Which IP is more difficult to adapt to vidya?

Which IP is more difficult to adapt to vidya?

They never seem to get it right

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Invincible Son

Superman. GITS can be very easily adapted for a video game and has been in a sense.

Superman is too hard because he's far too strong.

GitS just hasn't had attempts where people actually tried.

when has anyone ever made games about either of those

There are two GITS multiplayer games right now.

And Superman 64.

Ghost in the Shell could easily become a Metal Gear clone.

Everyone always shills the ps1 game of GitS, but has anyone played the PS2 game? It has incredible combat.

If you want a GitS like game, play literally any cyberpunk/near future esque shooter like Neotokyo or Deus Ex.

Superman would be harder to adapt because he's literally an invincible Mary Sue unless every enemy in the game has kryptonite bullets or some shiz.


Why not just make a game that gives in and completely utilizes Superman being an OP piece of shit and it's just you tearing everyone's ass? Play it exactly how it's meant to be for half the game, and then suddenly have Luthor cause earth to rain kryptonite or something stupid.

Challenge is an important part of a game. It keeps you going and progressing. Disregarding those abominations that are called walking simulators.

Because it'd kill all challenge. It'd basically be Dynasty Warriors, but with the player being even MORE overpowered.

I remeber how I loved to fly around in Superman Returns. Too bad the game was shit, but the flying was fun

Hard but not impossible:

Not every game needs to be Dark Souls for me. I'd be into a game where I'm just wrecking shit and having fun to progress the story.

>Needs to be dark souls
Try not to insert a random strawman into the conversation.

There have been several games about both.

>implying Ghost in the Shell is anything but trash
>le stronk bisexual bad ass mary sue who dont need no man


Nobody said anything about Dank Memes. It'd be like playing an RPG and starting at max level.

>use random game known for challenge as an example
>trigger a faggot because "MUH STRAWMAN MEME"

>people getting caught up on the Dark Souls
It would be an interesting premise and challenge development wise, which is why I guess I'm into the idea. I'd like to see how a team could take such an odd idea and make it work.

>try to make all the stand abilities fair,interesting and funny
>try to make the most bizarre abilities make sense and fair
>try to make special moveĀ“s to characters that don't have a place in the plot
there will never be a good jojo gameexpect for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure for ps1

It DOESN'T work. Same reason it's impossible to make a compelling storyline outside of comics with Superman without having kryptonite fucking everywhere.

Superman is not a good character.

No you stupid fuck. You dismissed the entire concept of challenge by saying the equivalent of
One of the most inherent qualities of video games is the challenge. About giving the player increasing difficulty to continue on, to keep them engaged. If you're a bullshit overpowered god from the get go and you destroy everything at the click of a single button, that will get boring very quickly.

t. never read a comicbook

superman is an interesting character if you know how to use it

It's not hard to make a Superman game, it's just that he's not that popular anymore. Edgy kids only want Batman in everything

>tfw SAC will never continue
>tfw the new Anime will be another reboot

Just make a GitS JRPG for fuck's sake

there's another new gits anime? when it drops?

no idea

Superman could work if they made it into a boss rush kind of game where the only enemies he faces are just equally powerful or really intelligent enemies.

>Superman is overpowered

Dynasty Warriors is all about being an all-powerful being and killing hundreds of immobile enemies that don't fight back,yet people keep buying that shit every flavor Koei barfs it out, be it China, Japan, Gundam or any anime that's popular at the moment.

I don't see why a Krypton Warriors wouldn't work, in fact I'd probably enjoy it more than muh benevolence.

Maybe even throw an Empires mode, where all the alternate universe Supermen try and unify the galaxy or some shit.

Okay, so if they wanted to make a good Superman game, they' start in Smallville. Clark is a teen, some shit happens (possibly time traveling villain), and first tutorial level gets you used to all the abilities you'll have as Clark himself is putting himself to his limit. Super powered beat'em up elements, precision heatvision use, context sensitive freeze breath, and end the tutorial with him flying (just steal the entire feel of that moment from Panzer Dragoon 2).

Then, the rest of the game mostly has you at full power, though there will be an upgrade system so you can do more damage with this, speed up that, etc. Fights will be scored, so you get bonuses for avoiding hurting anyone, and you have a way of sensing if people have evacuated an area (though you'll still be tempted to throw guys into tanker trucks for big bonus damage). During fights, scripted and unscripted perils to citizens of Metropolis will come up, press y to focus on them. Things like falling debris or a time bomb. You have to stop the danger or clear the civilians, and failing should come at a high cost to your score. Since Superman can go really fast (but honestly just forgets he can most of the time) you get a certain amount of "Superman time" when you can slow down the world but move fast, which you'll mostly use for civilian rescue and you can upgrade your meter as you go.

Besides that, a lot of ideas stolen from cancelled or old Superman games.

Ghost in the Shell is harder to adapt because there's many more characters and decent story, which means hiring more voice actors and other shit.

Superman is easy as fuck to adapt and program. Just make him invincible and there's your game. Don't be confused that this will be a GOOD game. It's just easier to adapt. Shit is still shit.

>where the only enemies he faces are just equally powerful or really intelligent enemies.
Like 95% of the villains he fights?

The problem isn't what he's up against, it's how the games are handled. We've yet to find a good balance between a flying sim and a game with excellent combat for the blue faggot.

I too watch Raycevick

>Dynasty Warriors is all about being an all-powerful being and killing hundreds of immobile enemies that don't fight back

Stop playing on piss easy mode. Chaos or GTFO.

Everytime there is a Superman thread, people without knowledge of the character open their mouth.

>Superman is easy as fuck to adapt and program. Just make him invincible and there's your game. Don't be confused that this will be a GOOD game. It's just easier to adapt. Shit is still shit.

Spoken like a true normalfag who can't be bothered to read a comic. You one of those cocksuckers that claim he's a plant too?

GitS had good attempts at trying. Just not official ones.

not him but
ok ok so he isnt just weak to kryptonite, he is also weak against magic
but then what magic users do you know about that are faster than super mang?
oh thats right NONE OF THEM
further more he's stated that he's ALWAYS holding back so the limits of his abilities have never been established
the only time he's a somewhat decent character is when it's an alternate dimension or timeline otherwise he's lame and is best as a supporting character

OP, each has its own problems. They're never going to make a Superman game where you have to play as Clark and solve crimes using your power discreetly. So they whole game ends up having S-man flying around and fighting shit.

GitS would make for an excellent game providing that they focused on story with bits of action. I actually just finished watching GITS SAC 1 & 2 last month and think that there are a lot of possibilities with that property!!!FACT!!!

>No XCOM/GitS game
>No Rogue Spear/GitS game


>then what magic users do you know about that are faster than super mang?
>oh thats right NONE OF THEM

Again, pick up a comic before talking out of your ass.

Don't bother mate, it's obvious that these threads attract the biggest retards who think they know the character

>They're never going to make a Superman game where you have to play as Clark and solve crimes using your power discreetly.

Another user posted it here before but the perfect superman game would be where you play as Lex Luthor and you have to use genius and cunning to finally kill superman while at the same time he can completely fuck up your plans.

Can't afford kryptonite if Superman stops you from stealing priceless diamonds etc.

thatd make a great visual novel but not a video game

>Cartoons and comics manage to create situations where Superman is in realistic danger and doesn't just curbstomp every enemy
>For some reason a video game can't do this
>Forgetting the Hulk game

So sick of this meme

DC has several good games badly marketed and with terrible business model.

I've always just imagined that Supermans super speed is more like a power than gis natural speed. You could slap him in the face and he couldn't react fast enough but you'd never beat him in a race sort of thing. He has to consciously activate it as a power sort of thing

he's holding back

Just unpower Superman. let him fly and hit hard but dont give him invulnerability to everything.
Give him enough strenght and enemies that cause lots of destruction so it becomes a bit of a managing game, do you want to defeat the villain quick but causing tons of damage to whatever part of the city you are in? or do you wanna go for a longer, harder fight to minimize damage? (at the cost of probably dying from protecting too many citizens)

The big point of Superman is that he wants to take care of everyone. but that is up to you.

Could you please link to 1 youtube video where superman is placed in a challenging and compromising position without stealing his powers, and where it would make for fun gameplay?


Maybe they could make a Superman game where he has to fight many henchmans until he could reach the final boss,and maybe it could have many types of henchmans.Some villians like Wraith,Parasite,Bizzaro could be good to be used like man-bat in AK,but instead to simple interact with them you would need to actully face them until you reach a final stage where if you beat them you would defeate them for good.

Superman's superspeed can be from flight,running or perception,he is faster during flight but he also is fast when running,but his perception is like our vision,it can shift according to the situation,if he focus on the situation he can see the world in slow motion(thats why he can move at high speed and still be able to make precise movements).

Injustice Superman is pretty good. Superman is a character that just can't work as a protagonist. There's no drama or conflict to a story when the hero is objectively more powerful than the villains. Almost every modern fictional narrative is an underdog story in some fashion in that there always comes a point when the odds look insurmountable and the hero looks destined to fail. Superman is never an underdog in anything he does, which is why he only really works as an antagonist.


>Main Objective:Defeate Doomsday
>Optional:Save as many people as you can
>Warning:Doomsday will return,you will not defeate him the same way twice

Isn't Lex the only superman villain weaker that him?

>tfw neotokyo pretty much completely dead at this point

It was the closest thing we will ever get to a GITS game

Stfu you mouth breathing retard, I had to play on "hard" in Gundam Reborn steamrolling everything with mass production suits for hours until I made it to the Musha Gundam fights and unlocked chaos mode at which point I was left with less than 25% of the game's content to enjoy.
And even then, mooks are still immobile and all the challenge consists of the named pilots.
It's fucking ridiculous I tell you

>Eyes over Heaven could have been a game good enough to compete with HotF if it had been All Star Battle +
>CC2 decided to go the Naruto route with it

...which GiTS are you even talking about you faggot?

Yep. The fucking f2p shooter abomination we got is steamy diarrhea on the name of GitS. Somehow even worse than the horrible live action movie.

You missed the point you fucking retard, stop getting butt blasted so easily and learn to read shit without inserting memes


cities cant load fast enough for super speed
game world too small for flight
can not do destruction well enough for strength

>You missed the point
Yeah, the point was
>Not everything has to be le dark souls!
If you or that user can't even hold a conversation without resorting to shitty strawmen, just fuck off from society.

The GitS shooter is decent enough, but last I checked they started doing the loot box bullshit, so I dropped it. Plus the community was dwindling anyway.
It could easily be adapted to a Shadowrun game, or any number of Splinter Cell/MGS/Siphon Filter games.

Superman is alot more straightforward, and shittier for it.

DC warriors
That would be fucking amazing

My nigga

Stand Alone Complex is literally the best licensed animu cash-in game I've ever played

Nah, a lot of Supe's villains aren't even in his pay grade like Codename: Assassin and Livewire.

>I'd probably enjoy it more than muh benevolence.

Liu Bei wanted to guarantee free health care and college for everyone by taxing the aristocracy. Most of his army was from volunteers running from donations of hopeful people who want to see change in this world. How can you not love him

Because Superman isn't very much about murdering millions of faceless mooks. And even then they're still pretty limited in their powerset. They're just ground bound warriors with weapons.
Creating a game with satisfying mechanics that capture the feeling and spirit of Superman is hard.
Especially for someone who's probably in it as a mercenary en devour.

Why not make Superman Budokai game?

Superman considering there is already a fantastic GITS adaption

>superman is weakened by a plot device or sent to a planet with smaller sun and doesn't have as much power
>some enemies use kryptonite weapons
>as he recovers his powers he fights darkseid-tier enemies
superman game is done

Or just have a city destruction meter

Why not just make a Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi game with Supes slapped into it?

But we can have a game where all you do is fighting Doomsday.

Fuck, that show was so good. Cao Cao and Sima Yi's actors fucking nailed it


Is the GiTS First Assault game like warframe or something or just pvp?

this, it's hilarious how people try to make out punchhardguy as some complex character that's IMPOSSIBLE to adapt when actually it's that nobody is interested

Just pvp, counter strike-y with character specific skills. Not overwatch or paladins power, it's focused on guns, the skills are there for spice most of the time.
Except the seeker drones and Batou's arm launcher.

Superman. Ghost in the shell would just be Deus Ex with faster movement and hacking.

There is a world of difference between being overpowered and being a fuckin god

Thanks, is it as good as Neotokyo or no?

>too strong
A ton of superheroes have shit like super strength and enhanced invulnerability but get games where random jobbers kill the player if they mess up, and no one complains.

Such a shame this died

I never played Neotokyo, so I can't compare.
It was worth $5 for me to get a Motoko skin as some kind of special, and put a bunch of hours in.

>and has been in a sense
My man!

at least Superman games have been attempted
i don't even know how a Green Lantern game could work



Just make an action game with gameplay developed around Superman's abilities. Give it to Platinum Games, since they're the best developers at creating deep gameplay systems with a lot of awe and spectacle as well.

I'm not saying some random joes with guns should hurt Superman, but it's not like you couldn't come up with a bunch of different mooks that could either. Like, say:

>various Brainiac bots
>various Luthor bots
>various Parademons
>various evil Kryptonians
>Shadow demons

And bosses could be:

>General Zod
>Lex Luthor in his power armor
>The Female Furies
>Mandrak, the Dark Monitor

Jesus fucking christ, have some fucking originality. It could be done. It wouldn't even have to be super different from anything else. Just make an action game in the same vein as Zone of the Enders 2, Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden, Devil May Cry, etc., but with gameplay tailored to Superman.

Just look at Injustice. It's a fighting game where you can beat Superman with literally any character, including Batman, the Joker, or Harley Quinn, it literally doesn't really matter. But we're probably never going to get a good Superman game because most people are fucking stupid like most people ITT and don't think it could be done.

He's actually impossible to adapt since he is too powerful

>super strength
>super speed
>can fly
>unlimited range instant death ray

It's just stupid, no way you can make the game challenging.

part of the fun of games like DMC, Bayonetta, etc. is changing weapons
Superman doesn't use weapons
he doesn't even have different fighting styles

You realize there are tons of incredibly powerful video game protagonists, right?


Yet no one ever fucking says shit about them, even they're within Superman's range and can basically do anything.