>he's not even 4k mmr
explain yourself
He's not even 4k mmr
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw 3376
I've reached Master every season since the change from 1-100. I know I'm better than these diamond shits and most masters, but I'm always being held back by the solo queue life.
this is a dota thread kiddo now scram
I am 4600 since 2014 but then I realized I wasn't having fun so I only play with a stack now
>plays dota
>calls me kiddo
>plays overshit
>only 3k
worse. its mobashit
dota isnt a moba and overwatch is arguably the shittiest competitive game to ever gain traction
hearthstone is worse
>5k then quits the game
feels good.
>4K before shit update
>7.00 comes up
>dropped the game so hard I didn't play it except for friend invites
The only time I came back was that Diablo mission and I had to borrow a steam account to play it. now if only they add checkpoints, i got places to be.
>dota 2 in beta
>making friends in 5k
>still play with these friends today
>tfw 3.1k and they are still 5k
I still don't know what happened.
>Playing this poc since 2008 on WCIII
>Below 4k to this day
you have to actually research the game to improve not just play
Got some links to start?
I play ranked because of the lower percentage of cyka blats and people actually take the match somewhat seriously. If I actually cared about my rank I would stress myself into a conniption fit and wouldn't have fun.
t. 1k shitter
Esports ruined videogames
why not just play unranked
Because the people who speak English in unranked are retarded, don't know half the hero's skills or where to plc wards. They lack basic knowledge of the game. And it's most of the ruskies are after volvo required ranked players to link their cell phones.
What's the obsession with rank?
Why is it about a number instead of enjoyment of the game?
your unranked is probably even lower than your ranked
>arguably the shittiest competitive game to ever gain traction
go ahead and tell us why
Most likely, since I started learning the game by unlearning LoL and trial and error back in 2012.
>tfw just lost 100 mmr spamming Brood after getting her immortal from a friend
What do?
Overwatch "competitive" is just a simple exploiting of the match making.
You get to GM if you use a hero and are on fire most of the time. You will lose around half of the matches you play, but if you are often on fire you get more points for winning than you lose points.
Most "pro" player in Overwatch use ahk bots. They are not the best, but Blizzard can't detect them and they give a decent player god tier aiming and tracking.
stop playing brood
I know I should, but the memories of better Brood patches (or at least patches where shitters didn't know how to counter Brood) keep me going.
It's why I still play Techies.
>4k mmr in StarCraft 2
Kek, come back when you hit 5500 with the big kids.
>starcraft 2
starcraft has less strategy than dota 2 - unironically
where you lock yourself into a strat which you've likely determined before the game starts and then see what their strat is and by the time you or they need to adapt it can be GG right there, in Dota you still have options to win, I'm just saying Dota is a lot more flexible
>Most "pro" player in Overwatch use ahk bots. They are not the best, but Blizzard can't detect them and they give a decent player god tier aiming and tracking.
lmao @ the shit perma-plats convince themselves of
Well im just shit at it
you probably only have like 400 games played
How do you manage to play Brood when Sven and Lina are so popular?
cause my idiot team kept feeding
do you have a team?
>4k babies
come back when you actually achieve something aka 4.5K mmr
>lose twice
>haven't played since
that was 3 years ago
So long as BSJ remains at 7k let alone anything above 2k then mmr means nothing.
t. paco guadalupe rodriguez
le wat?
>have 2000 hours in overwatch
>can barely reach 3000 for a dozen or so matches every season
Really makes me want to kill myself
I went from 3.2k to 2.7k after a string of losses
Solo mmr, I played with Sup Forums and eventually /vg/ until I realized I'm going to hover around 3000 and never leave so I stopped
I stopped playing Dota as well for 2 months now because the new update absolutely killed the game and was largely the reason for my string of losses that led me to 2.7
Custom games are also dead and that saddens me greatly because pudge wars was fucking great before the try hards infected it