Best Metroidvania ever

Best Metroidvania ever.

super castlevaina 4?

More Like Super Castlevania Bros.


It's the way to play games.


And this is the best Castlekino.

And this is the worst Castlekino.

worst castlemania ever

Sorry, I meant to post this one.

Holy shit this is giving me a headache. There's no way you actually play like that.

Of course I do.


It is pretty neat but it's licenshit nonetheless. Maybe with a bit more polish and an actual storyline instead of akwardly reinterpreting the anime.




at least use filters


you mean like this?

Can someone explain what meme is transpiring in threads like these

Because all I see is a bunch of people acting like retards. I assume there's some kind of in-joke but I have no idea what it is


yeah, it looks better that way. There are other filters too, the one that makes it look like your playing on a television







Best music but worst in the series.

I secretly wish to be a bishie turbofaggot with white hair. Is castlemania the mania for me?

Dude thats not Hollow Knight which is currently on the steam summer sale


I'd literally put that on a frame and hang it on my wall

came in expecting this desu



ayyyy u r right

Post more gifs

Was the fighting game good?

>Hollow Knight

I don't like the designs



>tfw you've only ever played CotM.
Was it a shit Castlevania game? I kinda liked it.

It was CastleKino.

But for me, it was Tuesday.

damn that's nice, what VBA version do you use to be able to play like that?

Retroarch I believe.

Best mix of classic and metroid.

It was one of my favorite GBA titles. It didn't come close to SotN but it was still rather enjoyable