Why aren't you playing Tree Of Savior right now Sup Forums?
It is the cutest and one of the most fun MMOs released in the past 20 years. You have a multi/custom class system unlike all those other shit mmos that force you to pick a class with no customization whatsoever, and the combat is actually really really fun.
And it is free on steam, so pls download so the game doesn't die
Pic related. This could be you right now banging a QT whilst playing
Also,the devs have been updating and balancing the game non stop
James Ramirez
I quit forever ago. It was cute but wasn't worth much else. I miss /tosg/ though, there were lots of nice people there.
David Hughes
If they honestly thought "Tree of Savior" was a good title, that leads me to question every single design decision they've made. Just like xXxEPICMEMELORDxXx'S BATTLEGROUNDS.
Justin Cook
>wasn't worth much else
there isn't enough content for 24/7 play with just 1 character, but they are adding more guild stuff, and there is GvG and 5v5 ranked arenas now which are really fun
They are also releasing rank 9 this year, and we are probably going all the way to rank 10. Game is still not completely finished, but already fun to play and invest time
Nolan Parker
gooks gonna gook, but the game actually plays really really well. It is [spoilers] fun
it´s addictive to kill stuff
Elijah Garcia
I played multiple characters and lead a guild. There was nothing to do once you hit R7, which was the cap when I played and the game was a horrible mess of bugs, design flaws and dev incompetence.
Oliver Williams
Game is fun but "end game" there's too much of a focus on silver grinding for advancement purposes and the end game dungeon is stupid since it takes weeks of running it to get armor and over a month to get weapons. But you can play the game and have fun for hundreds of hours before you notice that, it's a good game.
Levi Lee
everyone on Sup Forums should try this
don't let the game die Sup Forums
Ayden Sanchez
Did they fix the janky character animations?
Logan Miller
I remember this game being hyped as the "savior" of MMOs. What happened?
Xavier Collins
They fucked everything.
Mason Diaz
It was released before it was finished and people run out of things to do
in a few years this game will be in its proper form, but it is great to play right now - you just wont have 24/7 stuff to do in it once you reach highest level
It did save MMOs, it is the only mmo I actually played in full since Everquest 1
Gavin Ross
If it did save mmos then why is there a thread begging people to play it and not let it die?
Asher Foster
Because of /vg/ - Only people who already play the game see threads about the game. That is why from time to time I post it on Sup Forums so new players join it.
This game lacks word of mouth is all
Josiah Hall
have they add other faces yet, default looks unironically like downs
Angel Lopez
The game lacks half decent combat. A few skills and spamming auto attacks on damage sponge monsters is trash design.
Daniel White
Joshua Williams
there's more to games than being cute
like not being faggy p2w garbage handled by retards and being inferior to games it's trying to imitate (ragnarok online)
Levi James
please elaborate
Austin Miller
Yes i heard this is the spiritual successor of SUCK MY DICK with your shit MMO
Joseph Nguyen
This game has a severe lack of being in a good genre i.e. not MMOs
Jaxon Peterson
they didn't fuck anything, they made the game better. They are even integrating completion journal as something for all characters rather than individual ones, so if you give up on a character you can just make a new one and keep your ladder progress
they still need to patch swordsmen though, they suck in pvp
Zachary Thompson
Would be better with some class balance and less ridiculous grindan. I wanted to like it, I love the idea of the class system, but it just got real tedious, real fast.
Joshua Torres
sorry but I only heard bad things about this game from steam reviews not touching this shit unless you provide proof that the devs are not incompetent
Xavier Ward
Sadly the game is just a worse RO.
Jason Phillips
I've only heard bad things about it, and I'm usually pretty picky about my MMOs.
Also, it's published by Nexon.
Grayson Gutierrez
It was fun when i used to play daily with a br friend even if the game is terrible. I miss those days but there's nothing i can do about it really.
Nathaniel Turner
as far as I know it's only published by nexon in the gooklands
Jose Bell
But they have a huge amount of influence on the developers, is my point.
Elijah Rogers
Everyone playing the game for PvP was retarded, Korean MMO pvp is almost never good and it wasn't even good in RO. They are talking about reworking it though, right now it's pretty much just anyone can one shot anyone.
The steam reviews are a ton of angry BRs at launch about the "staggered early access" thing that they had to abandon due to backlash.
Nathaniel Ross
Played it in a beta. It's a huge mess as far as skills and classes are concerned.
I just wanted another RO ;_;
Ryan Ross
You shut your whore mouth, RO PvP was amazing.
Austin Hernandez
>Stand in a ball inside magnetic earth and cast spells to kill people zoning into areas with all spell effects turned off
Idk how anyone can pretend that was good.
Wyatt Powell
Because stats do fucking nothing to make your attacks stronger, whats the point in an mmorpg that doesn't allow progression? Also dungeons have massive desync issues.
Justin Rivera
Is the best choice still stacking +damage from every element and using classes that multihit/hit very fast? That shit was so dumb on launch, way to make 90% of classes shit.
Wyatt Foster
How Tree of Savior has been fixed over the last year:
1. Redid the entire stat and skill formulas to a percent based system
2. Optimized the game's performance to a notable degree
3. Rebalanced classes, most builds are viable now
4. Lessened restrictions on non-Token users
5. Added party queing and queueing for 2 to 4 players
6. Completely removed the quest themepark, you can get from level 1 to 330 and never touch a single quest if you so choose
7. Any kill count or exploration exp cards you earn are shared between all of your characters, including any new characters you might make
8. Increase default character amount to 8 slots
Leo Perry
The negative reviews aren't solely due to their scummy practice of the early launch. Did you forget how absolutely unplayable the game was for about a year when it "launched"?
James Mitchell
i've been playing the game for a while, with the free item pack on steam its been an ok experience. the most irritating thing is that you can't use the marketplace until a week after you start playing. i started with archer and i've been treating it like a worse, more grindy version of bastion. there are completionist aspects to the game like filling out the whole map or talking to unmarked npcs for optional quests but the game's nothing to write home about. i'm enjoying my time, at least.
i can't say i'd recommend this to anyone. the lag isn't bad at the times it does occur (especially compared to other nexon games and i've seen the fucking worst of what nexon's neglect and incompetency is capable of), but it's... just kind of not amazing? i don't know. lots of fun by myself, but i'd fucking hate to play this game with friends both because the game's got nothing going for it other than grind when you ignore completionist stuff and knowing that i'm making other people suffer in my lame korean mmo games with me.
the best thing i can say about it is that when you've got a build that works, it feels really fucking satisfying. i'm looking forward to getting scout c3+rogue so i can double flare and other bullshit. the character models are also nice when zoomed all the way in, but the player head jittering at anything other than max zoom ruins it a bit. it's one of the only mmos where i've picked playing male over female because the male scout's costume is great, but i'm already regretting that decision because all unique costumes are locked to gender AND base class and male archer has no good costumes. it's kind of lackluster in all departments i guess.
i think the most fun i've had with it is looking for item completion chests in each area. that's not a good bar to set, even if it is fun for my worthless autistic ass.
Joseph Gutierrez
they had their chance and it was shit. not going to get back into the mess
Josiah Phillips
Sounds good but I don't believe it for a second
Noah Edwards
Dropped the game before even coming out officially.
John Ortiz
Fuck yellowe-eyed flower petal and fuck this game.
Jonathan Mitchell
Do some research. It's all true.
Ethan Brown
I tried to play with a friend, but we had a really hard time sticking together while leveling. It seemed like we kept getting split up, and it took forever for me to kill bosses solo as a healer.
Adrian Allen
Did they fix the shitty quest drop problem where either there's so few monsters that drop the item you need, the drop rate is ridiculously low, or both that it takes hours to finish?
Dominic Cook
>Completely removed the quest themepark You better not be lying to me! That's the main reason why I stopped playing. After getting in a bottleneck with my highest leveled character I decided to try another build to relieve my boredom but got sick of repeating the exact same shit again, thinking how I would have to repeat that many more times when I decide to try other classes.
Kevin Kelly
Now you can basically just ignore quests. Grinding normal mobs and dungeons nets a lot more exp, there are hunting grounds dungeons, Map exploration and kills counts are how you get a majority of your exp and the few missions you do will be easy to keep together on
Sebastian Lee
One of the things I've really disliked is the lack of cool passive skills. All the classes only seemed to offer active abilities. But I only played OBT.
But I'm willing to give it another shot. Are there any viable summoners?
Adrian Price
Mmos in general are terrible.
I doubt this is any different.
Joshua Murphy
It's a particularly bad example of one.
Benjamin Ward
>accidentally get block because I play solo >lmao be shit for the remainder of the game because the only thing that matter is dex Minmaxing was a mistake
Robert Cruz
Can you spoon feed me the hunting ground leveling spots? Im downloading the game rn
You don't get bottlenecked anymore, however you still have to quest to 50 and queue fot the dungeon for the game to open up more afterwards
Parker Wright
William Garcia
I don't mind the bottlenecks but I don mind the themepark leveling.
Alexander Hughes
>trying to get people to play this shit It deserves to die with how incompetent IMC is. The "renewal" patch managed to make the game even shitter in terms of balance. Go back to your dying /vg/ thread.
Landon Reyes
balance is hard
the game is fun and has potential. The more players, the more $$$, the more balanced it will be
Colton Young
Anyone who has played the game long enough can tell what needs to be balanced. Problem is IMC doesn't. Their customer support can't even answer fucking questions about the game. The game has made plenty of money from steam and they've squandered it every time. There's no reason to put any faith in ToS becoming better and it is just denial at this point for those who still play heavily. Enjoy the shit they feed you my friend.
Levi Ward
How did it remove the quest themepark exactly? Did they do something like nerf the exp cards so hard you're better off just grinding?