Need some help, Sup Forumsrothers

Hey guys, my younger brother is going to play the viola for some kind of talent show, and he really, really wants to learn some videogame song or melody. Thing is, we're short of time and we haven't found anything good yet. I would apreciatte any help.

Sheets, songs, advices, anything.

>inb4 this ain't Sup Forums, faggot

Please keep this serious, I would like to help my brother at least once.

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Violinfag here. Zinnia's battle theme from ORAS is excellent for viola. You can easily find it online.

Final fantasy 6 intro theme. It's easy as fuck and beautiful

Hollow bastion from kingdom hearts

Zelda's Lullaby. Easy as fuck.

Holy shit, thank you guys.

FFX's "To Zanarkand" would be a good one if you can find some sheet music for it.

How long has he been playing for? has a good amount of video game music transcriptions

A year or so. He is pretty good at it
There you go faggot. Was it that hard?

Will look for it. Thanks.

Rules of nature.

Slap the viola too, just like a bass guitar. You can get a really nice percussive effect.

Does he do vibrato yet?

You mean pizzicato?

that would be plucking the strings, user

>not fitting a bigsby on your viola for sick tremolo

ISHYGDDT t. Sup Forums

I don't really understand every thing he does because I'm more of a guitarfag, but yeah, I think he's capable of vibrato

No I was just shitposting user, slapping on a fretless instrument with a raised bridge will sound like muddy ass don't do it.

>not using a floyd rose
might as well tell him to buy some beats by dre while you're at it
that was good, I laughed

Violin fag here.
How do I choose an arc? I played violin when I was young, then I went into music production and got an electric violin, but I cheaped out with the arc.
plx help

wrong board, friendo

All the shits are the same.

See him

Which is why I suggested

>Sup Forums
Terrible board to discuss actual technique. Sup Forums is filled with pseudohipsters obsessed with mediocre artists with even more mediocre bodies/faces.
Even /bleep/ turned to shit.

Another violinfag here and even her encounter theme is beautiful (and easier to learn if you are out of time)

Shitposting aside you can't mount a floyd rose on an archtop instrument like a viola afaik.

I've been playing for 5 years and I have no clue what you are talking about. I use an acoustic violin.

I cheaped out on the arc and it's really difficult for me to play it without the arc going bananas.
I remember, though, that my teacher told me that I had a heavy hand, so I should try heavier arcs. Maybe that's it?.

my best guess is english isn't his first language and he meant bow.

Nigga u mean bow

That's makes a lot more sense. Change your bow grip and make sure your shoulder is loose. Try to think about what your wrist is doing while you're playing.

>I stopped playing violin 5 years ago
Maybe I'll get my life together again. There's little else fulfilling as learning to play a good piece that fits the mood by sheer memory.

>started learning violin 3 years ago
>still sound like shit
>only now started with third position
all it achieved so far was wasting a shit ton of money, but private teacher is a total milf so it's okay.

lmao brain sperged out.
Yeah bow, lmao.
will try

I've always had this desire to move out to the country and sit on a porch playing songs like Lon Lon Ranch. It's a truly comfy feeling even if I'm just imagining it.

I always wanted a balcony to just play music to the birds like some Disney movie.

One of my best memories of playing guitar goes like this. I had this friend, really he was just a guy I smoked pot with and he was nice so we hung out a lot. He lived way the fuck out of town. Like 2 hours into Wakulla which is as redneck north Florida as it gets. He lived in a black trailer park off the main roads with no pavement to speak of and everyone was either dealing or living in poverty. Which is pretty much all of Wakulla minus selling drugs.

I went down there one time and was a little early and he hadn't gotten back yet so I took my Yamaha out, sat on my trunk and tuned it up then started playing blues scales and whatever came to mind. Before 5 minutes passed by a little group of black boys came to sit around in the dirt and watch me play from up on my stage on the back of my car.

Playing music in the country when theres no other sound but nature and passing cars is pretty goddamn comfy I TELL YOU HWAT.

What have you found so far?