Will Obsidian get it right this time?
Will Obsidian get it right this time?
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They got it right the first time, they'll get it perfect now.
they already got it right țb́ĥ
>a post-avellonian obshitian
>getting anything right
it's time to let go
>mfw during his entire questline
fuck rpg codex
They have fanbois who will buy whatever hunk of crap they pump out.
They have no incentive to excel.
Depends. I think just tightening the script will do wonders for PoE2.
The sub-par combat (at release was a total mess, haven't played since) and lack of combat xp made it feel like such a fucking slog.
There's just something so rewarding about playing RPGs on hard settings, taking on a monster way too tough for you, winning and getting a shower of loot and xp.
Every time combat would end in PoE it was just like "Well, I guess I can get to the next text box now."
>[Lie] "Yes."
>lack of combat xp
I was going to give the game a try, but that sounds awful.
>The sub-par combat (at release was a total mess, haven't played since) and lack of combat xp made it feel like such a fucking slog.
Your opinion is very important to the RPG playerbase, please keep us informed.
I refuse to touch this pile of shit because of the Vailian Republics. It's one thing to feature "diversity" in your game, I don't give a fuck about this usually, but just painting Italian city-states black disgusts me somehow.
I've never dropped a game because of this kind of issue before, but for the first time in my life a video game actually offended me. Fuck Sawyer.
You get combat XP but there's a limit on it. Basically you only earn XP on the first, say 75 beetles you kill. After that you don't earn XP anymore by killing them.
Just tell me Durance will return too, or FeelsSadMan.
>When you raise the price of your game for the summer sale so that even on sale it's more expensive than it was regularly.
Why is Paradox trying so hard to pull EA down from the throne of being the most shitty publisher on earth? Will they succeed?
Its not as bad as it sounds as you get plenty of xp from quests and other stuff.
The real problem with pillars is that its just kinda bland all over.
They only raised the price in 3rd world countries.
>The real problem with pillars is that its just kinda bland all over.
Damn I wanted to try it too.
I've seen this thread with these two posts about 4 times already.
PoE is about the best playing cRPG i've played. I feel like they really nailed the pen and paper feel without having encounters get bogged down in garbage.
Wish it had better writing and less dull world though
Wait for the project from Tim Cain and the other guy with the slav name
Third world countries like the UK? Gotcha, senpai.
>Third world countries like the UK?
Yes, exactly.
You're just asking for a smug reply
What the fuck kind of pen and paper have you played that threw literally thousands of enemies at you? You should punch your GM in the dick and never let him GM ever again.
For the sake of my enjoyment, I hope they do!
Not sure how your comment applies to what I said
At least sawyer admitted encounter design sucked.
You rather them Italian city states were a bunch of fishmen then just like they did with the Maori/Polynesian culture?
Get a mod if it bothers you so much.
>I feel like they really nailed the pen and paper feel without having encounters get bogged down in garbage.
PoE is 95% combat, rest is pick a dialog option in a box. It couldn't be more different from pen and paper if it tried, and if your experience with pnp is anything similar to PoE then you should look for a new group. That is all.
>At least sawyer admitted encounter design sucked.
You are delusional, he admitted it was nto perfect, these is how sane people view their own work - with a healthy dose of self-criticism. The encounter design itself was great overall and PoE has some of the absolute best encounters in CRPGs ever like the twin dragon fight from White March Pt. 2. The only problem with it was that there were literally to many fights, so Sawyer removed some of the more trivial ones that were not as challenging most of the encounters in the game.
*not perfect,
*this is how sane people view their own work
*too many fights
Fucking special snowflake
More like PoE is 95% uninteractable dialogue that has no impact on the game
There is some SOLID impact to get around. Better than most games, thats for certain
>More like PoE is 95% uninteractable dialogue that has no impact on the game
Kek, yet those 5% contain more roleplaying than pretty much any RPG out there apart from New Vegas.
They could have come up with different cultural elements, I have no problem with a black sea-faring merchant nation, it just bothers me when you basically duplicate a real historical culture, mix the language and clothing a bit up and then paint everyone black. I like my fantasy worlds plausible and convincing, Valians just look like cosplayers. It's distracting as fuck and feels cheap. I would feel the same if they included a nation which is clearly and obviously inspired by the Chinese Ming dynasty and made everyone look like Indios.
Doesn't help that the world-building in general is mediocre.
Oh shit nigger, just look at all this roleplaying!!!!
>NPC reaction changes based on your character generation and advancement choices as well as in-game story and quest related decisions
>some of those character generation and advancement choices also open alternative quest solution paths
>not roleplaying
You're a special kind of retard, aren't you?
Well, see, if you consider this roleplaying then we have just established that Skyrim has more of it than PoE. Yet you keep acting like PoE is doing something special.
>sawyer in charge of fun
>Skyrim has more of it than PoE
Except it doesn't. It doesn't matter how you count the NPC dialogue reactions, PoE has more of them. You haven't posted a single thing in the thread that wasn't wrong yet.
Also, many retards badmouth Skyrim needlessly for the sake of appearing hip and cool. Skyrim is a RPG, it has multi-solution quests with alternative solution method availability being tied to your character skills, deal with it.
What you posted was PoE's total. What I posted was only one NPC type's reactions. While guards are the most reactive NPCs in Skyrim, they are not the only ones. Combined, Skyrim's reactivity far surpasses PoE's.
>This time
Pillars of Eternity was flawed but still great, and the expansion was even better. As long as it doesn't get worse from here, Deadfire is gonna be a great waste of my time.
Should I still play it? WTF happened?
Paradox increased the price for a few countries.
people finally played it after letting it fester in their backlog
Tyranny was a fucking mess. I have no faith left in Obshitian
Paradox increased the price of the game right before the Steam Sale. The backlash caused the prices to revert in the U.S. but I think other places still have to pay more.
>Combined, Skyrim's reactivity far surpasses PoE's.
Wrong, you've never played any of the games, but, then again, I didn't expect you to post anything right in the first place, so it's OK.
>WTF happened?
Same thing that happened with GTAV.
Hit like a ton of bricks
You act like such an insufferable arrogant faggot I have to wonder if your master plan is making everyone hate you and the game by extension. If that's the case, keep it up, because it's working.
Christ. I hate Sup Forumstards.
Vailian Republics are great and I'm looking forward to more of their involvement in Deadfire.
Just learned the first one is coming to PS4 in August, nearly came all in my pants. My toaster laptop can barely run it.
CEO posted on their forums and claims it's steam's fault it's hard to undo their mistake without being pulled from the sale altogether
Imagine making a giant fucking mess and blaming the floor for not being receptive to your mess or attempts at cleaning it. And thinking any of that somehow constitutes an apology to your customers
>dropped poe twice
>hyped for deadfire
weird feel t b h
Yes, I'm acting "arrogant" because I have actually presented an objective, quantifiable metric that describes the scope of roleplaying in PoE - actual fucking numbers. Meanwhile, the only "argument" you have presented is: "Skyrim has more, I s-swear!"
If this is what it means to be "arrogant", so be it, but at least I'm not a retarded child like you.
what happens? never used him, I normally use the shark girl because her spin is insane
He better
>not playing arcanum
Paradox are jews and increased their prices for a bunch of countries. Basically all their games have mostly negative reviews now.
>actually playing Arcanum in 2017
>not having played it to hell and back a decade ago
>objective, quantifiable metric
>you never played the games and everything you post is wrong
That was the Z team. Believe in Balanced Sawyer-Senpai-Sama.
if you're over 25 and still on Sup Forums you should get your life sorted out m8
I hate how the AI targets priests in this game. They will be getting destroyed by 3 guys in melee and still choose to ranged attack the priest. Even if there's only one left.
over 18 more like
So you still have no argument by virtue of not having an objective, quantifiable metric to describe the scope of Skyrim's roleplaying? It's OK, child, don't be upset, I never expected anything else from you in the first place.
haha this /thread absolute shit game no memorable characters or story plus everyone looks like a mongoloid with shit combat
shut up virgin
I'm 29 with a good job, girlfriend, and a nice car, I still come here for the bants and shitposting because it pleases me, what now white nigger?
i just realised he got scales on his breastplate
Sawyer is OUR AUTIST
>Obsidian: Hmm, animating gun reloading for NV is hard
>Sawyer: Say no more *proceed to buy a bunch of guns and bring them to the office*
I'm 27 and I'm doing a M.Sc. in a STEM discipline in a good university in an actual country. I also play over 50 hours of vidya per two weeks. What now.
Dude was supposed to be the next leader of his mayan tribe, but the old leader had to teach him a great power first, he was not deemed worthy year after year, until a rival tribe attacked and defeated them all, the elder died and Zahua never learned that skill, he traveled all his life to find that skill somewhere else, and at one moment he made it back to the tribe, he tried to release them, but it was too late. The males were weak and slaves already, and the women were carrying the babies of the conquerors, they told him it was useless.
During his Questline, you both get stoned while he tells you this story, and he finally reaches the conclusion that great skill or not, he could not save his tribe, and had to let go of it at the end. (well, depending how you talk to him, he either lets go, or becomes a machine of revenge)
now I jack off to 2d traps
Every time I try to play this game again my computer freezes up after about 5 minutes. I don't understand why.
>Uhh, gridning is bad lets remove most of combat XP!
>but obsidian, removing combat xp means you need a way to avoid combat, and maps should have careful level design to allow several ways of passing without fighting
Maybe for the sequel they'll actually hire a level designer?
Or maybe they'll get their head out of their fucking asses and realize that their pretentious aversion to combat XP is retarded since they're fucking trying to emulate classic RPGs like baldurs gate?
I want to live until I'm a 100 and I want to post on Sup Forums on my last day in this beautiful planet
>Or maybe they'll get their head out of their fucking asses and realize that their pretentious aversion to combat XP is retarded since they're fucking trying to emulate classic RPGs like baldurs gate?
I suspect this is what will happen.
I liked Durance, the addition of firearms, and the exploration of BG1.
Combat worked.
Story was passable, with some bits great. I really liked the whole Godhammer thingy, which tied in with Durance.
The world was boring, really.
I'm a little optimistic about the setting of 2, as the coast and undersea area of BG2 appealed to me. Characters don't look all that interesting.
I'll buy it most likely.
I reckon they'll keep the no xp thing but tighten up encounter design significantly.
>without having encounters get bogged down in garbage
but getting bogged down in garbage is what literally 90% of combat encoutners boild down to.
The other 10% is braindead easy single monster encounters, like that one optional dragon fight that had to be the lamest dragon I've seen outside of skyrim.
>The encounter design itself was great
>lets just throw 10 identical enemies with no thought of tactics, level design, or anything
Along with shooting and hunting/fishing, games is my other hobby when I get home from changing batteries in fire alarms and wiring houses.
I have plenty of time to talk about games here.
>like that one optional dragon fight
Which one?
the one in the volcano
so not a real dragon, cail is just a drake.
Sky Dragon, Alpine Dragon, Adra Dragon - these will teach you.
I liked that fight. Also, technically, wasn't that a Wyvern? :^)
>gridning is bad
It is. XP is a valuable resource. Being able to accumulate limitless amount of a certain resource with no repercussions is bad.
>lets remove most of combat XP!
This is a good idea, because it potentially allows the devs to create a system where most quests and encounters can be completed in different ways, yet give the player the same or equivalent rewards, regardless of how many enemies they've killed. This is a good system, because it does not "force" the pragmatic players to kill every enemy in sight for maximum character advancement.
>Maybe for the sequel they'll actually hire a level designer?
It's not a question of level design. Certain rewards being locked behind combat encounters is fine, as long as those rewards are not mandatory for progress. It's also fine to lock certain rewards behind non-violent solutions. There's literally nothing wrong with this. If you don't want to fight that pack of bears in an optional, non-mandatory encounter, just don't fucking seek out that encounter.
PoE's real problem lies in the fact that the majority of encounters that are mandatory for progress do not have alternative non-violent ways of completing them.
What I really want from PoE2 is the ability to complete the game with minimal killing AND I want this method of progress being dependent on your character skills, stats and other character generation and advancement choices.
It's a drake, you dumb fuckign cunt.
Man i feel bad for you
When you see a real dragon you are gonna shit yourself, except for sky dragon, that girl is easy
Still hit like a ton of bricks, tho. She just doesn't have the massive fuck you stats
>lets just throw 10 identical enemies with no thought of tactics, level design, or anything
That's the worst part of it, encounter design was completely divorced from level/map design. I dunno how they fucked that up when they had the IE games to look back on.
I did all of them, I called out the lamest one.
None of them are as cool as the bg 2 ones anyway.
>It's a drake
and? It's a big lizard that breathes fire. You expect anyone outside of /tg/ to give a fuck about the proper name?
you are a dumb nigger.
meanwhile, on icewind dale
>first few encounters with orcs are all varied, with the orcs showing tactics, and using combined arms, sword and shield up front, archers on higher ground, shaman in the back summoning monsters and buffing
If you're gonna remove combat XP every combat should be put on the game for a reason, every single one should be well thought out and meaningful.