Which game deserved its score more?


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Witcher 3 is absolute garbage

Witcher 3, it's characters are actually characters and it does "large expansive world" better.

I like TW3 but it seems really overrated by casuals and normies because they haven't really had much experience with games better than the generic AAA shit. BotW also gets the casual and normie overrating for different, but obvious reasons. So honestly, if people rating them enjoyed them that much, both deserve their scores. But neither of them have those scores by my standards.


No, it doesn't retard. BotW feels like a breathing living world while the world of TW3 feels like a checklist.

>asking Sup Forumsintendo anything
dude don't make this threads manchildren will attack this thread in 1 min

>here's a list of shrines
>here's a list of Korol seeds
>go get'em tiger


Witcher 3 is a shining example of the fact that no matter how much you polish terrible AAA game design it's at it's roots still terrible.

BOTW is a gamechangers and important on the same level as Mario 64.

you are just a braindead nintendown

Witcher 3 is the most overrated game in the history in gaming in terms of scores and awards.

The reason people like it is because it has a "good" story and nudity in it.

Plus they circlejerk about CD Projekt Red being the best developer ever because of their "free "DLC" and their "large" add-ons

Though they seem to forget that the Witcher 3 had more bugs, performance issues, and gameplay/interface issues on release then Skyrim or Mass Effect Andromeda, and they never got shat on about it.

Depends on what you look at. Some would say that it's Witcher 3 since it was made in shorter time by a much less experienced team and despite Sup Forums's bitching it's still a very good game that did many things right.
BotW is heavily overrated (just like W3, don't get me wrong). It's basically stolen ideas from other games in one game. Fun sandbox for first hours but gets boring and repetitive very quickly. Game of "first impression" made for casuals. Map is constructed in a way that no matter where you go or how stupid you are, you will find something "interesting" but then the whole sense of real discovery is completely gone.
In my opinion W3 deserved it's critic rating more than Zelda deserved it's own. Some reviewers even call BotW "best game in history" meanwhile the best i've heard about W3 was that it's the "best game in years" or "one of the best games to date". It's typical Nintendo dicksucking. W3 exceeded many expectations meanwhile Zelda was disappointing overall.

They both have NPC's with characteristics though, so you see your post essentially doesn't make sense on any level.

So what? You find those things through exploration, not a by some icons on the map like in the TW3. And you're not even supposed to find them allm

>Mario 64

>Mass Effect Andromeda
Poor little Biodrone

TW3 really rode the coat tails of GoT, unintentionally but still benefited greatly from it.

So it's a shit game. Doesn't matter what W3 did, if you look at BOTW on its own it's fucking terrible.

Horizon blows the fuck out of both.

Skyrim did too. Dragon Age did too.

" "

It's one of these threads again

All thanks to shitty sites like Gamespot who made videos like "Why Witcher 3 is Game of Thrones of video games".

Kill yourself sony negroid


I don't know if they had the same parallels as TW3 does with GoT, but yeah, the setting had a spike in popularity in general. Anything marketed heavily at that time was gonna turn heads.

Witcher definitely, zelda games are dumb.

Breath of the wild. Witcher games are stupid

Thebull94 got cucked by ME:A being absolute dogshit so there's nothing else for him to shill this year.

Dunno what's the point of this video to be honest.
It's like comparing Witcher 3 to Skyrim and deciding which game did creating your own character better.

Zelda is for kids
Witcher is for adults

The Witcher 3 did almost everything better. The only thing that TLoZ: BotW does better is all of the fun physics stuff and combat that derives from that.

Maybe the fact that one game tried to create a believable world while the other is a soulless 'muh graphics' husk?

This post tells you everything you need to know about Witcher fans.

>Witcher 3 did almost everything better, oh except the gameplay

As far as im concerned BoTW is not even GOTS, while TW3 is game of the decade. Nier, Nioh, Tales of Bestiria, Horizon are all better than BotW. Just to give a few exemples.

This post tells you everything you need to know about Nintenbros.

>I haven't graduated middle school yet so my reading comprehension is lacking

Zelda is more fun. Witcher is just boring

What did it do better? Maybe graphics, that's about it.

Nailed it on the first post, congrats

>believable world
>repetitive fedex quests and content
>weapons destroyed in few hits
>shitty story
game made for casuls and it actually has more handholding than W3, it's just subtly hidden, it's made in a way that no matter where you go, you have to find shitty collectibles that do nothing


At least pretend you actually played the game
>posts a picture literally comparing muh graphics
Sony negroids are literally braindead

Witcher 3 is designed around quest markers, where Breath of the Wild isn't which automatically makes Witcher more casual.
Also the game is absolutely beautiful.

These comparison threads should be bannable



>Game of the generation

>Not even game of it's year


> nintendo games
> good

maybe if you are still in elementary school, in which case you must be 18 or older to post here

I post mature bait for mature shitposters such as myself

Nice one

Zelda at least tried to do something unique. WC as a shitty ubisoft open world game fit with bamham combat and all

back2mario and pokemanz with you manchild

The Witcher.

Most of Zelda's score comes from the fact that it has an absolutely gargantuan fanbase, especially given the fact that those fans literally have zero other games as an option so it HAS to be good. Zelda has fans young and old. People old enough to develop and review games are zelda fans, teenagers are zelda fans, kids are zelda fans. It's one of the most overrated games we've seen in a long time.

The Witcher hardly had any unfair advantage. A small polish studio came out of nowhere and quickly grew to the size they are now and made The Witcher 3 with barely a few years' worth of fan building, most of those years still spent as a relatively unknown studio. It had a lot more competition, and still managed to overcome.

The Witcher 3 easily deserves its score much more than BotW.

>better gameplay

>better story

>better protagonist
Witcher. Yes Link literally has no personality.

>better music

>better cast

>better world
It has far more variety.
Exactly what does BOTW do better than Witcher 3? So how did it get better reviews?

neither their both shit

decades of rabid fanbase building, and having literally zero competition for comparison's sake.

>it tried to do something unique

Such as?...

BOTW is more original. Witcher 3 is closer to a Skyrim reskin.


Open world game with a focus on physics. It's not a game changer by any measure but there aren't a lot of open world games in that vein.

Where as Witcher is just another generic open world game

Lol, nice bait there bro. That's a funny joke you told there. As if anything Nintendo would ever be a game changer


Yes, and you can go back to your mature game for mature gamerz.

The witcher 3 has over 800 goty. It deserves it.

>Exactly what does BOTW do better than Witcher 3?
Better gameplay

I put gameplay.
And it only gets the nod thanks to the wacky physics stuff you can do. Witcher actually has better combat.
>yeah it's not good, still better than BOTW

This so much.

What makes things even worse is that all the nintendo fanboys don't even realise this. Nintendo fans are unironically the most obnoxious on Sup Forums and anywhere else. I don't know if it is nostalgia or whatever but somehow these people just absolutely cannot accept that maybe nintendo does bad decisions and maybe botw is not 10/10 (hardly any game is) and maybe the switch does not have the quality of something that should be the norm.

>Witcher actually has better combat
i mean, if you somehow like an even shittier version of asscreed combat, sure.

>better world
God no, the level design in BotW puts TW3 to complete shame. Not to mention the fact that BotW's world is actually interactive.


it only lacks a big powww! in comic sans to be a children's masterpiece

Nice blog post user

>I only play mature games for mature gamers, such as myself


Witcher 3's combat is shit
BoTW's worldbuilding is shit

neither deserve marks as high as they got.

> i only play games with "artistic" graphic design to them for soft nostalgic weebs such as myself

nintendo makes games for children and casuals when will you finally admit it. they're not good for gaming

BOTW combat is even worse than TW3.Main difference is that TW3 actually attempted to make good combat, where as BOTW just hopes you use physics tomfoolery instead of straight combat.

This is agreeable. The music in TW3 is so damn good.

>expressing your opninion is now a blogpost

Played both to completion and it's undeniably Witcher 3.

Zelda Breath of the Wild is fun for 10 hours tops. It has no substance beyond the initial gimmicks of the interactivity found in the world.

Side quests are garbage, dungeons/shrines are trash, story is garbage, writing is garbage, enemy variety is complete shit.

Everything aside from the initial "woah, I really need to survive" is complete trash. Like, legit garbage.

I genuinely would argue that Witcher 3 unironically has better gameplay.

First of all it's an RPG offering far more replayability purely in the form of the builds/RPG elements (choice/consequence), whereas what does Zelda really have?

Breath of the Wild becomes a complete snorefest once you realize there's nothing to the game at all, no fun side quests, no interesting story/writing, nothing but shitty shrines and the same reskinned enemies over and over again.

The flurry rush alone makes even the combat system inferior and more casual than Witcher 3s.

The same can't be said for the Witcher. The quest lines were sublime and that's what made the world much more engaging to explore.

Contrast that with Zelda where I know that what's going to be on top of the hill is either a fucking Korok Seed (literal poop) or another fucking 5 minute shrine and I completely got bored after 15-20 hours of play time.

Why is it that Nintendokiddies are the only fanbase to overrate the fuck out of their exclusives?

Rarely do you see Sonybros on here claim than Uncharted is some "master piece" yet you see Nintenfucks shill pieces of shit like fucking Arms.

Zelda is a 5/10 at best, completely average. A solid base fucked up by the sheer repetition of the actual games content.

I remember being 18 fresh out of highschool and being self conscious of having to act and look like an adult because that is what I thought being an adult was. Then I got to know adults through work and other social events, and I actually realized they are only professional when they need to be in a workplace and formal setting, but behind closed doors everyone is kid and enjoys doing whatever they can afford and enjoy, and literally nobody judges because normal people enjoy seeing other people having fun and want to join in on it.

Then there is this place called Sup Forums where friendless antisocial forever alones sit and judge people based on their own insecurities and voids. This is you.


Witcher is a red spot following game that sold graphics cards.

Nice reddit spacing


Go play Majoras Mask and tell me Nintendo only targets to younger demographics.

Hands down TW3. No clue how anybody would give BotW above an 8/10.

How do you know what reddit spacing looks like, redditfag?

Never said it was good, still better than the shitty hack and slash combat BOTW has. It is basically a step above Skyrim.

>rated E for Everyone


you can have fun from anything you want just stop pretending like your game is the holy grail of gaming. it's equal to weebs that argue anime is an art in the same way literature and film is, you are living in another realm

Witcher 3 easily, played both on PC and Witcher 3 is the one I genuinely played to completion. I don't know how anyone can honestly say Zelda is the better game.

It became boring as fuck the moment you realize there's literally nothing to find in the world outside of korok shit and Shrines. Where's the fun side quests? They were all fucking fetch quest shit. Even those "COOL FUCKING DRAGONS" turned out to be more shrine bait.

>they're not good for gaming
They definately lack in having a library full of AAA single player open world RPGs that you enjoy so much. But as someone who almost exclusively plays plug and play competitive vidya with my friends either local or online setting Nintendo is always and will always be the best option. Rocket League is the only PS4 game I have that I truly enjoy. I don't own a single Sony exclusive. If I weren't wealthy I would hate myself for this purchase, but it makes me feel better seeing my $400 dust box plugged into a 14 inch TV, lol

never played witcher 3, but im gonna assume its better

>better graphics
>better aesthetics (botw uses way too much bloom in a lot of places)
>better framerate
>better story
>better world
>better towns / cities
>better characters
>better quests
>better after 10 hours[/spoilers]

Nice swerve

>and IF you keep talking about good games I'm going to call you a Nintenkiddie!



>Rarely do you see Sonybros on here claim than Uncharted is some "master piece" yet you see Nintenfucks shill pieces of shit like fucking Arms.
are we browsing the same board here?

Get a load of this fucking cry baby.

BotW is a milestone in gaming. Even the development team of The Witcher 3 have spoken about how in awe they are of it.

Keep crying.

Welcome to Sup Forums. Make sure to check out the rules and enjoy your stay!

nintendo is the best at:

> introducing casuals into gaming (wii being the biggest example)
> pushing the portable consoles meme as if true betas that play videogames ever leave their house
> having "artistic" style to their games aka we can't deal with modern graphics even if our lives depended on it
> rehashing the same fucking franchises for eternity

BTFO everytime.

Get me the last unironic Uncharted 4 thread. Shit, get me the Uncharted general on /vg/

Go on, i'll wait.


*Tips Spacebar*