How do we save it?

How do we save it?

I'll start:
>no 3DS version

Other urls found in this thread:

Good gameplay.

No more new characters. Please. Just make the game more fun.

Why are you being racist against 3DS OP, there's literally nothing wrong with 3DS.

I can think of two hundred and forty reasons why the 3DS is bad.

>All previous characters
>Have clones as costumes instead of their own character or change them to make them more like Falco/Fox
>Bring back singleplayer
>Have a lot of unlockable characters
>Stop restricting gameplay : easy to learn hard to master
>Embrace the competitive scene by not actively trying to stop them
>Stop bringing in shit characters

Put these in...

...Along with Inkling, Spring man, Ribbon girl, Bomberman, Snake, Ice climbers, Wolf and Pichu.

Lose sales to piracy.

>Update old characters movesets.
>This includes Samus, Ganon, Jigglypuff, Donkey Kong, Luigi and Wario.
Still can't believe Wario's grabs don't resemble his game at all.

>How do we save it?
fucking what

>last entry outsold Brawl if you put together both versions of Smash 4
>Meleefags and autistic Ridleyfags assume next game will sell awful if they don't pander to their demographic
that said, i'm hoping next game will have a more decent roster and gameplay parring to what made Project M more fun than Memelee and Brawl.

also, squids 'n sylux

Nintendo is never going to re-make Melee HD.

Thank fuck. I want a game that improves on it not recites it. Project M is what Brawl should have been.

Call in retro studios, they could make Melee HD.

Make it the 3DS version and add Wii U stages to it.

>remake Melee
>nothing was removed aside stuff like Super Wavedash or Marth's shitty grab
>give it online
>balance it like SD Remix

>Melee nostalgiafags refuse to step away from their gaycube since Fox, Sheik, and Marth isn't the only good character in the game anymore or deal with deeper matchups

>loses sales to piracy
>literally sold more than the Wii U

Yuo i bought the game 6 different times match me Sup Forumsros

>not getting another mysterious banwave Nintendo unleashed a month ago

Save the switch? Make this game exist would be a good start.

>implying a ban will keep me for pirating any game even if its online only

>Classic more akin to original (or 3DS)
>All-Star, Event, and Multi-Man back as they were in Wii U
>Adventure mode that combines the gameplay of Brawl's with the settings of Melee's
>release an adapter for GameCube controllers (or those Wii Pro Controllers that resembled GC controllers)
>Make Lucina, Dr Mario, and Dark Pit costumes for other characters, bring back everybody else
>Stage hazard switch

>Play melee with try hard friends
>Pick low tiered character
>Get laughed at for not choosing meta characters
>Win several times in the night because they don't know jack shit about the match up because no one plays it

do returning characters count as "new?"

Make this beautiful creature playable.

I guess not. Why?
Only remaining returnee I want to see is the Ice Climbers. We don't need any more Pokemon, Wolf would require a lot of retooling,
and Snake is probably impossible now.

Include all DLC
Add in all the 3DS + Wii U stages
Bring Ice Climbers back
Add unique Break the Targets for each character back
Add Inkling, Spring Man, Ridley or Sylux, and a Gen 7/8 Pokemon
Add Smash Run except let people actually interact with each other in the first phase

More comboing potential.

If ANY fighting game implements the kind of debug controls that Project M did, much less an official Smash game, I will eat my hat.

Seriously, those were the best thing to ever happen to the game from a lab perspective.

I fail to see the appeal for Ridley. isn't there anybody else they could add from metroid that wouldn't cause debates over the legitimacy of shrinking?

My biggest problem with the Melee air dodge is how bad it is as a defensive move.

I wouldnt mind it coming back if we got air Shields and that was the dodge mechanic in the air.

I'd like to see a platform fighter implement a universal anime air dash. The entire subgenre is about maneuverability, so why not?

that's why i rarely care about the meta. not like there's that many good foxes out there.

Smash Crusade kind of has that.

wrong image

The systems are bought, but the games aren't.

If we're talking about a port of the Wii U version:
>All current DLC characters included
>New DLC developed in future
>"Simple" versions of stages instead of just final destination versions
>All stages from both the 3DS and Wii U versions included

If we're talking about an entirely different game:

>If possible, all characters from Wii U/3DS, potentially more as DLC later on
>Faster gameplay (attacks are faster, recoveries from doing aerial moves is severely reduced, et cetera)
>Heavier, tighter physics
>Fuck L-Cancelling, fuck wavedashing, don't bother with any of that shit, just make the game tight and fast on it's own

>isn't there anybody else they could add from metroid that wouldn't cause debates over the legitimacy of shrinking?
Sylux and his has enough time and reasons to join in for Metroid's share in Smash

So brawl+ then.


Gonna be honest, I haven't played Brawl+, but if that's what it is, then sure.

Don't fill 90% of the roster with fucking Fire Emblem.

where i'm coming from is something like roy's inclusion in melee vs wiiu/3ds
he went from being a straight up clone to the lucas and falco to marth's ness and fox
same deal with mewtwo, sorta

i.e., thanks to the new engine the character would more or less have to be remade in order to cooperate and balance with said engine and the other fighters therein, so it's basically a new yet familiar character in both composition and feel; same moveset, but not the same values for everything

i know i might be nitpicky but its still worth thinking about imo

No more straight clones; all previous clone characters are now simply skins. Only clones that significantly different enough like Falco and arguably Ganondorf can stay
Pig Ganon added
Subspace Emissary
Update old characters entirely who were never that great to be better (Jigglypuff, Donkey Kong, Ganondorf)
DLC Characters are returned for free
Snake returns
Ice Climbers returns
Ms. Pacman skin for Pacman

>tfw i initially thought it was isaac from tboi

This was the precursor to Project M, and was built by the same team. The philosophy was to make Brawl a more competitive game without making it like Melee.

Make it play 100% like melee.

that square handle and hand guard(?) look bad

I want better crowd chants; 4's were abysmal.

and? again, 3DS version sold more than Wii U

>more fire emblem
How boring. A fucking Call of Duty character would be more interesting in comparison.

People will just find one thing wrong with the game and will say it's just an inferior version of Melee.

>Redesign a some of the clones. There is absolutely no reason for Ganondorf, the company's second most iconic villain behind Bowser, to be a clone of a character from a totally different franchise.
>More single player stuff, including a story. "You'll just look up all the cutscenes on youtube!" was a lazy ass excuse.
>Simon Belmont.
>Another Donkey Kong character. You have a dozen possible candidates, use one.
>More stage variety. Smash Bros U canned a lot of the fun stages in favor of "Three-four platforms with a stage hazard or two"
>More indepth stage creator. Mario Maker tier at least.

GET RID OF SMASH TOUR. NO ONE WANTED IT. IT'S NOT FUN. Me and a friend played it once, and afterwards we had no desire to come back to it. It seems like it's the case for most people, even casuals, who try it out; it's a "neat" gimmick before it's completely ignored.

Smash Run was far more interesting, and it would be significantly better on a main console and being able to interact with other players/choose the events you want to go for. If the map and the events afterwards were more fleshed out, it'd be far more enjoyable to come back to.

Oh yeah, I knew about Brawl+, I just never got around to playing it sadly.

I loved Project M, though, maybe it's worth seeing how well Dolphin runs to try this as well.

>outsold shitlee

This is probably the worst render Smashified has ever made.

PM and SD Remix are proof of this

My boy Wario needs his partner. Replace Waluigi's assist trophy with Nabbit.

All content in one game.


>not this

get a new game first

Balance for the game should be buffing the weakest/weaker characters in the game rather than just nerfing the top tiers (the exception being if there's a mechanic that does actually break the game). I'm talking looking at the characters that don't perform as well and providing buffs, whether that's more damage, giving them less end lag to their moves, making them faster, what have you. Stop going to the Blizzard philosophy of "nerf the best class/character/whatever to the ground to the point of it being useless so no one complains about it."

That one is shit, but atleast it doesn't looks like FF7 prerendered cutscenes.

>Wolf would require a lot of retooling,


4 is much more fun than Melee when it comes to mechanics and gameplay. Melee does have it beat when it comes to modes, though.

>He thinks these literally whos are getting in before Nintendo's next big mascot

My beautiful, lovely wife can save Smash!

>Keep custom moves in
>Make it easier to unlock them IE through a shop or even as a cash purchase
>Put more effort into them than "goes higher but no damage"
I actually really liked that garbage for fucking around with.

>but atleast it doesn't looks like FF7 prerendered cutscenes.
sounds pretty faithful and "nostalgic" to Golden Sun's pre-rendered shit

Splatoon came out a few months before Smash 4 and yet the Inklings never made it in on launch.

this but with equipment as well
bundle everything with the trophy shop

but i wanted Sylux and both of those characters got a shot in Smash 5 as well.

We give Robin her new outfit from Heroes.

LITERALLY the only thing 4 needs is to take away ledge stealing and bring back Melee airdodges being an emergency oh shit button, that leaves you plumetting to your death if you blow it wrong. Also momentum carrying when you jump.

>There are people in this thread who still think Smash 4 isn't the most technically complex title in its series

fuck this meme

How do you retool Peach? She should be more aggressive with worse recovery I think.

delusional tastes


>not pacman's 0-death shieldbreak punish

>Ridleyfag already throwing a tantrum over Sylux
your days are soon to be numbered

Gen would be the ultimate glass cannon in my mind

He'd fire huge beams and float stationary in the air. But he'd be the lightest character (he's literally a doll)

They need to bring back some of the old mechanics from the melee era. I played some Smash4 today and it was immediately apparent why I got tired of playing that game. It devolves quickly into the old Brawl chessmatch of everyone tossing out their safest possible move and then waiting for someone to fuck up. There's plenty of strategy but the lack of combos and punishment makes every match this attrition-based nightmare. Melee has so much more fun stuff to do and combat that rewards skilled players with satisfying combos.

SD Remix literal fixes the balance of shitty Melee and even made all the low-tiers good and decent as Fox

yet no one prefers it over Melee because muh mod

Am I the only one who thinks smash run is fun?




You're not a gamer if you want anything else.

you're not alone. it really need online co-op

Goku. Forgot Goku.

And Ridley.

So he's more distinct.

This, Melee elitists are a bunch of faggots.

>wanting to be a "gamer"

Add Simon Belmont.

Literally just this.

honestly just bring back jump momentum. The games feel clunky and slow without it. I could handle no wavedashing but not having jump momentum is simply game ruining

>Autists still not understanding why Wave Dashing got removed

He's the most distinct clone in the entire series.

They need to take out the current airdodge system too, unless you're at 0% there's very little chance you'll land a combo followup with a significant portion of the roster.

That's not the airdodge, that's hitstun canceling.