waiting for WoL to slap some fucking sense into her instead of helping her literally kill herself.
If not for deus ex machina, both WoL and Yugiri would be dead.
>because he's too old
Nice reddit pasta btw
If HW managed to make Alphinaud super likable, I don't see why SB couldn't have been done the same for her. At least she was sensible enough not to act like an ignorant, entitled tool for 75% of the expansion like Lyse did.
Cause she got bussed out of the game for plot convienience.
What exactly would Viking entail.
I mean, WAR is pretty much already what a viking would be isnt it?
This is my wife, M'naago!
Say something nice about her!
Kind of a lore question, but something I was thinking about after playing a bit of the MSQ. We're said to be not of this land, Eorzea, so canonically are our WoLs can be from places like Gyr Abania/Othard/Hingashi/Thavnair etc?
Why do you think XIV threads are so popular on Sup Forums? This is the FC chat you are looking for, and you will never find something similar ingame (even if we created one right now), on OF, and definitely on /vg/.
Is this a copy/pasted reddit post or something?
>Not BLU mage with Raubahn as the job trainer
Castrum Abania has a really nice theme.
Yugiri basically had the revelation I was waiting all expansion for Lyse to have in the span of just a single zone's MSQ: that you can't just force people on the fly to fight your war and for your ideals at the drop of a hat. That irked the fuck out of me.
That alone makes her leagues better than "b-but our home" Lyse. Sure she has an arc, but she does fuck all from beginning to end. A character arc should mark a tangible change and change how we look at said character.
>Minfillia should have been the lead, she's Al Mhigan too.
I actually like Minfilia, but... why? She has no real connection or attachment to Ala Mhigo, other than 'I guess she's from there'. Even Lyse's reasoning makes more sense than Minfilia being there.
Not to mention she's currently being a corpse puppet for Hydaelyn or whatever the fuck that stupid arc was about.
The characters in HW were a lot better and more like-able than SB prove me wrong
she got a generic hairstyle
whos that?
The WoL is a super-primal like the Ascians made by Hydaelyn.
>generic hairstyle
She was the first, and everyone else copied her.
I like the theory that someone posted a long time ago that we're just a primal. We literally just come out of nowhere when everyone wished for heroes to come just like the tribes and start killing stuff and we're powered by a big crystal too.
Is there a way to just have it be an on/off switch instead of having to hold it down?
>blue mage
>the opening scene if the game is literally your character being created by Hydaelyn
Makes sense.
doesn't make it less generic
This was
How did we get cucked by the weeb melees, MNKfriends? It's not fair.
>gets stronger by getting walloped by monsters
gee user I dunno
>be healer main
>finally get to Susanoo normal
>mechanics doesn't seem too hard
>wondering why we keep wiping
>tfw party realized that the other healer is a sprout
Boosters are a mistake.
He gets his skills from being hit
Give him a fork weapon and he can work as a tank
This lizard is better written than all HW characters together.
>people watch MMOs on twitch instead of playing them
Fuck that cancerous noise.
Raubahn is a big guy and he uses Ifrit's moves when you fight him in HW
My dick gets diamond hard imagining a tank class that absorbs the skills of whatever they're tanking
Pretty much. Sorry M'nado or whatever, you may've had it first, but all the generic waifu shitters ruined the Sice hairstyle before you got a chance to shine more in SB.
why are people so obsessed with minmaxing normal and extreme mode content? it's supposed to be fucking easy, not poopsocking mode.
Ever read Goldilocks? Find the one that's right in the middle.
I intervene when I see my FC members getting too clique-ish. It's this mentality that may make me come off as cold or bossy, but I don't want anyone new coming in thinking it's just 3 people talking to each other always.
I couldn't image any reason why someone would want to watch someone else farm.
Her and Aniki were my two favorite characters this expansion
I meant more how would they make that work.
You know there's no way they would actually let you cast spells or skills from whatever you're tanking.
why do people even watch mmo streams? that's the most boring shit you can do. you're literally watching someone grind mindless content or wait in queue. that's like watching someone eat food infront of you.
I don't think MMOs having a big streaming community would be something to be proud of...
You actually let yourself get hit by tankbusters on purpose, and go and stand in aoe circles as much as possible.
DRG's will switch and become the best tank players ever.
I rationalized it as the WoL wanting another shot at Zenos for their own reasons.
>tfw no moon for my sun
No idea what youre talking about. I still outdps sams and nins in Susano farms.
>white haired charcoal nigger alien
Isnt this tab targeting stand in the same spot animating miss and hit roll for everything garbage exactly like wow with slightly better graphics and stale gameplay?
Alternatively I'm glad nothing was particularly dumbed down to compensate for the skip potions. And basically the sprouts either learn quick or get wrecked.
It's not a leak, YoshiP already said during fanfest that he wants to add a new tank/healer job after he solves the balance problem of tanks and healers. If the current situation is balanced (in his eyes, at least), he will start working on the new job.
Opinion noted.
Could someone give me a non-hyperbolic opinion/take on this game? Lately I've been hard craving that Early WoW/Guild Wars 1 feeling, does FFXIV fulfill that?
Great, she had to almost kill herself for that revelation. If not for her plot armor as Prince's personal onahole, she would've died there. The only thing worse than that, was dramatic death of Gosetsu that took like ten fucking minutes of irl time. By the time it ended the completely lost me.
>change to Omega because there's too much people on queue on my server
>39 ppl in queue yesterday
>today 1500
what the flying fuck, isn't this the new server?
>make a comment on the shitty design
Sit kid
Yugiri is shit too
Why does the Yol feel so slooooooooow
>Gosetsu is telling everyone to get out because the castle is about to collapse
>7 minutes later they're still talking
Yeah that ruined it for me too
Do you ever use Limit Break?
Small mounts feel way faster. I feel like I'm going lightspeed when I use my Witch's Broom.
I play melee DPS
so yes, all the time
For the first hour of gameplay yes then it gets better after 300 hours like every other themepark MMO ever created because that's how that specific genre works
No... she had it when we broke those villagers out of the Garlean prison camp you dolt. After which she went to sulk by the riverside about it.
that was a bit absurd
gosetsu is great but holy shit get on with making your heroic sacrifice already
>trying to level btn
>do levequest to pick apples
>83% chance to pick
>get less than half of them almost every fucking time
Damn this dude is cool. You see how he doesn't like anything? What a badass.
>making Alphinaud likeable
Why are you playing the most leftleaning mmo out there?
Wait, he was talking about Sadu, not whomever you thought he was.
>Melee doesn't use Limit Break
>Tell them to do it
>They say nothing and never use it
I hate how often this happens.
You'll be dealing with this bullshit for a long time, get used to just not caring about gathering failures. It's better if you just watch something on a second monitor.
Well user, your plan of choice to solve your login problems is quite popular.
There's a unlimited free trial. Form your own opinion.
>melee isnt going to use it
>use it yourself
you cant win
I can't speak to whether it'll fulfill your cravings, but it's a fine MMO at that. It's not as openly social as older MMOs but it's also relatively easy to find guilds/groups to play with and interact with consistently. There's plenty to do, and a decent main storyline to boot. It's all relatively easy to get into and play.
The game admittedly has a ridiculously slow start. You will definitely feel the length of the 2.5s GCD for your first 40-50 levels or so, after that it'll start making sense why the 2.5 GCD is the way it is.