>Elder Scrolls IIIIII: Hammerfell >Be a prisoner on a slave ship off the coast of Stros M'kai >Thalmor at war with the Redguards >After making your way to shore, you discover you have an inept ability for sword-singing >you later find out you are the Pelinaline, reincarnation of the Whitestrake and it is your duty to REMOVE ELF >You meet the ghost of Frandar Hunding who teaches you how to channel your shehai >You improve your shehai through discovering "sword walls" scattered throughout the lands >You team up with the remnants of the ancient Ansei and eventually become their leader >During the final quest, you walk across the seas to Alinor and sink the entire Altmer homeland into the depths of the ocean with your mind
give me ONE (1) good reason why this wouldn't be GOTYAY.
>give me ONE (1) good reason why this wouldn't be GOTYAY Bethesda are making it
Henry White
>give me ONE (1) good reason why this wouldn't be GOTYAY.
The elves are supposed to win.
Hunter Parker
Why couldn't you come up with something other than dragon shout 2.0? user, surely you are smarter than that.
Jack Miller
>give me ONE (1) good reason why this wouldn't be GOTYAY. gamebryo?
Noah Brown
this i don't think you know what the word inept means
Sebastian Powell
>give me ONE (1) good reason why this wouldn't be GOTYAY That's legit just skyrims plot.
Michael Cox
bro i dont even know what word i was going for there. implicit maybe? i don't know. fuck off with your smug anime reaction gif because it's making me feel bad.
Kevin Rodriguez
Fuck that.
Jack King
I don't even want to see the rest of TES universe
Nathaniel Price
Because it sold the best. So they will do it again
Michael Wright
>Elf-hating robot from the future gets reincarnated there's your reason I don't see the Numidium suddenly getting a soul and having it given flesh
Daniel Jenkins
Noah Allen
sorry but you were maybe thinking of the word, adept.
John Bell
TES VI is never ever happening
Brayden Peterson
yeah that's it. sometimes i just outright forget words. it ruins me as a public speaker.
Jacob Hill
It will never happen. Skyrim will be re released again. Paid mods are the iv drip that will keep life pumping into it.
Isaac Rogers
Gavin Adams
I hope you can side with the elves to purge the kangz
Adrian Moore
The well of Skyrim rereleases has to run dry some day, surely after the three different versions in this 12 month period people are gonna get suck of the fucker.
Dylan Rodriguez
Crafting will suck
Henry Turner
"and then, from the heavens, came a furious shout. "PAID MODS" billowed Todd Howard, and the near lifeless body of Skyrim was filled with new life."
Brody Anderson
give me ONE (1) good reason why gamebryo is bad.
Elijah Reyes
I love how yuropoors take blatant jokes seriously. You guys really are morons.
Logan Rogers
I'll give you six >Elder Scrolls >Hammerfell >Thalmor >Redguards >Sword-singing >Sword Walls
Kevin Brooks
end your wondering, plebeians
Ethan Baker
I heard they're not even working on it at the moment. They're doing some new games.
high rock and hammerfell call it the Elder Scrolls VI: Daggerfall II
Brandon Roberts
because the next game will be called Elder Scrolls VI: Histerics
Jordan Moore
What's the deal with Sword Singing? You don't sing swords, you suck cocks, like the quarter-inch Toddler.
John Gutierrez
Charles Perez
Salty obshitianfag detected
Hunter Brown
Jack Barnes
>sword swinging So basically you're saying that you're pretty much always stuck with a sword user build? Sounds like a fucking awful role playing game.
Matthew Jenkins
holy shit, Sup Forums doesnt like multiple spaces at all. i expected it to fuck my shit up, but this is practically illegible
Asher Morales
>swinging >being illiterate but your version seems more true to recent bethesda pigeon-holing
Jeremiah Reyes
Nice try, Toddler. You're almost as sad as Randy, although he's at least human sized, instead of being a hot pocket
Liam Morales
also i just read the wiki on sword-singing and youd be correct anyway. but what kind of faggot doesnt use swords except on 0 INT 10000 STR builds
Oliver Torres
so basically you get to be EMIYA with the sword summoning shit
i'd play it but only because I like EMIYA
Juan Wright
It's "singing", you ill-advised illiterate Italian idiot. It's like sword swallowing, but instead of swallowing, you sing them.
I wonder how good of a sword singer Rick Astley is. Like homing swords?
Aiden Sanders
is there an equivalent of the uchiha in the elders scrolls?
John Turner
Why did the elves start going SEELE on Tamriel in the Fourth Era?
Grayson Gutierrez
Only the polearms master race.
Todd why have you forsaken us?
Josiah Brooks
idk, but google tells me ur a faget
Robert Clark
sauce me
Nolan Allen
>hammerfell well off to a shitty start
Carter Bell
I'd rather prefer they deactivate direnni so we get TES VII: Landfall
Caleb Lewis
Spears are good as well. Next we're just going to get "melee", "magic" and "bow" skills. No armour skills either and no two handed weapons, since you need to cast spells or fire a bow while you swing your long sword.
Nathaniel Gonzalez
>game starts >look at nimidium >die >game ends
Chase Peterson
And it is GOTYAY. >black main character Yeah, we're gonna stop handing TES GOTYs when they make a black guy the lead. Good luck with that.
Nigger the last two TES have been exactly that and everyone loves them.
Lucas Ross
>Pelinaline, reincarnation of the Whitestrake my sides
Aaron King
Because they're a mix of blacks and arabs. Nobody cares for either and those who "pretend" to do are only doing it for personal gain. But hey, that's the world we live in, you gotta look out for yourself first and maybe those closest to you.
Ian Hall
Henry Walker
Give me a quick rundown and I'll get you an answer
Hunter Ramirez
Blake Martinez
>game is a console exclusive Imagine the Nevereverarine-posts
Luke Bailey
>WE WUZ >more boring pro men bullshit >entire race as enemies >shout ripoff >meh setting and culture
Plenty of reasons honestly. The best we can hope for is either Valenwood or Elswyr, or both regions due their connection culturally and politically.
Nathan Wright
there's soem kind of development going on, even if its just writing. which would probably be a good thing. with the engine and assets, theyll probably wait til they flesh that shit out with the other games theyre going to put out sooner. i guess i should pirate PREY in order to get an idea of what we'll be getting.
do you think we'll ever get a return of TES to an RPG skill/attribute system? at this point in their popularity, i feel like they could go back and reintroduce that shit and still maintain their massive popularity. i just wouldnt give them the benefit of the doubt that they would try at this point
Robert Richardson
Elsweyr is best: >already split in two in lore >anequina that has deserts and shit >pelletine with jungles and shit >guaranteed diverse and interesting environment >great khajiit lore to explore with drugs and moons and shit, good balance of basic lore and esoteric lore already >more aldmeri dominion lore as well as seeing first hand how a dominion province looks like without dropping balls deep into summerset isles >space colonies >khajiit are just fucking awesome overall
Sebastian Clark
>liking the literal meth-head niggers
Jaxon Murphy
also >moon monk martial arts >unarmed combat becomes viable and fleshed out without having to do a lot of modding
I just want to make Meowk Tyson
Bentley Morgan
>thinking bethesda wont retcon any region into "realistic" homogenous desert or forest exclusively I feel so fucking jaded posting the former, but even before i was aware of this shit thats exactly what they did with oblivion
Dominic Parker
>oblivion It still hurts.
Adam Long
gamebryo supports mirrors, are you retarded?
Jayden Campbell
>not wanting GTA:SA: Skyrim >Todd not wanting to be able to take advantage of the neighborhood clucks in his own game >thinking i meant cuck rather cluck
Andrew Watson
>dat book about the Imperial diplomat who goes to Valenwood during some khajiit-bosmer war.
That series was hella cool, if they managed to capture any of it ingane I would be happy. Shame Elsweyr and Valenwood are allies in 4E though
Kayden White
>>unarmed combat becomes viable and fleshed out without having to do a lot of modding sure user, that's exactly what's going to happen
Adrian Brooks
>if they managed to capture any of it in-game They won't
Ethan Ward
>what a magnificent sight is the BBC for a proud cluckold such as myself
Joseph Jenkins
>not RPing Eazy-E in all bethesda games
Dominic Perez
>not breaking out of jail via offering the guards Moon Sugar
Ethan Morris
Cyrodiil was never a jungle, you twat. Tiber Septim terraformed it using the Thu'um.
Cameron Watson
No one likes them because they don't use all that fancy pants gay fairy magic faggotry They're also best race because they don't use all that fancy pants gay fairy magic faggotry
Jonathan Perry
>nice guard give honest khajiit keys for a nice skooma, I was never meant to be here anyway. I dindu nuffins
Dylan Cox
yeah but TES IIIIII definitely is
Liam Rogers
>Khajiit have wares if guard has freedoms
Cooper Davis
Angel Robinson
David Mitchell
What a minute >NineLivesMatter >Nine Divines >Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors >911 >Over 9000 >It's way past 9 right now >The maximum level in most rpgs is 99 There is something about the number 9...
Ethan Collins
>Akatosh >a divine It's "By the Eight", not nine.
William Morris
I'll string you by your own entrails, elf scum
Owen Wilson
Try me, s'wit. Good luck getting to me, I'm behind six houses.
Bentley Scott
>tfw Hammerfell is a legitimately interesting province and the Redguards are a legitimately interesting race >Bethesda has a chance to make a cool fantasy world again like Morrowind >Huge diversity of cultures with Forebears, Crowns, Yoku, Colovians, Nords, Bretons, Orcs, and maybe even Sload >They'll just make it Wewuzland because normalfags think diversity means brown people who talk funny
Michael Wright
You lost me at Niggerfell.
Julian Scott
I'm not sure if it's been said yet cause I'm not skimming all this drivel to get there, but the reason we haven't seen any TES:VI shit yet is because someone at Beth said they don't have the technology to do what they want to do with TES:VI yet. They are incapable of making the game they want to make because of tech limitations. That is of course assuming you're in the business of believing Beth. But I like that reason enough to buy it.
Carter Hill
>After making your way to shore, you discover you have an inept ability for sword-singing No problem. I was going to be a mage anyway. Fuck sword-singing.
Adam Green
>Bethesda getting their shit together and using something besides Gamebryo I better see some proofs, Todd.
Jordan James
>Game takes place in the 5th Era >Half-way through your gay little adventure in wherever the fuck you hear giant metallic footsteps >Numidium stands before you, 10th batallion Aldmeri flight squad engage >Numidium charges up Ancestroscythe, wipes out every single High Elf from existence within seconds >Beyond the horizon, Akulakhan rushes in, piloted by the Nerevarine >Kaiju battle takes place >Dunmer and Khajiit escape to the stars as the war rages on
Kevin Long
>During the final quest, you walk across the seas to Alinor and sink the entire Altmer homeland into the depths of the ocean with your mind Not all Altmer are Thalmor, user. Probably not even most of them are.