ok seriously this isn't funny anymore
Ok seriously this isn't funny anymore
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck that.
Who's excited for this
>shitty meme funserver
>worst expansion
Why do people false flag as people that don't exist?
>worst expansion
In the trash.
Are the Murlocs at Stone Cairn Lake in Elwynn supposed to run away before they die? If that's the case they aren't running away now. This is enough for me to stop playing.
>That music
>Those friends
>Your guild
>Your first shoulderpiece
>Your first helm
>Your first EPIC
>Your first mount
>Your beautiful main
its 1-2 elysium shills who try to garner attention by using their version of reverse psychology, not realizing that nobody cares about WoW anymore.
Release date when?
>worst expansion
Here's your (You)
threads with angry wojaks wearing company hats get shitpost replies that are required for a thread to survive in current day Sup Forums.
just try to make a thread that doesn't piss anyone off, it'll 404 in 5 minutes
It already has open betas at weekends, release very soon.
Did that custom class maker server ever come out? I love making broken characters.
Why would you make this thread?
If you want to shill your favorite private server just shill it, don't pretend anyone who even plays WoW anymore gives a shit.
>flying mounts
>giving horde niggers paladins
>attracting inviting ERPers into the horde with elves
>not fixing racials
>65-35 horde/alliance distribution every time if horde privelege isn't addressed
Lets face it, legacybros. We fucking lost. Everyone who was supposed to be a voice for us resubbed and they're encouraging their fans to do the same. The movement is dead.
>Everyone who was supposed to be a voice for us resubbed
no, I quit WoW. no private servers, no retail. fuck WoW and fuck blizzard
Is there a good, well populated WotLK server out there? Any good Cata servers?
>You make an Orc (Proud) SHAMAN
>You make your way to razor hill after playing WC3 so many times hoping to find Thrall. only to hear he's in Orgrimmar up the road
>You see the giant gates, people dueling and having fun outside
>You enter the bone and stone structure and you hear the grunts and drums hit your very core
>Your horde pride swells and you can't help but shout FOR THE HORDE!
Last i remember on Nost and retail they did
Blizzard is too busy DDOSing ff14 at the moment
>can pay for wow subscription with ingame currency
>private wow servers still exist
All murlocs run away at low health.
>playing retail
gummy's server has the retail scatter/run mechanic down, the rest don't.
samething with leash distance, elysium/nost sucked at it.
there's quite a few things mechanics-wise that private servers just haven't been able to replicate properly, especially regarding pet behavior and movement
is there a single reason to play a private server rather than the official server?
Please shut down Elysium so people will play on Anathema.
>he didn't played vanilla, or even fucking retail wow
>he doesn't know that fucking feel when you'd be dead with more than 2 mobs on you
playing the actual good expansions and not having to surrender your play time to the dirty jew only to continue playing
the question is, is there a single reason to play the official server rather than a private one?
gummyshills need to fuck off and kill thineselves. your funserver will be DOA.
yeah, more than 200 people online
official legacy servers will never exist, or if they do, blizzard will fuck them up somehow.
pick a launch, relive it for a few months, then quit, cause it's going down the shitter.
retail would have far better luck since corruption can be limited, but just as in the past, the chinese cartels/sweat shops will take over retail too, just as they do the private servers
> Trying to retain what you had as a child
> Too stupid to realize you enjoyed the aspect of undiscovered content in a new game
> Thinks vanilla was fun when it was just as shitty as any other expansion
You should take off your rose tinted glasses. You will never feel like how you did when vanilla WAS retail. Move on with your life.
>wc3 , SC Diablo 2 remastered
>wow still no signs of legacy servers
elysium/nost was going pretty well, until it was found out that the server staff were completely corrupt, all original developers had left, and the paypal used for donations were being funneled to some russian girl, who didn't even manage the server costs herself. also, the fact that chinese were allowed to buy ban immunity and unban accounts for cash by the supposed lead of the project.