What does Sup Forums think of Dishonored?

What does Sup Forums think of Dishonored?

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second one ran like shit and was sjw garbage though

Good shit. So much replay value. God tier art. Truly lovely worldbuilding.
Flaws are it's too easy and the writing is tad hammy. The DLCs are so good they should be the industry standard.

a good game, 2 is even better, though arguably has more flaws and is less "focused". the expanded level size and improved nonlethal options make it for me.

Reminded me of the old Thief games but with a teleport mod attached and surprisingly good combat.

Boring with bad stealth and shitty art design

the only interesting thing about it was daud in knife of dunwall

Good story and world concept. Atrocious level design (flooded city, bleh) and overpowered super-powers aka "we don't know how to design reliable enemies."

I liked the first one. It had this wierd low budget vibe and everyone looked creepy even if they weren't supposed to be.

noone knew what this game was until dishonered 2 released

Except that's wrong since Dishonored 2 sold a lot worse compared to the first game.

I genuinely really loved it, i thought the second one was an improvement in every way except for performance and story, which is a shame because the worldbuilding is fantastic.

just bought DH2 and playing it, it still has the feel of the original. Is the enemy AI slightly smarter than before?

but why the fuck is dishonored 2 so fucking poorly optimized, fucking christ

the story is not even worse its just literally the same story again, except with witches now.

that would make it worse

It needed to refine its fundamental stealth mechanics beyond "don't go in the vison cone" and they should've had a similar sound system as the dark engine games; making literal X-ray vision the only viable way to locate guards is asinine design. I feel like Arkane is too up their own ass with the "we're da next LGS/IS, dude modern immersive sims LMAO" to actually bring the core mechanics up to par with those of the two decade old games from which they're taking influence.

It's great, would be absolutely god tier if it weren't so easy and had a stronger story. Too bad the sequel didn't remedy any of that and was just more of the same with some refinements, for better and for worse.

Because idtech5 is a shit tier engine and Arkane had no experience with it, allegedly they had to bring in people from id to even get the game into a remotely playable state.

>"we're da next LGS/IS, dude modern immersive sims LMAO"
A lot of guys from Looking Glass Studio went on to Arkane, so in a sense they literally are Looking Glass Studio and while Dishonored isn't as good as The Dark Project or The Metal Age I think we can all agree it's better than Deadly Shadows

the non-lethal assassinations in 2 are just sadistic, so that was an improvement. all of them are a fate worse than death. also time travel mission is godlike desu

jindosh equally good if not better

It was good but far too easy even on its hardest difficulty. It was way too easy to just breeze past guards as long as you got high enough. It also forgot that good stealth requires vulnerability.

on hard difficulties it definitely feels like they spot you easier. also they can see vertically now.

That's a bit deceiving. The "ex-LGS" members of Arkane were testers (like Harvey Smith) and low level programmers, not many were behind planning the design of the games. Most of Arkane's design teams cut their teeth working at post-2000 Ion Storm, which is why the games feel closer to the Deus Ex: Invisible War and T:DS than any of the LGS titles.

Despite the tons of little world building details, journals and stuff I can't get into the story or setting.

The actual gameplay is good though. Decent stealth game but really good if you just set ambushes and get into comvat to use your abilities.

>Le es jay du ba u meme again...

The AI is vastly better than the first game's dumbfuck AI

Harvey Smith was the designer of the original Deus Ex.

It's casual as fuck, but that might be a good thing since it makes replaying old levels abusing OP powers comfier.

He's right though.

That's because all the characters sound as invested as a teenager on a field trip to the boring factory. Arkane has a really stupid habid of hiring big name screen actors for the VA work, they've done it in both Dishonored games and Prey; it's probably to appease Bethesda's marketing goons, but it harms the player engagement in the narrative significantly.

Give me some example besides playing as a fucking girl.

I know, but he's just one man, who's alsobeen shifted off of project lead after Brigmore Witches released. Most of the senior devs at Arkane joined Ion Storm after Deus Ex made them successful.

I liked it, but hated that non-lethal take downs have no downside like them eventually waking up. pacifism routes should be harder. First bioshock committed this sin also.

I don't agree but he's probably talking about:

-More black npcs (even in Dunwall, cracker central)
-50% of guards are female
-Lesbian subplot with Delilah

The boat captain is a one armed stronk black woman.

The challenge comes from testing how much the player can handle the tediousness of the non-lethal playstyle.

well if you just kill people you can get an upgrade that instantly vaporizes the body. so in comparison, having to choke everyone out is harder.

She was in the first game.

Fun action game, poor stealth game

I'm not sure why but whenever I see the designs, especially the characters, it always reminds me of this film and also that Jim Carrey Christmas Carol film.

No she wasn't.

yes she was

just leaving this here

No she wasn't. Stop being a faggot.


>citing wikipedia

yeah sure buddy

I'd do Emily and Delilah in the assholes.

Oh you're just pretending to be retarded. Kys.

1 and 2 are in my cart, should I check out?

This is why Dishonored will always be better than Thief.

>God tier art
Fuck no
>good story
Fuck no

It's good. Nothing beyond amazing. It's fun to fuck around with but it's stealth is boring

>le kys meme xD

Typical redditor. She was in the first game, get over it.

Holy fucking shit she was a character named Billie Lurk in the DLC for Dishonored 1 for Daud. Meagan Foster and Billie Lurk are the same fucking person.

Sure thing kiddo. KYS :^)

Some of the powers were buggy as hell, like Time Stop.

First one is very good.

Just finished Dishonored 2.
It was worse than the first one, but still good. The characters and story were downright terrible. The time travel mission impressed me.

Emily is 10.

Kys urself reddit

>y-you are

First game was a blast for stealthan and hidan. Second game felt like it was missing something, couldn't quite place my finger on it; still an enjoyable game in its own right.

what are your system specs, Dishonored 2 is totally fine now if you've got a good video card.

>m-muh stuttering

Could you be any more reddit rofl

Boring. Really bad story, dialogue and setting.


You people are pathetic.

Yeah, get Thief: The Dark Project and Thief: The Metal Age too.

>complaining about getting to brutalize female guards

real equality

are you the same guy who kept screaming "racists!!!" in the last thread?
the characters in dishonored 2 are pure shit, and that includes the nigger boatwoman. At least Sam had a personality and things happened with him that made you feel connected to the old fella.

Oh man, Anonymous just said No. What a stellar argument. Man he's totally convinced me now.

I just found out that Dishonored has unique animations for every target you assassinate.

But why don't they play if you assassinate them using stealth (for example sneaking up on them from behind)? What the fuck.

Maegan Foster is Billie Lurk

What was I supposed to say to "God tier art."? It looks okay and the characters are pretty ugly

Hating a character because their writing or implementation is one thing. Hating a character because of their skin color or sex is another thing. You're only reasoning for hating Meagan is
>muh pops told me them dirty niggers was out collecting welfares again

I think the pace was worse. Dishonored 1 already had very few missions, but each mission had a sidequest and a good chunk of city to explore outside of the mission. Dishonored 2 has very few subquest and some missions are the same mission split in two (the mission in the past, for example). While some of the levels are arguably better than the first game's (I think Jindosh's mansion is the best level in the series) the game just feels unsatysfing when you complete it.

>Meagan is Billie Lurk you fucking fool. Billie was in the first game in the DLC.

but I literally just told you why meagan is a shit character. Her being a nigger is just the cherry on top - she's blatantly forced in and is completely useless as a character. Nothing happens with her, she doesn't interact with anyone aside from talking to sokolov once in a cutscene, her dialogues with you are just "here's what you have to do, i'll be back when you're done", and then she gets all emotional in the supposed "big twist" like anyone cares. Great, just one more reason to kill her.

When you say things like
>the characters are pretty ugly
Boy do you come off as someone who doesn't know good art when they see it. Why does everything have to be about attraction? Why does everything have to look perfect and sexy? Grit and ugliness can look great. Dishonored does it in a lovely and weird way.

really good

The real question, Is Corvo Emilys Dad?


How's 2? It's on sale right now, worth it or should I buy it?

>More black NPCs
Serkonos has more brown and black people than Dunwall. More than once you find literature referencing "exotic beauties" and "varied cultures" likely because it has lots of water and warmth. There are also places in Dishonored with Slavs and Asians.
>50% of guards were women
The first game has a book in Daud's lair where it mentions Gristol has had male and female Lord Protectors, and that the position comes from guards and military figures mostly. Also, 1 had the same 3 guards everywhere due to low resources.
>Lesbian subplot with Delilah
To show Delilah tries to charm everyone to use them. The first scene in the game has her flirting with Corvo talking about how handsome he is for her age. She uses anyone in any way she can. Once that witch loses her powers Delilah drops her like a hot potato.
>He doesn't know Megan Foster Do I even need to tag this? She is Billie Lurk, who is in the first game.
This, Corvo sounded bored to death compared to Emily. Which is weird for someone with it since Xerxes or Garrett

Daud is God-tier, though.
The art is wonderful.

I meant in game. I was think of character models, I apologize, that being said most of the areas in the first one were pretty dull

You either didn't play the first game or you just completely disregarded the plot in favor of rampaging as Mr. McStabby.

Why is this even asked anymore?

Game's good, but it's optimized like shit. Try the demo.

>This, Corvo sounded bored to death compared to Emily. Which is weird for someone with it since Xerxes or Garrett
I think it fits the character. Corvo's an old man now, he's probably fed up with this and just wants his daughter back.

The story was quite bland but the level design was one of the things this game did best.

What was so bad about the flooded district?

flooded district was fine, but most of the areas were really small and simple to move around

>what's wrong with the Flooded District
I'd like to know this too, it is one of my favorite levels in the first game.

she literally calls him dad right in the first scene and the tutorial of 2. they didnt leave that one mysterious.

Dishonored 2 has the best level design of any stealth game, it's like if every level was The Sword or Life of the Party.

I think a lot of people found the flooded area a pain in the ass to navigate. Not sure, honestly. I personally loved it, especially if you're in low chaos and challenge Daud to a duel.

Running GTX 770, how bad is it gonna be?

>Too bad the sequel didn't remedy any of that
I thought that 2 and the DLC's were a fair bit harder. They had a lot more bad guys standing on top of rooftops or whatever, and a lot less "safe spots".
You couldn't just blink away as much.

There are more baddies in elevated areas, and fewer hiding spots.

They take like 5 seconds rather than just being instant, and the bodies are much harder to deal with (you cant turn them to ash)

I wish it was that good, but Jindosh's mansion is up there.

A friend of mine managed to play it on a 670 in decent conditions.

Hated it.
It promised you that you could play how you wanted, but unless you go the boring stealth route the game punishes you for killing people, even the most monstrous of bad guys.

So you either have to play like a pacifist coward, or you have to deal with a game that gets somehow DARKER and more depressing as you kill bad guys, rather than better.

It's a dick move. You do not get to sell a game based on stealth and assassination and then punish the player for engaging in THE 50 PERCENT OF THE GAME THAT WAS ASSASSINATION-FOCUSED.

Can't wait for the DLC tbqh. Killing god as a cyborg ninja is both incredibly stupid and amazing

This movie was the epitome of an awesome concept married to a fucking boring story. Everything about it felt so anticlimactic. It would be an awesome setting for an open world video game though.

That sounds like a good part of it. The first games levels were large, but very directed until much later. Only towards the last third did D1 start throwing super huge open areas at the player. The second world seems like it is trying to be open world while maintaining a heavy grip on the narrative. It has a lot of big, open areas that don't do much of anything; listening to NPC's checked lives gets tiring after a while.

I felt like the devs treated me like an idiot (tutorials, safe combination "puzzles") and the game was way too exploitable to be a challenge, but it was still fun.

They fix that in 2, but honestly I never noticed the underwhelming graphical power in 1; the art made up for the graphics.

The game also gets more difficult with higher chaos, since slaughtering everything is easy street. Still not as difficult as ghost clean hands (which isn't that hard in the first place I don't guess).

>associating stealth with assassination.
Nigga the best stealth game I can think of doesn't revolve around assassination at all. If you want AssCreed play AssCreed