Did she win?

Did she win?

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she became irrelevant.

Can't even remember the last time she said or did anything publicly. Her 15 minutes came and went.

She got a fuckton of money and attention and now she's fucked off somewhere so she didn't really lose.

What's the chances of her going down the route of laci green once being dicked by a strong man?

Only in the West

>Made heaps of money
>Will be remembered as a feminist icon even outside gaming
I'd say so

Her latest fuck-up is costing her big.
She maybe has a year and a half more of lime light tops.

Zero percent, Laci Green was a sex positive feminist, Anita is sex negative

This, most people became aware of how shitty her "arguments" were and how she made no sense, like most 3rd wave feminists, but she still got the money.
So reputation-wise, she didn't win, but money-wise, she did.

W H O ?

Overwatch was GOTY 2016, so yes.

All feminists dream of being roughly hatefucked by a misogynist patriarchal male. No matter how much they deny it.

It's why all the women love Muslim immigrants and are sexually attracted to them even though Muslims have literally no respect for women (not that they deserve any respect)

> Kotaku baitposter

E3 is over now guys

Not really we're still here and this kike is irrelevant

this is real life, user, the bad guys always win

She did win, she got a ton of cash out of it. Recently she's pretty washed up though


Sadly yes. Sup Forums is so cucked it's honestly unbelievable.

>Made heaps of money
>Will be remembered as a feminist icon
In a bad way, maybe. Too many people have realized that her arguments were, at best, grasping at straws.

Sadly yeah, just look at what happend to that "The Last Night" guy.

>Implying she'll be banned from vidcon
>Implying anyone will remember it a month from now
She stole alot of people's money and got away with it user. Her fans are idiots. Best thing we can all do is just stop giving her attention and let her take advantage of those who do care.

>Too many people have realized that her arguments were, at best, grasping at straws.

>Thinking people give a shit about the validity of "arguments"

>became irrelevant
>literally every game on stage at E3 except god of war has women/minorities

The only place where I still see her shit being posted is Neogaf. And that's obviously a complete circlejerk. I've seen people getting banned for posting about the mistakes she made in her videos.

she won

Have a quick look at the state of the video game industry in 2017. Won by a fucking landslide.

Leave the Sup Forums echo chamber and talk to less desensitized people. Most people who know Sarkessian's name admire her. The harassment she received over the years only made her a martyr in everyone's eyes.

Not really a fan of hers, but that's the truth,

What happened to him?

The editing on this video will never stop amazing me: youtube.com/watch?v=QuDqraUlUcM

>Got more money than most of Sup Forums will make in their lifetime
>Influenced the industry

I hate to say it but she won without a doubt.

>Single handedly enraged enough spergs to the point where they elected an orange conman as president.
>Made good money for doing nothing
>Is "respected" by game devs and recognized as an "expert"
I'd say she's done alright for herself. Future generations will forever remember her as the cause behind Trump.

she single handedly destroyed the industry that(s for sure

People dug up his old tweets and otherp ostings about gamergate and jumped on his back until he apologized. What is really the highlight of his career, having a good minute or so dedicated to his game in the microsoft conference at E3, was ruined for him because he voiced some pretty reasonable opinions that none of the SJWs ever read because they just heard he supported gamergate years ago and started salivating.

SHE won, SJW journalists sure didnt, and corrupt games journalists pros group DEFINITELY didnt win

it just made the corruption worse

Of course she has her adamant following of fellow feminists.

But if you look at her Youtube videos, they usually have comments and the like/dislike bar disabled.
Even though it's only Youtube, it's a pretty good sign that plenty of people don't like what she has to say.

She conned lots of people, and not only did she got away with it, but the same people she conned are her defense force that think everything she does is right, so yeah, she won.

Holy shit, Anita is the female Trump.

no one wins that fight.

It's sad, but I'm still torrenting The Last Night since he apologized

This. She started a literal cult that has no interest in games but can destroy any they deem "problematic" towards their attention-driven quotas. They even threw out people who agreed with their rhetoric but not with extremism (or Anita-worship).

On the other hand, they then included gays, blacks, muslims, etc for whatever reason and made liberals look so stupid that people like Hillary didn't make it into office. So I guess they are their own enemy.

It's the 90's conservative bible-thumpers all over again.

No. The internet won.
>women can post online without getting rape or death threats
>being a strait, white male is no longer the "default"
>she brought back the mommy body
Yeah, I went there. If you haven't already had a child, you are not sexy.

All leftist movements and agendas you see in videogames today were effectively spurred by her some 6 years ago. She shook the industry, and the ripples are still felt today.

Hey, that was pretty good