I'm looking to get into monster hunter on my 3DS. Which one is the best game?

I'm looking to get into monster hunter on my 3DS. Which one is the best game?

3 Ultimate or 4 Ultimate would both be alright places to start.


Pick 3U/4U. It's not a big deal which you start with, but they're both worth playing.


Kek. But really memes aside

Gen / XX if you want to play mostly online

I'm not memeing you fucking brain-dead retard. Skip Generations/X/XX, and play 4U. It is the best place to start, run above 30 fps if you own a n3DS, and easily has the most content.

Kill yourself for even thinking we were memeing.

no meme, 3U or 4U are great places to start.
4U is the more recent with all weapons, and has online.
3U is missing 2 weapons from 4U and local coop only, but has underwater combat.
Generations is a fun clusterfuck with flashy special moves and different style.


Gen is much worse than 3U and 4U. It has significantly more gathering quests, the best armors and weapons in the game are tied to deviants which are the dumbest thing ever, the story is bad, the gameplay is significantly easier because of arts and styles, which the game was not balanced around at all.

>and easily has the most content
you guys say a lot of dumb

Start with 4U, has the best story and tutorial.


there is no middle ground and gen does literally nothing better than 4U, not a thing, and I'm not saying that because I'm incapable of being objective about things, honestly

Dumb shit in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate that you all don't realize was dumb because it was your first Monster Hunter apparently:
>Weapon Honing
>Randomly Generated Quests/Monsters/Armor/Weapons/Level 140 Rajang+Kut-Ku FOREVER
>Frenzied Monsters/Apex Monsters
>Seregios weapons, especially the super OP Seregios Hunting Horn which raped everything else.
>Sharpness +2
>Evasion +3
>Hidden Element
>Hitting a mounted Monster knocks off the hunter mounting it, so you're stuck sucking each others dicks until the Je Suis Monte gets off.
>Tons of shitty ledges everywhere that fuck everything
>G-Rank being separated from the rest of the game by the Crown System. You still raise Hunter Rank and unlock High Rank quests WELL into G-Rank.
>Certain Weapons/Monster Fights being locked behind timed DLC (this one doesn't apply anymore though, as all the DLC has come out).
>Talisman Melding = RNG reset the game forever infinitely fuck you RNG fuck you.
>Singleplayer required to be beaten to gain food buffs and to do Apex Monsters with Wystones (I don't mind this, but I know other people do).

t. MHFU nostalgia grandpa fag


3u then 4u

>Certain Weapons/Monster Fights being locked behind timed DLC (this one doesn't apply anymore though, as all the DLC has come out).

You know, the more I read this pasta the more I realize you're the one who never played more than 1 MH.

Now lets look at all the things XX does since you guys clearly aren't capable of it
>gathering and crafting QoL changes
>prowler mode which not only offers a new playstyle but also makes gathering 200% easier
> a better upgrade system that now allows you to view the whole upgrade tree for a weapon as you go along
>deviants instead of subspecies, means nothing to a new player but to old people it's a nice change of pace
>no story, to some that's a negative to some it's a positive
>no wystone bullshit locked behind HR village, you can hop right into online
>hunter styles and arts, give weapons new utility or improve them in places where they are sorely lacking(gunlance)


>You know, the more I read this pasta the more I realize you're the one who never played more than 1 MH.
To be fair, I played MH3U a long time after it came out, so I know that this is a common feature, but it's still fucking stupid. If you don't want people to use the BEST ARMOR IN THE GAME, simply don't make it the BEST ARMOR IN THE GAME instead of locking it behind a timed unlock quest. Easy solution.
I am not even this guy, but I agree with this. There are lots of improvements Generations did, like removing dumb shit like Evasion +3 and hidden element as well. It also balanced the Seregios Hunting Horn and made the Seregios Armor useful. The Shogun Ceanetaur also does bleed now, so it's not just the Seregios.

I'm just tired of retards always shouting "get 4U" and never listing the positives of Gen incase any of them are of particular interest to the OP, because they got particularly triggered by Gen having anime moves

Exactly, the anime moves are fucking fun. They add diversity to the game. The only sucky part about the styles and moves is that certain styles and arts are significantly better than others, or some weapons get such shitty styles and arts that there is no purpose in using them:
>Hunting Horn has completely shit arts, and every style but guild style sucks
>Hammer gets 'Taunt' as an art... fucking why?
>Switch Axe's hunter art makes axe mode completely useless.
>Insect Glaive striker mode is dumb as hell, no one will ever use it.
>They gave Lance a stupid third poke, just so that they could remove it for Striker Style.

But this is just an issue with the balancing and it could easily have been fixed. What anti-Generations fags don't seem to realize is that if the anime moves piss them off and "make the game too easy!!", they can just NOT USE THEM. And if they say shit like, "B-But people I play with online can still use them!!" then they clearly don't give a shit about the game being "Too easy" because they play online and make the game way easier.

there's a lot of concern about balance in a game that is completely co-operative, some people are just a bit autistic like that

also hammer gets taunt because it's infinitely easier to hit faces when the monster is always targeting you, but it should probably have some other advantage to it other than minor defense buff


4u is the best and most smoth monster hunter to date

i tried showing my casual friends the psp ones and they hated it

i showed then 3 and they hated it

i showed then 4 and played with then in the multiplayer demo, they fucking loved it

your friends might be a bit retarded because there is not a huge gap between the two

Why are you so sad?