Dead communities


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traders and little broke kids dont count

Are you refering to L4D specifically or to the entire L4D franchise?
Because people still play L4D2.


Thank God for Overwatch.

more like... undead communities...

heh heh


Then what the fuck do you think

I think you're a fucking idiot if you make a thread about games with dead communities if the community is actually still there and just moved onto the sequel.

People who bought L4D1 were shafted big time by Valve. They shoved everything into L4D2 so if you were stupid enough to get L4D1 you basically only got a years life out of it. I'll never forgive them for it.

Also this is after they made a blog post stating they'll never abandon L4D1 and will continue to update it as regularly as their other games. Total lie.

Ughh. try again, pumpkin

pretty sure L4D1 content wasn't available in L4D2 at launch

But it's so slow, how can you stand it? I think I managed to make myself play it for like 12 hours before crawling back to tf2.
At least the new quake might not be too bad.

[F] Pay respects to sourcemods

2 years life then.


Some of my best gaming memories came from Wc3 and Source mods.

>Sup Forums whining about free shit
Valve sure was an evil company for screwing those L4D 1 buyers out of $60 by releasing content for free into L4D2 two years later. They shafted EVERYONE by giving L4D2 away for free on multiple occasions, too. Such an evil anti-consumer company.

The fact that they ported over to L4D2 at all is a big fuck you to the customers.
They still sell L4D. Why? The entire game is in L4D2 now.
There's no point in L4D being up for sale anymore, yet it's there.

The first time they gave away L4D2 was in 2013. That was 3 years of the L4D community slowly choking to death.

L4D1 has none of the special infected from L4D2 so it's a mildly different experience that some communities still exist in.

Honestly, how exactly does porting over content from the sequel screw customers? If you got over 2 years of enjoyment out of a game, why wouldn't you buy the sequel anyway? Especially considering it was very good, many would argue better than the original.. Also, the L4D1 campaigns were ported to L4D2 long before Valve did it thanks to community modders.

Also they give away so much shit because they know they need to make up for their shortfalls. EA gives away games all the time on Origin, their shareholders don't do it because they're nice.

>Valve in 2013
They are the biggest and richest game distribution platform. Releasing a first-party title for free wasn't because shareholders told them to. Valve didn't do anything wacky back then to warrant an apology.

God, I miss when l4d1 was super active. It's a shame more people don't play it since it's bursting with modded campaigns that are better than the vanilla ones.

what are 38k doing on that game this long after launch?
it's been years since Ive played a L4D game but my memory is of fun co-op but repetitive game modes with almost no story?
are people just making runs on the same map over and over and over?

>L4D1 has none of the special infected from L4D2 so it's a mildly different experience that some communities still exist in.
The L4D1 Mutations. (Single and Multiplayer)
The entirety of L4D is in L4D2. Literally. So, there's no point in having L4D on sale anymore when L4D2 exists as it is now.
Honestly, how exactly does porting over content from the sequel screw customers?
Because then you bought the same game twice.
The point to buying a sequel is so you buy a similar, yet new game.
When they ported everything from L4D into L4D2, then anyone who bought L4D essentially wasted $60 or euros or whatthefuckever.
And that's why they waited to do it. So people would buy the second game in the first place knowing they're getting that similar yet new game, not expecting the first game's content to be in there.

you're STILL salty about this? How many years is this even ago?

Well, there's also a slight combat difference in l4d1. Zombies don't act as magnets to you like in l4d2. In the second game they'll run at you and then snap in place to your side which throws off shit. L4d1 doesn't pull that on you.

>He forgot about the workshop

>everyone is playing the same Tank arena custom map
>servers have no interesting addons like climbing anymore
>people who host their own server but use cheats
how do i get an enjoyable experience Sup Forumsros?

I am still mad, too.

I will never forgive valve for this

Play the game with friends like it was intended

dont have any

I'll play custom campaigns with you user

wait, wait, wait, you're telling me left4dead 1 didn't have that fuck-lazy retarded perpetual zombie zerg training at you? because that was the laziest, most dogshit mechanic ever and was so tedious i just played all the campaigns on easy to see them and then uninstalled that piece of shit. Maybe the original wasn't so bad if it didn't have the "hurr here have this relentless zombie zerg have fun realizing the entire game is just rushing from safe room to safe room as fast as possible because this fucking zerg never stops"

Yup. The first game doesn't make you feeling like a slow moving punching bag. It's more fast paced and smoother.

Neotokyo has been dead for a few years now. There's a group called Active Neotokyo Players and they play every Friday, but other than that there are no people playing.

Left 4 Dead 1 was MUCH better than L4D2

I played the first one for hours upon hours and the second one maybe for half an hour, lol.

They have given L4D2 away for literally free a couple times now. If people are stupid enough to not get it, they don't deserve to play it.

Strike Vector
Quake Live

Lots of dead games

I still can't either. Doesn't help that I really liked the first one but didn't really like the second. Don't forget the firs was shipped literally unfinished and remains valves buggiest game. Seriously try booting it up right now and testing the credits, protip they're broken.

I'll never give up on L4D2

>Valve founder Gabe Newell has responded to the accusations by assuring it will still be supporting the original title.

>“Doing a sequel in one year is new for Valve,” said Newell in a written statement published on news site Kotaku. “But providing ongoing support for our titles after the initial launch isn't - it has been part of our philosophy since Half-Life was released ten and half years ago.”

>“We see no reason to change that and will continue to support the over three million customers in the L4D community,” he added.

You guys don't get it. They lied to us. They said they'd never give up on L4D1, but then a few years later they forced the community to merge over to the second one, which was a totally different game to anyone who actually played L4D1.


That mod was a lot of fun. f

DotA killed custom maps.
DotA 2 and LoL killed the DotA Community
Fuck Valve and Riot.

You're a moron

L4D1 maps are indeed much better but thats it.

Shiva stacking in a corner made the game a total joke and thats why they created spitter in 2.

The best experience by miles is to play map from the 1st in L4D2.

Valve lies often.

fuck this game had the best bants and the best maps, an era lost

I was doing fine for once until I clicked this picture. I remember being in packed servers with friends spamming banshees and non-stop playing Red Queen


Used to go round my bros, session wc3 custom games all day like sheep tag and shit, then blast out zm etc, best time ever

I hope SC:BW brings back custom games there because i'd love to play Raccoon City again but dammit my expectations are low

Me too. It just wasn't the same game

more like left 4 dead communities haha

the only thing that is fast about tf2 are soldier/demo rollouts and scout

the rest is slower than OW

Why would the sequel be the same game?

>tfw L4D3 never ever
All the game needs is smoother animations and coherent maps. The formula is near perfect
Fucking GabenJew. I could even deal with loot crates and survivor cosmetics which will most likely kill the workshop. Just release something... anything

>make shitty mod
>shitty dev copies your shitty mod
>makes a battle royale mode that actually makes the game fun
>sells it standalone
>yet another dev (that actually isn't trash this time) comes in and fixes 2nd guy's shitty designs and bugs
>sells 4m copies of his game in 3 months

You could say Valve left them for dead.

There's so much evidence suggesting that L4D2 is not only in development, but also quite advanced. Yet, we hear and see nothing about it.

I have a theory that VALVe never stopped making games ; it's just that VALVe time is not constant, but instead expanding.

I believe that the VALVe HQ has a weird anomality, causing everyone to enter the development department to act in slow motion, severely hidnering the development of new games. This effect has increased over time. Some developers will most likely never return to their home as they've wandered too far away from the exit to be able to make it back in their life time.

rumor is the only people that work on TF2 is a core team of around 10 people. Anyone else they add to their team is a newbie using it to learn how to work around valve.

They can tout their corporate system as a good idea all they want, it's shit, and Japanese devs make better games with way fewer perks.

That map with the old barn house and the giant tornado was THE BEST, THE BEST

It's been known fr a while now that valve have dozens of unreleased projects. Apparently they complete entire games but Newell pulls the plug at the last minute. It must be a horrible place to work now. No wonder the original HL2 developers are gone. You slave away on a game for years and your work is shelved for nothing, and then one day you realise the only way you'll ever get some recognition for your artistic talent at the company is in microtransactions.

Sourcemods like
>Fortress Forever
>Zombie Master 1.2.1 & ZM2
>ZPS (Actually not sure on this one)
>Obsidian Conflict

What's that game that came out around 2011 which was like empires mod except smaller maps?