Did you manage to discover a secret in a vidya gaem so well hidden, that you can't even find any info about it online?

Did you manage to discover a secret in a vidya gaem so well hidden, that you can't even find any info about it online?

I remember when I was playing harvest moon back to nature as a kid I was autistic enough to keep hitting a single NPC over and over again. Turns out, if you keep hitting any NPC with a tool until your stamina runs out, while the screen fades to black their sprite will turn to bloody mesh for a second.

Other urls found in this thread:


I accessed the infinite or possibly 255 lives glitch in Separation Anxiety before there was an internet to speak of. Does that count?

is this some creepypasta shit or are you for real
vidoe evidence? documentation?


The bloody mesh stuff.

>discover something weird in a game
>think it's an ultra-rare secret
>turns out it was only a bug

who cares post more kot

I found mew under the truck

You can drift cars in Shadow the Hedgehog

i found the extra lives thing by jumping on the polar bear in crash 2 because i enjoyed jumping on his head. nice surprise.

I love jazz!

why does kot have bread?


no blini for you

he can't even eat that cuka blyat :D

Don't bully the kot

His name is jazz, not kot


I know, I'm following his instagram

It means “Don’t bully the cat”

name of the account?

Yeah, Ratman passing by the stairs for a frame or two during the ending sequence of Portal 2 in the elevator.

I was playing king's quest, mask of eternity. I was messing around as a kid, trying to hop up the side of this wall and I got up there, to see an endless flat plane. Then I saw an easel with a portrait sitting on it. I got close enough, and it was some person's wedding picture, maybe of one of the developers. Never been able to find the portrait online.


My ex-girlfriend told me about that exact same thing.

I prefer kot to jazz

The secret boss of Parasite Eve has an attack that drops your life to 1, but you can cancel it if you use Liberation while it is charging the attack.
Apparently almost no guide mention this.

you mean this?

Yeah that's the one. I'll need to send this to my mom, she didn't believe me at the time.

I remember finding out something on NES Punch-Out against the reason of Glass Joe that I couldn't find anywhere on the internet

I genuinely think that game still has secrets undiscovered

Yes, but I can't tell you about it. It's a secret.

lol hahaha

autism in it's purist form from op

I found the secret room in the warden's office in Batman Arkham Asylum while messing around, but I found it the day after Rocksteady showed it off.
Nobody believes I found it by being autistic enough to try and blow up every wall.

I believe it

Don't worry user, I also believe you are super autistic.

The police in GTA 4 deploy snipers at high wanted levels

No one else believes me but after turning on the explosive sniper cheat my car kept exploding during chases. I finally noticed blips appearing on rooftops, though I never saw any actual cops.

Also the shotgun shoots slugs at a certain range instead of shot. You only get one larger bullet hole, and it remains super powerful at range


In Shining Force, I once made Yogurt appear at Chapter 7 town. He came down running from the North, stumbled on a few buildings, then ran off again to the south. I've never been able to replicate it or seen it mentioned on the internet.


uhh in pacman 2 you can get pacman to fuck his wife off camera


stop posting kot

I was the user who kept making those running to the edge of Oblivion threads, might find something eventually

are you still at it?

Reached the end last month where my character started melting, I made a thread about alternate dimension Oblivion afterwards as a little addendum to the journey. I'll do another thread/stream soon

what can I search for in the catalog to find it easy when you do make a thread


The Spongebob Squarepants Movie game had some secret costumes that I accidentally found but could never find the codes for. I just mashed buttons on the pause menu and managed to get the ripped pants costume.

What type of cat is that? he's super cute
