Why are the only anti-piracyfags on all of Sup Forums here? Perhaps the producers are paying shills to decry it, hmm?

Why are the only anti-piracyfags on all of Sup Forums here? Perhaps the producers are paying shills to decry it, hmm?

Verily activates thy cranium

Because pirates are annoying faggots who do nothing but virtue signal when in reality nobody would care if they would just shut the fuck up about it

chan's been filled with LITERAL shills ages ago.

they must justify their purchase when others others get it for free

Literal anons falseflagging to make companies they don't like look bad
>le redpill shill goyim XDDD

Piracy fags are like footfags, they never shut up about their crap so they start getting on everyone's nerves

Eh, this is Sup Forums we're talking about, I wouldn't be surprised if this was some sort of super autistic false flagging

Piracy is only acceptable for abandonware. If the consumer has difficulty acquiring the product then it's the publisher's fault

>tfw Darkspore is so abandoned you can't even pirate it anymore

No, we got some REAL real shills amongst our midst. 4chins even got fucking C&D threats from goddamn Zenimax last year.

Are you fucking retarded? Any idiot can fake that, I shouldn't even have to explain this but people like to be selectively gullible when it suits their argument

>This image cannot be uploaded because it is the subject of a copyright infringement claim
really makes you think

>virtue signal that they are stealing
Wouldn't that be vice signalling or something?

mate this shit happened last year, how new are you?

You moron, that shit happened to ME last year, and many others soon after.
You try to post that very same picture now, it will not go through without alterations.

So yeah, you apologists and enablers should be impaled alive.

They act like they take a moral stance (which isn't even really justifiable if they weren't lying) and constantly advertise how they're not giving into evil Jewish corporations. What's actually happening is poorfags making excuses for not buying games

>posts the same thing almost exactly a minute apart with minimal changes in wording
Okay it definitely happened because you said it did and the obvious samefagging is really helping your credibility

>normalfags come here for epic memes they saw on /r Sup Forums
>cant help being little bitches when someone does something they dont like

nice shitpost you fucking egg

Hmm, yes, people with a different opinion from you is a conspiracy, yes.

guys I got pikablu by catching the shinies of all 150 Pokemon but I can't show you or I'll get in trouble it totally happened though did you even play the game?

Sup Forums is the board with the most underages as well, it isn't too hard to understand. They fall for corporation worship the most.

All anti-piracy fags are from reddit.

I have no problem with piracy, but pro-piracy people are always such whiny pieces of shit

Waah waah this dev said pirates are bad, boycott boycott, wah wah this game was on consoles wah why they hate pc masterrace wah wah

I doubt Sup Forums gets "how do I torrent my dudes" and "pls gib anime keys im poor" posts every five seconds

Newfags obsessed with reddit are from reddit

Or most people aren't retards and understand businesses exist to make money, not to give you free shit

You can't even play darkspore anymore because of EA's jew bullshit

God I hate EA so fucking much

you Bethesda fanbois are just embarrassing.