OG nier was better
OG nier was better
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It definitely was. But because Automata has waifubait in it, it attracted thousands of pathetic permavirgins hyping this game or ironically liking it to fit in.
papa was a better character than 9whine and 2Butts
Go replay NieR. Because you clearly haven't played it within the last few years.
I just replayed it user, gameplay was worse but what matters in a nier game (story, characters, music) are better
Gameplay in N:A was not stellar either
>Gameplay in N:A was not stellar either
Compared to the best Platinum games? Sure. Compared to NieR? It's night and day. NieR is a tedious amateurish mess compared to Automata. Even purely from a quality of life standpoint, Automata makes NieR look like hot garbage.
>story, characters, music
Characters maybe, music is arguable (but Automata executes it better in-game), story absolutely not. NieR's story is swiss cheese, so many problems could have been easily resolved if the villains were even remotely competent, and the meat of the plot is exposition dumped at the end. Not to mention that Automata's routes/endings are far better in terms of pacing and content, NieR just has you replay the second half over and over except with some added cutscenes and an extra crappy boss.
Automata has terrible pacing and the themes of the story are unoriginal and barely interesting at all though.
Does anyone have tips for fishing? It's the last thing I have to do and I keep catching the same shit at every location
I agree. The story in the original just hit home more.
But the combat wasn't as good as in automata.
Bitch, the music of the original was so good, they put it in automata.
>430 posts
>OG Nier was better, lets discuss the games
>9 posts, will probably die at 20
Automata is more popular than the original Nier. What do you expect?
It still is.
I don't get why people circlejerk over Cucktomata, probably the robot asses.
Music is bland spare 4-5 tracks.
Platforming and movement in general is abysmal.
Combat is the typical Platinum button mash shitfest.
Spells feel infinitely worse and about 60% of them are useless.
Great game Yoko Tardo!
>probably the robot asses
Literally this. Ironic weebs are the most lucrative way to make money these days. No matter how bad the game is, as long as there is waifushit in it they WILL buy it. Look at shit like Neptunia, Senran Kagura and other mediocre as fuck games that still sell tons of copies. No one would care about these games in the slightest if there were male characters in it.
>Music is bland spare 4-5 tracks.
The original game had like 3 memorable tracks
>Platforming and movement in general is abysmal.
Still miles better than NieR
>Combat is the typical Platinum button mash shitfest.
Still miles better than NieR
>Spells feel infinitely worse and about 60% of them are useless.
As opposed to NieR where the only relevant spell was Lance?
>terrible pacing
lmao fuck off shitter
>Music is bland spare 4-5 tracks.
>The original game had like 3 memorable tracks
Snow in the Summer, Cold Steel Coffin, Hills of Radiant Winds, Song of The Ancients, Song of The Ancients Fate, Wretched Automatons, The Lost Forest, Grandma, Kaine's Theme, Temple of Drifting Sands, Gods Bound by Rules, The Dark Colossus Destroys All, Shadowlord's Castle Memory/Roar, Shadowlord, Disposetion...I can keep going
>Platforming and movement in general is abysmal.
>Still miles better than NieR
Gravitating off and to ledges is "better" apparently
>Combat is the typical Platinum button mash shitfest.
>Still miles better than NieR
Shitty queued up animations that you have to cancel to get out of along with permanent autistic dodge spam in higher difficulties
>Spells feel infinitely worse and about 60% of them are useless.
>As opposed to NieR where the only relevant spell was Lance?
Dark Lance, Dark Blast, Dark Phantasm, Dark Hand, not to mention Dark Execution (spears) wasn't completely fucking useless
Along with terrible pacing, it has forgettable characters, boring story and predictable endings.
Yoko taro makes great games with compelling themes that make you feel something unlike any others.
However the fact so many important story details and plot to both NieR games are found in outside materials such as novels and the stage play make them hard to recommend.
The only reason OG Nierfags are acting so contrarian is because their beloved niche series is now mainstream.
Automata was better in EVERY regard. Even the story was more consistent and not riddled with holes like the first game.
That's less than 60% of the spells dude.
Automata has all of those, plus power wave, bombs, wire, blades, Gravity, the fact that the shield spells actually work now. The only crummy ones are healing and stasis (and even they have their use), and spears getting completely obsoleted by wave
I liked them both about the same, for different reasons
Nier Automata had ZA WARUDO
Literally nothing in the original comes close in terms of spells.
You're right, the story can't be riddled with plot holes like the first game, since in it's very essence it's one huge fucking plot hole.
Sparing the wall/magic absorb abilities, the original didn't NEED anything else.
Not with that fucking fishing it wasn't.
Why was OG NieR so comfy?
I love how pretty much everyone who says Nier 1 is better than Automata immediately demonstrates a knowledge of Nier 1 that borders on the obsessive. It makes it easy to totally disregard their heavily weighted opinion.
Can I ask something about the story?
The "humans" that were wiped out by the machines was all replicants right? So who made YoRHa? Was it replicants or something else?
>he actually cares for the game/franchise, so I disregard his opinion
The machines didn't wipe out humanity, that was dead before the aliens even got there thanks to WCS and the failed attempt to split body and soul after the shadowlord died. All the humans relapsed, went crazy, and died. Androids were put in charge of the replicant program, and they're the ones who did everything.
>one huge fucking plot hole
I'm assuming this is bait but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Elaborate.
Androids made Yorha. At the heart of project Yorha were the androids Pod 42 and 9S were based off.
>Nier Automata has bad gameplay
Haha, yeah, being knowledgeable about a certain game makes your opinion inferior to those who consumed the same game casually.
Not that guy but being overly into anything clouds your judgement.
Example: People who constantly read visual novels and get manipulated by "muh feels" unironically believe that their favourite VNs can rival masterpieces of literature.
>The only reason OG Nierfags are acting so contrarian is because their beloved niche series is now mainstream.
Not one of them, but i can understand how they feel as their rather obscure franchise given to the crowd like a Swedish girl who accidentally wandered into muslim ghetto. But creator decided he wants more shekels from more audience, nothing can be done about it.
All OG Nier did better was boss fights, and comfy towns.
Both stellar games though.
It had fine gameplay, it's just wasted on slow clunky robots that present no challenge.
Boss designs, Id say the majority of Automata's bosses were better designed fights. Although they look less impressive for the most part.
>it's "contrarians come crawling out of shitholes to shitpost about two great games" episode
It does though. You're too close to Taro's weird little fantasy world. Of course you would thoughtlessly reject anything other than the same static universe you spent so much time studying before Automata was even announced.
Plus, after wasting so much of your life pouring over Taro's shitty stage plays and other supplemental material you're probably really eager to justify the energy you've wasted.
Automata just has a lot of literal balls for enemies.
Are you even aware you're wasting your time discussing a game's universe you don't particularly enjoy? Wew lad.
All of them are some of the most memorable bosses in the whole game, and it fits thematically as all the strongest machines eventually achieve spherical form judging by the lore.
As someone who loves the game it pains me to say this but bosses were extremely underwhelming in Automata
The only really memorable bosses design-wise were Simone and Koshi+Roshi because of the perspective switching.
All the flight bosses were a meme. All the 2D plane bosses were terrible.
Some bosses were great because of their emotional impact but they were still weak from a gameplay standpoint (Red Girls, A2 hacking, Emil clones).
Juggling somehow equates to good gameplay?
Elaborate please.
>implying I'm not taking a shit irl while I shit on your argument here
The Nier franchise is great. The worst thing about Nier is having to talk to OG Nier fans.
I do sort of appreciate how the machines all share a common design and even the bigger badder or unique machines still look like amalgations of the same basic design with decorations just strapped on.
So about the same as the original Nier then.
>sequel comes out
>contrarians crawl out of the woodwork calling the first game better for no reason even though the sequel improves upon almost everything
The worst things about the series is having to tolerate the existence of Cucktomata/Faggengard 3 fans.
I enjoyed Automata better.
Altough, I played them in wrong order, so I got those wow moments backwards but I enjoyed them nonentheless very much.
I wish Taro gets the budget to remake OG Nier.
Did they fix the Nvidia crash?
We predicted it two years before the Automata release and it worked like clockwork.
Add summerfags to the mix too.
No it doesn't, literally everything feels worse.
You faggots are just shilling for it because XDDD le robot butts.
Nah. Only thing OG has over Automata are these:
>Grimoire Weiss. Pod 042 was surpsisingly great, but he wasn't as great as Weiss.
>Comfier cities. As Papa Nier said, "the world is winding down". As opposed to a fucking war going on in Automata.
That's it really. I was emotionally moved more in Automata, and playing it wasn't as much of a slog.
>literally everything feels worse
Go on.
>Comfier cities
Bunker has a really dreamlike feeling to it.
>discussing a game released this year that's now on sale on multiple platforms
God you're fucking stupid.
Automata was a mistake, the amount of shit headed ironic wiafu weebs that has flooded the fan base is sicking. 2B is a flat lifless character to boot.
No he isn't.
Best post so far. Literally this.
>2B is a flat lifless character to boot.
which is why she's not the main character, and rather just a lens for the actual main character.
i don't get you guys forcing automata is waifu waifu weeb weeb. i mean sure it was made in japan but i never felt it being too anime or did it contain fanservice for virgin betas in the game besides the internet reaction and fan arts.
yeah sure the butt was nice and all but that didn't distract me as much from enjoying everything in the game.
Have you seen the Automata general over at /vg/?
By your statement I can determine that you probably haven't.
Music in both games are almost identical though, this is just being plain contrarian. Also the "spells" are literally taken out of Nier with a few extras added on. The complain about the platforming makes absolutely no sense as it feels just as slippery as it did in Nier.
You're just being contrarian for the sake of it.
every single community on Sup Forums is shit
Not him, but as a FFXIV player who once went to check the /vg/ thread I can only imagine how the Atomata general looks.
>you're part of a project spurred on by an AI to fight an enemy invasion but a few rogue units you foil the plan to sacrifice all of your own to inspire the Android forces and prevent them from laying down arms and coexisting with the machine race created by alien invaders who were killed by their own creations once they realized that fighting humanity was a threat to their own existence but then realized that eliminating the androids would remove all evolutionary pressure and triggered an existential crisis at the core of machine network that culminates in the main characters learning that humanity has been extinct for centuries and the lie has been perpetuated by the machine network but the network's encounter with 2B, 9S, and A2 has allowed it to gain new insight on how to advance itself without perpetual war and we end with a glimmer of hope for a new future for life on earth
haven't played OG nier so I'm going to disagree with you
>play automata
>get first ending
>its supposed to be an emotional scene with 2B showing emotions and shit
>the whole fucking scene gets completly destroyed by the fact that her skirt is gone and she stands there in fucking underwear around the waist
Whoever thought it was a good idea deserves to get slapped. It wasnt like this in the fight, so it definitely was an intentional choice.
>reading comprehension
He said the endings were predictable, not the plot itself. And yes, the endings played out exactly how I thought they would with the exception of E, cause never before has a Taro game ended with anything resembling happiness.
i don't. i think Sup Forums just hates what the fanbase has become actually now that you mentioned it.
Waifu fags are the worst. They find something they like and they latch onto it becoming a very vocal minority and they demand the character be in every subsequent game and that they never grow as a character and keep the same shitty flat personality forever. They don't give a fuck about the game, it's story who made it the game play the music the atmosphere they care about 2B being the perfect (select your shitty waifu archetype) and the game series suffers for it. The publisher/dev sees "what the fans really want" and push creativity aside to keep them happy.
As far as "ree weeb" that's just people useing whatever they can to bash the game with. lets be realistic if you are on Sup Forums and not a normie you likely like jp shit, but you look for any chink in the aromor to bash others with and "weeb" is an effective one.
>fights one of the strongest machines on a planet who bombards the area with magical nukes
>dress gets torn off
and the problem is
>he missed the point of the game
The endings were supposed to be predictable because they foreshadowed the shit out of them. E was supposed to be the surprise because being trapped in a cycle of unavoidable and predetermined events was a theme of the game.
Platforming in NIER was solid and jumps felt percise.
The music which IS present in both games is more often than not a very shitty remix in Automata which doesn't do the original any justice.
Also do tell me how the spells "taken out of Nier" are better?
And as far as me being contrarian for the sake of it, I dare you to prove that the only attention this shitheap of a game got wasn't over it's weeb bait waifu cancer factor.
>leotards are underwaer
>is more often than not a very shitty remix
there's like 5-6 remixes out of 46 compositions
>emotional moment
>MCs butthole is taking up 90% of the screen
I don't know how predictable they were I wasn't expecting 9S to survive, I expected 2B was going to have to kill him even before knowing about 2E. B is the same ending, but once again I saw something unexpected when the whole thing played out with N2 sitting yucking it up in the background. And for D I didn't expect the machines built the tower to fuck off to space and you can even go on their gay cruise if you want. The only really predictable ending for me was C.
>Platforming in NIER was solid and jumps felt percise
In that case, I'll say the same about Automata, because I know you're full of shit as I've replayed both this month and they're both slippery as fuck.
>The music which IS present in both games is more often than not a very shitty remix in Automata which doesn't do the original any justice.
So why are you only focusing on the music that was borrowed? What about the other 40 odd tracks?
>Also do tell me how the spells "taken out of Nier" are better?
I never said they were better. You claimed the spells in Nier were better when most of the spells in Nier are in Automata in different forms, like the slam-down hammer and spears.
>And as far as me being contrarian for the sake of it, I dare you to prove that the only attention this shitheap of a game got wasn't over it's weeb bait waifu cancer factor.
Why does it matter how it got popular? You're literally trying your hardest to hate it just because it's popular. Your superiority complex over these games is so fucking stupid and pointless. Instead of being happy Nier actually got a sequel and has garnered attention, yoi're behaving like a child who doesn't want to share his toys.
You are the worst.
>every story must have crazy twists for it to be good
t. American
The fact that a nier sequel exists is nothing short of a miracle. Both are good for different reasons.
>Instead of being happy Nier actually got a sequel and has garnered attention, you're behaving like a child who doesn't want to share his toys.
this x100
>The fact that a nier sequel exists is nothing short of a miracle
EXACTLY like holy fuck I know it's summer but god damn
>Spells feel infinitely worse
Automata has all spells of original game and new, way more powerful on top of them, not to mention 3 pod firing modes with their own upgrades, ridiculous shit that is a level 3 pod b and 9S who can override pod program cooldowns as it continues to run while he's hacking.
I won't even bother with the rest of your post, shitheap.
>Automata has terrible pacing
Get absolutely fucked. It has non-stop action, and great pacing. It also doesn't make you play the same half part of the game 4-5 times. Nier has fucking horrible pacing compared to Automata, it's the one thing they fixed.
Endings and all second part of Automata look so fucking stupid. None of it would have happened that way if A2 just said one fucking thing to 9S immediately upon meeting him - "i have 2B backup data", she knew that he had every single reason to want it. But we wouldn't have had forced drama that way. so nope.
they were acting like irrational humans
>So why are you only focusing on the music that was borrowed? What about the other 40 odd tracks?
Only liked about 2-3 of them, namely the ruined city, the amusement park and the general boss theme
>Why does it matter how it got popular? You're literally trying your hardest to hate it just because it's popular. Your superiority complex over these games is so fucking stupid and pointless. Instead of being happy Nier actually got a sequel and has garnered attention, yoi're behaving like a child who doesn't want to share his toys.
Wrong, I've wanted a good Nier sequel since I first played it the day it came out. However this is not it, this is weeb garbage that has garnered the worst type of attention and has effectively set in stone that every continuation for both Drakengard and Nier from this point on will be cancerous weeb waifu garbage. I regret ever wanting a sequel at this point in time.
My only consolation is that these fucking degenerates have absolutely no way of going back and retrospectively ruining the actually good games.
>i have 2B backup data
No she didn't, she merely had fragments of her imagination. Not all her data.
Try actually playing the fucking game.
Could point the same flaw of Kaine not saying shit even though the understands Shadespeak.
>Only liked about 2-3 of them
No, you shit eating contrarian, Automata has tons of beautiful tracks for all types of situations, and there's no such thing as "general boss theme".
>Non-stop action and great pacing
>non-stop action
>in an RPG
I hope you get the worst form of cancer.
>only likes 2-3 songs out of a soundtrack with over 40 beautiful tracks out of spite
You're just a hipster.
Hating a game because of the ""fanbase"" is idiotic. Neck yourself.
>Automata has tons of beautiful tracks for all types of situations
I wouldn't call forgettable low tone tracks beautiful.
As for what I'm referring to a general boss theme:
I fucking double dare you to claim this wasn't used in almost every single fucking boss fight:
>dedicate entire adolescence to weird niche half-finished RPG
>immerse self in side works and short stories
>bend over backwards to defend it against perfectly justified criticism
>weird niche RPG gets a sequel thats better in every way
>normies like it
>tfw entire lifes work destroyed by normies liking the thing I felt unique for liking
I think you need to tighten up that reading comprehension.
The worst part about Automata, by FAR, is the fanbase it bought in.
Go check the Nier/Drakengard general in /vg/. It's almost entirely A2/9S/2B posting with the occasional very small burst of actual fucking discussion.
I FUCKING hate the effect 2B had on the fanbase, even pre-release. It became impossible to discuss the original because threads would inevitably devolve into POST 2BUTT.
Automata was a good game, very enjoyable.
I do prefer the original though.
I'm not hating the game because of it's fanbase, I'm hating it because it was specifically MADE TO CATER TO THE WORST POSSIBLE FANBASE.
If you want waifu cancer go play your autistic fucking Neptunias.