Who was the most piss easy boss in Dark Souls and why is it spooky wimp?
Who was the most piss easy boss in Dark Souls and why is it spooky wimp?
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covetous demon and pinwheel
honorable mention: celestial emissary
Moonlight Butterfly
I haven't played any of the other games though.
Covetous Demon
Celestial Emissary
>in Dark Souls
>lists Demon's, Bloodborne, and Nioh bosses
It's part of the greater Soulsbioh franchise
Moonlight butterfly was comfy. Reminded me of Touhou.
I dunno, I actually died to this guy first time because of the janky armpits of doom. Who knew there was just area of denial.
Nah, the instakill poison will catch a lot of people off guard the first time they fight Wolnir. Meanwhile most people have probably literally never died to Pinwheel and many have probably never taken damage from him at all.
Prowling Magus and Congregation and Pinwheel are both much easier. Wolnir can kill you if you don't realize his fog kills you pretty much instantly and he can be really fucking annoying to fight if he decides to hover his right arm out of reach all the time.
Moonlight butterfly killed me so many times
Gaping dragon was easier aswel
Dragon Rider in DS2
Don't forget that many people also didn't know about the bracelets. Nowadays everyone knows so he rarely even gets to spawn one wave of skeletons before getting destroyed.
Pinwheel is a pushover.
Yeah same here, this gimmick was kinda annoying. I died to him the first time then never again in multiple subsequent playthroughs
Same I thought he was mandatory. I could run from the bonfire to moonlight with my eyes closed.
I dunno, he does have a little extra challenge if you get unlucky and all he does are moves that put his armbands out of range (like when he summons his sword).
I died to the skeletons that spawned inside the room
>carry some obvious first-time player through the entire catacombs along with his also obviously new phantom
>kill reds along the way, practically have to beg him to ignore the last invader and just go through the fog gate instead of getting baited by him on the collapsed rope bridge
>he runs right at Nito 2 Eclectic Bonegaloo and Wolnir just bum rushes right up the little bit of hill there is, nigh-on-immediately killing him in the miasma
Whole thing took like an hour and a half and I don't really know why I expected anything else.
Nah its these guys.
I remember some early footage of Wolnir in like a what its seems to be a throne room, when the fucking goblet took me to the shitty cave I was really pissed.
I love high lord wolnir!!
It makes me sad there wasn't more to do with him :(
I love his weapon too but got it's moveset is so fucking boring
Nah he can summon wheel skellies and carthus skellies and fuck you up if youre unlucky. Easiest boss is prowling magus and the congregation, then covetus demon.
wouldn't have known he was a boss if he didn't have the big health bar
I liked that boss actually.
Doing these guys solo isn't extremely easy though. If you don't know how to do it you can get really overwhelmed but a ton of minions.
I had trouble with Wolnir and Deacons of the deep On my pure magic build
Until you figure it out that you need to rush them that fight can actually be a pain in the ass, specially the first times.
Not the hardest boss, but maybe the best presentation in the game.
> Open the door to super obvious boss fight room
> Roll into all the skeleton pots cause I'm sure those won't be annoying in the fight to come.
> Still no sign that battle is about to start
> Eventually get teleported to the darkness and see a single item
> Oh gee, I wonder what that cold be. Clearly it's not a super obvious- JESUS CHRIST!
Deacons was just fucking stupid to deal with because of how long that shit immobilizes you and how high their magic defense was.
That cunt in demon souls who kills herself was bretty easy
I used Greatsword as my main weapon, and GOD I loved fighting them. Nothing more enjoyable than just hitting them with one R2, and taking out half the horde.
Hey this reminds me, anyone not know that Iron Golem can be enviornment KO'd? Was playing again and like 3rd or 4th time doing him and he mis-stepped off the ledge after an attack, and striking him caused a unique fall animation.
Iron Tarkus pretty much performed it by haggling him so close to the edge (whvh usually I avoid because then that grab of his can throw you off the stage).
I swear to god this isn't bait..
Please fucking die.
You just get to him before he gets on the square in the middle then hit his leg till he collapses, hopefully he'll be close enough to the edge to fall
>tfw it took mo more than 3 tries for spooky because i kept getting surrounded and slapped to death
Sorry, lords of the sourgebioh and sanctuary
It's not easy if you gotta watch a guide on how to cheese them.
They're easy like in OP if without any knowledge it's impossible to not kill them on your first try.