Along the lines of salt and sanctuary. Feel free to recommend something not in this 3
Metroidvania recommendations?
Axiom Verge. Literally a Metroid reskin and it's good too.
Axiom Verge is a little overrated imo, but it's pretty good. Dead Cells isn't a Metroidvania and Ori barely is.
Played Guacamelee? It's got pretty fun brawler combat that sets it apart and a unique art style. It's quite linear and a little too easy though.
I did, way back. I liked it
Momodora then? It's a pretty short but really solid game. Rabi-Ribi is good too, it's a bit of a bullet hell.
I was considering rabi-ribi, everyone here seems to love it but I was not sure it quite fits what I'm looking for
I'll check out Momodora, thanks
Rabi-Ribi's artstyle can be a turnoff, but it's definitely a metroidvania, just with bullet hell boss fights. Devs are still adding free content too.
What's the third title in the holy trinity? Can't make it out because phonebrowsing.
It's called a GuacaMulana
Shovel Knight
Thanks, user.
The recent remake of Wonderboy: The Dragon's Trap is a perfect example. Not shilling. Just saying.
Why is Zero Mission rated so high everywhere? It's good for sure, but it's just not a spectacular game or even close. The base mechanics are actually almost boring and the added content is DLC-tier.
Fucking fantastic remake of an okay game. It's just amazing to switch back and forth between original and new graphics and realize you're really still just playing the old Master System game. The new artstyle is gorgeous and adds so much depth to the environment. One of my favorite remakes of any game.
Axiom verge is extremely linear to start, and it plays more like a set of 1-2 room puzzle game than metroid
Just started hollow knight but its absolutely not worth it to explore at all until you get dash.
>little too easy
I'm getting my ass kicked while trying to get the true ending though.
Amr2 that high
-Axiom Verge
-Dust: AET
-possibly La Mulana - personally I got sick of it and quit, rather than use a FAQ to get through overly cryptic BS
Can you be more detailed then? "Metroidvania" is one of the most inconsistent terms in gaming. See this guy. Most would call him stupid, but honestly, do we have the right?
AM2R is not that good
>Fucking fantastic remake of an okay game.
>an okay game
It's one of the best 8 bit games ever made! I'll fucking cut you!
Didn't mean to reply to
I can tell, but I guess I was judging it as a modern game. It's impressive that it holds up so well, there's nothing really wrong with it, but the biggest impression it leaves after playing it is how great the new art is.
>Ufouria not in the list
Someone forgot to throw the garbage out.
Never heard of it, time to fix that.
my fucking nigger
>Hollow Knight
>God Tier
That is correct.
Why is Momodora/Hydra Castle Labyrinth on the same level as the original La-mulana, ESA, CotM, and Amazing Mirror?
Why is Castle in the Darkness and Harmony of Dissonance on the same level as Wonderboy, Metroid Fusion, Axiom Verge, Shadow Complex, Bunny Must Die, Ori and the Blind Forest, and An Untitled Story?
Dead Cells is currently way too short and not balanced very well
Wait a long while before getting it
>Why is Momodora/Hydra Castle Labyrinth on the same level as the original La-mulana, ESA, CotM, and Amazing Mirror?
Because they're all great.
>Why is Castle in the Darkness and Harmony of Dissonance on the same level as Wonderboy, Metroid Fusion, Axiom Verge, Shadow Complex, Bunny Must Die, Ori and the Blind Forest, and An Untitled Story?
Because they're all good.
I enjoyed Strider (2014)
Ignoring the controversial opinion of Momodora
>Hydra Castle Labyrinth
>Castle in the Darkness
Point taken. I'll probably move HCL down.
Is the Momodora opinion controversial? It's a bit short, but it's a really solid game.
Momodora has shit sound design and is extremely derivative
Valdis story and maybe seraph.
Sell me on the Hollow Knight. I'm really not a fan of the artstyle and I'm afraid it will tire me out.
Exactly how I felt when I first looked at it, I'm more of a sprite based artstyle kind of guy, but once I started getting into it and started getting more abilities, you see how incredibly well put together the game is. The combat and movement become incredibly fun and the world is probably the biggest I've played in a metroidvania. Ended up sequence breaking a bunch of stuff accidentally just because there is so much room to do cool stuff with the movement. The artstyle and atmosphere grew on me and I ended up really enjoying it in the end. It's a solid 9/10 if not 9.5/10 from me.
Unless you like standard platformers that slowly give you new movement and attack abilities, it won't be much fun for you.
I didn't like HK because it was just a bore to play
>Game starts off as a 4/10 and becomes a 9/10 so that makes it a 9/10
that's not how it works, user. La-mulana, for example, is a game that starts off great and only gets better. That's why it's a 9/10
How is dead cells?
It's fun, but I haven't wanted to replay it after finishing it once, and it's just not a finished game yet. I'd hold off.
It was just a bit slow is all, it took like 20 or 30 minutes before it picked up like crazy.
Is it possible to make a 3d metroidvania?
Well you can make an interconnected map like Dark Souls or System Shock.
System Shock
*cough*metroid prime*cough*
Tons of 3D games take elements from metroidvanias, i.e. Dark Souls, Metroid Prime.
are you retarded? what is metroid prime
Who /esa/ here?
Yeah but I kinda wish there was one with the speed of the 2d ones.
Finished it last year, amazing game. The end-game gets a bit too la-mulana-ish though.I love La-mulana, but it didn't seem to fit in ESA
I think Bloodborne is the best you're gonna get there, but it's less connected than Dark Souls.
He put it in as an optional string of content for a reason, it wasn't like you needed to do it to complete the game
What is Ninja Gaiden?
Came to post this.
To get the real endings you do. I'm too much of a completionist, and it was mostly ok I guess.
Ocarina of Time
Castle in the Darkness
Give 'You Have to Win the Game' a shot, its free on steam and I really enjoyed playing it when it came out.
If you like it they made a sequel called 'Super Win the Game' that's on sale for $1.99 right now.
What's wrong with the artstyle?
Too weeb-ish for some.
I've never gotten the hype over Zero Mission. Even for a game of its genre it's incredibly short and the final act is a horrible addition.
The backtracking to get all the super bombs is so pointless and only exists as a test of skill which is fine in itself but I'd like to be available throughout the whole game instead of having to wait until the very end when you will never need to use them anyway
"Some" meaning people with terrible taste.
Song of the Deep.
I heard Hollow Knight doesn't support controllers, is that true?
>Try to play Rabi-ribi
>Get frequent significant frame drops still
Guess it's time to upgrade, this is silly.
None, they are all steamy piles of shit.
It is too weebish and the sprites are too small and there's shading to anything. Looks amateur. And there's a fucking loli that follow you around.
Where's Shantae and the Pirate's Curse?
I have a question regarding the term metroidvania
I could've sworn it meant the Castlevania games that had metroid level design but originally no Metroid game was considered a Metroidvania
And then it changed to a genre
Am I just crazy?
Supports Xbone and DS4 controller natively, apparently it has problems with others though. It's weird because the devs have been great about patching issues but I haven't seen them address it.
I had to do some shit in big picture mode to get it to work on my Xbone wireless controller. Otherwise it fucks up and makes you keep going left
>And there's a fucking loli that follow you around
What's the problem?
Has a level select, not a metroidvania.
That's exactly what happened.
I don't even need to answer that.
Seems like controller support would be the most important issue for them to fix, what the fuck?
>I don't even need to answer that.
You do.
Doesn't seem like they recognize the issue on their end, their support thread in the Steam forums just says to download Joy2Key.
Do they expect people to play on keyboard?
Seems to be a trend with early access and kickstarter devs. Ive had the same issues on Dead Cells and Rainworld
Speaking of which, Rainworld is a real fun play. Not entirely sure if it counts as metroidvania but theres a fuckton of exploring to do and its hard as fuck
>I don't even need to answer that.
I think you're on the wrong website.
In your webm, is something attacking you right as you come out of hibernation?
I've had zero issues playing with a wired Xbone controller.
Do you have a 360 pad you could test?
If you can get past the graphics, Environmental Station Alpha is amazing
Sorry, no.
Thanks anyway
>graphics being an issue in a metroidvania
the hostile lizard that was hunting me somehow managed to sneak in when the room was shutting down. It seems to happen alot. I freaked the fuck out when I woke up
Also pissing off these things by stealing their masks causes all sorts of fuckery to happen
>Reverie Under the Moonlight at great tier
>Momodora 2 not even on the list
>Bunny Must Die at good tier
Print out that list and shove it up your ass.
I just tested a DS4 wired and it worked just fine too.
They are quite primitive
Not everyone can appreciate such low fidelity
>tfw love the Metroidvania genre
>tfw poorfag playing on a shitty toaster so can't play most of these games unless they went on sale on PSN or something
I played the first three Momo games a while back and I'm pretty sure they're entirely linear action platformers.
1 and 3 are, 2 isn't.
I'm also on a shitty toaster, try Odallus and Castle in the Darkness. You can also emulate the older Metroid and Castlevania games.