You say you can save Bethesda right? Well user, let's hear your bright ideas!
You say you can save Bethesda right? Well user, let's hear your bright ideas!
Burn it to the ground.
Bethesda doesn't have this many women working in it, or at least they didn't last time I checked. This looks more like Bioware.
Fire Todd. Bring back Lefay, Kirkbride and Peterson.
Enjoy good games.
Step 1: Cancel the paid mod program.
Elder scrolls you dumb fucks.
Picture this....
On PS Vita
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: iOS Edition
Just buy my fucking mods.
nah, the women in op's pic aren't 500 lbs
just how are we suppose to make money then mr. bright ideas...
Make a new engine for Fallout and Elder Scrolls
Let Obsidian make another Fallout
No paid mods
Scrap Quake Champions
Make Toddposting mainstream.
I know you think you're being funny but seriously go fuck yourself dude.
>inb4 it actually happens
By making a good game that people will want to buy, not just for the game itself, but for all the great (and free) mods they'll be able to use, which may also inspire them to create their own mods with the new toolset, which is much more powerful but also easier to use.
vita is dead though
>good bethesda is bankrupt bethesda
user. people already want fallout and skyrim. we are not making any money if we go with the "free" route. We give content creators incentives to create for our games and gives customers content.
I'm sorry but you're not cut out for this business. you're fired.
she's fine... damn, i wanna rape her in those skyrim caves.
so is the switch
How about stop doing rehashes of games that people have already paid for at least twice? How about stop being lazy fucks and develop games?
I have a good idea, but show me your tits first.
Not that guy, but here's my two cents.
Your sales are dropping and dropping hard and the fan backlash about the stupid paid mods is beyond damning. You know what the most valuable fucking thing in the industry is? Loyal and happy fans. Those fans will defend your actions without any need for you to spend a dime and by these abusive practices, you are driving more and more fans away. The company is a JOKE to people now.
You need a new title in a beloved series, or a new IP that gets people excited and it needs to be more than the absolute bare minimum required to get the drones to buy it, because that method only stabilises a drop and sustains your numbers, while you need to get MORE fans and buyers.
I wanna fuck her armpits.
Buy Obsidian
He means actually dead, not "I want it to be dead cuz consolewarz" dead.
Alright. First, you'll need to take off your clothes.
I want to give her breast implants.
We're expanding to different platforms because not everyone might not have every console. This gives new players who never played skyrim or fallout or old vets a chance to own a copy with all the new and upcoming dlc.
I'm sorry but you're not cut out for this business. you're fired.
First, suck my dick.
Oh and you want my big idea? The thing that will get all the fans you've alienated back on board?
Co-operate with Obsidian. Combine your technical expertise, engine, gameplay and power with their writing and character design.
If they bought Obsidian, they could just gut the company and the fans will hate them even MORE. By collaborating, they stand a better chance of actually making a good product.
I've never worked for you, I'm just a NEET that wanted to see Todd in person to tell him how much he sucks at creating videogames.
>Upcoming DLC
Yeah, we both know that's not happening. And why would the people who already own the game on the PC (by far your largest market) or another console buy it again?
The only people who are going to buy Fallout 4 or Skyrim on the Switch are newcomers to the series; everyone else already has it. That is a MINISCULE market that you are wasting money on, as not everyone who buys a switch is going to be a fan of the genre, or willing to shill out for a SIX-YEAR-OLD game.
i just want to rape her.
Why dont we uhhhh. Buy out a few of the graphic reskin mods, like give em 3k and aks them to remove the mod, thne repackage and sell Skyrim remastered with those mods as "official" on all the systems we already sell on.
We continue to make profit by expanding to different platforms. in 2015 we have more buyers on the console market so it is wise for us to expand our userbase. We wouldn't continue to be doing this if we're not making any profit.
I've got a great idea for Bethesda's next game. A follow up on the best selling Video Game™ of all time, Skyrim! We can call it The Elder Scrolls™ V™: Skyrim™ II, and we can just reuse the same assets and story from the first game! Doesn't that sound like a good idea team?
>Bethesda after the complete piece of trash that was Skyrim
yeah no, still haven't bought F4..
That sounds fantastic! You sure are intelligent, and probably handsome, kind sir!
Make a new engine.
Do a remaster of New Vegas. All bugs fixed. Jsawyer mod is standard.
In 2015 maybe. What about overall sales? What percentage of them are on consoles as opposed to PC? Further, this data is two years out of date; the figures for 2016 and the first two quarters of 2017 are far more relevant now.
Thats not the point user. Our primary focus is selling copies. history shows time and time again people will pay for another complete copy on a different system. providing new content drives sales. content providers help us doing that.
>All bugs fixed
Pick one
>No bugs fixed
I'll take two, please.
Remake Elder Scrolls Adventures: Red Guard.
Too expensive and takes too much time. We're thinking about moving to unreal engine 4
You're thinking far too short-term. Those numbers are not repeat-buyers; they are new customers. This is a well that is rapidly being drained. If the company doesn't start considering long-term investment, i.e.: a new game, you're going to suddenly find yourselves without a source of revenue!
Put a tax on Toddposting
We have a large portfolio of games that we're trying to appeal to the mass market but its nowhere near the success of elder scrolls or fallout
the evil within
if this is not enough then please let us hear your new game ideas
fucking this, after starting the DLC rat race, the murder of fallout and elderscrolls and now trying to start another shit fest with paid mods, let them rot.
Jsawyer mod fixes most bugs. They can take care of the rest while doing a proper remaster.
Also somebody just got full house dubs, and I want to know who.
Just make them a smaller company, like in Morrowind days.
fire todd
Morrowind Remaster.
Fire the writing team. You might as well hire Bioware rejects and it will still be an improvement.
It's already begun
Doom, Dishonoured and Wolfenstein were all critically acclaimed and popular. They made bank; just not overwhelming amounts. Not every game is going to set the entire market on fire, but they do serve the purpose of attracting new fans and keeping existing ones loyal.
You will never please everyone at once; instead you need to target your games to a core demographic and pull in as much of that niche as possible. Bethesda still has at least an echo of its immense popularity with RPG fans, so they are an excellent group to target with a game that appeals heavily to them; likewise you could make a game that targets your growing basis of FPS fans.
Another Elder Scrolls or Fallout that focuses more on the RPG elements and divergent gameplay, rather than just shooting your way through every problem, would work wonders. I realise those series are the company's comfort zone, so they'll be an easier risk to justify to investors. Ask the fans what they really want to see in the next game and listen to their feedback; you don't have to bow down to their every demand, but compromising or taking ideas on key topics is paramount to this strategy. Bring in lead modders like Trainwiz, Elianora and Kinggath and let the passionate and talented members of your community (whom you've already recognised can be exploited) become key contributors to the next title.
I cannot stress enough that a partnership with Obsidian will work WONDERS for your image, especially if you offer or outright hand over creative direction and writing to them. Not only that, but 'outsourcing' is a great buzzword to throw at those investors.
If you feel a new IP might be a good idea, well Obsidian is again your friend; they own much of the talent that used to make up Troika, who have a proven pedigree working on White Wolf's property. If you approach them and pitch the idea to White Wolf Publishing, you might be able to secure the license for a World of Darkness or Exalted game.
Let's fire those worthless cunts behind you and the token fuccboi, hire a bunch of guys who actually know how to code, and build a new engine instead of keeping this Gamebryo garbage on life support since 2007.
On the creative side, we can fire anyone under 6'4 and replace them with men who don't vote democrat, don't wear rainbow anything, and don't have last names like Goldbergriversteinbaumwitzshter.
Basically, We keep Gamebyro and release a more casualised game to appeal to a wider audience. We then create a "paid mods" system but we don't actually call it paid mods. Normalfags will eat this shit up and Bethesda will get millions.
Not just have a team on that and let them do it I guess, but it better be done by this time and we got this much budgeted to you
Actually do some fucking work for once
Doom is already irrelevant because beyond the technical advance in the games industry, becoming a standard for benchmarking, that's purely Id's expertise at work there, and they only worked on singleplayer. It's already irrelevant because what makes 90s Doom STILL RELEVANT is how portable and moddable it is. You shot everything off the minute you added Denuvo and split the engine three ways. You baked everything in, instead of making an engine that can swap stuff in and out with a simple .ini or .lua edit.
The multiplayer is cancer and Snapmap is held back by multiplat release.
Oh yeah, focus on PC games only. You can't wow the world if your ambitions are immediately stumped by shitty platforms.
If you don't wow the world (promises of well done open worlds etc.), you need to release a lot more games instead.
Fallout is a fucking abomination, sack Todd immediately. And everyone who backs him. You understand jack shit, so no point in talking about it.
Wolfenstein got some things wrong, and you tried too hard to make it yours. You just needed a competent shooter with some twist - not start with the twist and then just keep running the twist into the ground while you do cutscenes and setpieces like you're fucking Man in the High Castle: The Game.
Quake Champions is a miserable disgrace. You outsourced and now you got jack shit to show for it. Get a real, inhouse development team set up, and bake it for another 3 years minimum. Actual good games are known for taking their time without anyone knowing, only compromising when you run out of time and money - not start off rushing it out of the gate.
How about, when we say
>"See that mountain? You can climb it."
We actually make the mountain climable?
That's all well and good, but what about the meantime while the in-house team gets itself running and cranks out its first game? The company can't survive that long on its existing games and relying on The New Colossus to tide them over is far too risky a proposition.
They need something in the interim. This wouldn't be so big of a problem, if they hadn't already mined Skyrim and Fallout for all they're worth, as if they hadn't already done it, a re-release for a new system would give them the revenue bump to get them over the transitional period. As it stands, a whole new game is needed, which requires a significant investment of time and resources. We might have to push back the schedule for that inhouse team to 5 or 6 years, rather than starting right away.
I like the idea of a solid shooter with a gimmick, but what kind of gimmick are we talking here? And what makes a 'solid shooter' in the first place? This might be what we need to see rolled out in order to give Bethesda time to find its feet with its core audience again.
If you casualise the game, you run the risk of making it so bland, it appeals equally little to everyone. There's a danger in going for too wide an audience, just as there is in going for too niche an audience. Ideally, you want to make your game appeal to a certain demographic or lovers of a particular genre, but make it so good that it draws in fans of tangentially related styles.
>If you casualise the game, you run the risk of making it so bland, it appeals equally little to everyone
Why are you saying that like its some big revelation? All you need to do is point to Skyrim.
Clean house for writing staff
Put emphasis on QA testing games
What we made our gameplay-
Some people need the obvious pointed out and given that Skyrim is STILL being pushed, some people need it pointed out with a mallet.