900 seeds

>900 seeds

I'm around 250. And that's after thoroughly traversing the entire map multiple times.

I can't fathom where they could be hiding nearly 700 more that I haven't found yet

What's your completion percentage?

Also why didn't Nintendo add a more thorough stats compilation page? They know people who play these kinds of games want thorough stats

Shut the fuck up and ever post in my board again.

>collecting little golden turds
>get a big golden shit in your hands for your trouble

This. Back the fuck off. This is Sony territory, bitch.

I collected a few naturally to get some upgrades but I will never be tempted to collect all of them

I got about 600 by the end of the game, just by exploring everything normally. Most people seem to get around 200 probably.

I'm not going to collect them either. 250 has given me more than enough storage space.

I just can't imagine the density of seeds necessary to give the game 900. You'd have to practically be tripping over them

Any places they are hidden that one might not know about? Other than the typical fruit tree puzzles etc


They are hidden under rocks, in bombable rocks too, I think, you have the basketball puzzles. Just find a guide. Some guy has done a 100% run of the game. Only took him 33 hours.