Fantastic art style and voice acting

>fantastic art style and voice acting
>wasted on roguelike rng grindfest because you can't be arsed to design a proper game

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>fantastic art style

Define "proper game".

Im honestly thinking about getting this eventhough im not a huge fan of turn based combat. seems fun though.. pros/cons??

This thread is off to a great start, lets bicker pointlessly for the next few hours sounds good

>Is bad at game
>Complains on Sup Forums that "game is shit"

Also, if you know how to design a "proper game", then do it. Unity, UE4, and Godot are all freely available and fully featured.

>click thing to possibly make numbers happen!

The game is literally a diceroll simulator with a nice coat of paint.

At least if you play craps at a casino there are people to talk to.

>walk backwards
>characters don't turn around, didn't even bothering mirroring the character, you just walk facing front backwards

also boring game, too much talking, too many memes

>he didn't remind himself

You didn't answer the question. What's a "proper" game?

where do you think you are?

>Let's make a leper a warrior. His arm totally won't fall off when he swings a sword.

I wish the Speed stat didn't affect who gets to attack when.
My (entire) team, the (entire) Enemy Team, repeat.
I hate turn based games enough as it is.

>Sup Forums
too much minecraft ruined your attention span

That's actually based on real knights.

>walk backwards
>you just walk backwards


Fixing this game is easy as hell. Game starts from heroic level dungeons, and you're heroes are adequately adjusted. No grind, unless uou want better trinkets.

Yeah, it's really not that interesting or unique. I dislike it.

It's designed to be RNG brutality difficult you idiot pussy crybaby maybe this isn't the game for you but don't bitch about improper design you are not the developer cunto

It's far easier and more fun to complain though :^)

Woah guys we've got a retard right there!

>where's YOUR video game, guy who doesn't like thing I like

damn, you must be the raddest kid in the schoolyard

the game's not hard once you figure out what comps are good
but they you'll still have 40+ hours of the same shit over and over and over

>female characters in masculine roles


I just finished a 68 hour playthrough of DD+CC DLC. The game is frustrating as fuck especially regarding the Crimson Curse mobs that spawn fucking everywhere. You are basically forced to brute force your way through the courtyard in order to de-vampire your people.

I would recommend it to anyone who played XCOM EW Long War and wanted more. For everyone else, play XCOM unmodded.

and the Leper is inspired by this guy:

and I think one of the Leper's default names is Baldwin.

defend arbalest and hellion right now without resorting to
>it's just fantasy bro

Hellion does less damage than other DPS characters?

But it's just fantasy polyp

Pros: cool art style and vibe. Not that bad of a turn-based rpg. Definitely worth if it's on sale.
Cons: RNG out the ass. Stops getting fun after you beat the first area.

Umm no, she's actually one of the strongest chars in that matter

This is bait. Having stats like accuracy doesn't mean the game relies on RNG. I'm sick of this shit.

It's the most realistic dungeon crawling game in existence. You have to manage stress and hp, and each character has a myriad of different factors changing what they are. There's a mode they recently added for first timers that makes the game less time consuming. I'd recommend you at least try it just because of that. Even the turn based aspect of it has a cool spin on it with speeds and surprise mechanics.

Did you notice that you also walk slower, and your stress goes up faster if you do it?

Because there is a mechanical reason that you don't turn around. You're backing away from whatever the fuck is in front of you, instead of just nonchalantly turning your back on a dark fucking hallway full of murder skeletons and worse

just play radiant mode

No, the fun stop right after entering Darkest Dungeon. Shit's terrible, and that idea that no hero can return there, or sacrificing high level character if you want to retreat. Like, what were they thinking? Why do they want players to grind so fucking much?

>It's the most realistic dungeon crawling game in existence.

You still need to kill every boss 3 times.

Prove me wrong, faggot. It's realistic, you have to deal with stressors. Would you go fighting skeletons and shoggoths day in day out irl and not be afflicted in some way?

Sure, why not?

uhhh didn't you know that fighting is really scary? If I got in a fight I wouldnt be able to hold my bladder, it's THAT scary. That's why it's realistic and good, like my funny pacifist skeleton lgbtqi game

Who are some good members to pair with an HM and Arb? BH and Occ seemed good for mark synergy (and healing for Occ) but that doesn't exactly leave me with much of a frontline

LGBTQT you mean


Always bring Leper.

In terms of actual damage numbers, no she's fucking not. (She's definitely one of the best overall characters). Leper, Bounty Hunter & Highwayman all out damage her.

Nice leper on your pic nigger


You got that pic of the Shambler on the prequel mission by chance?

Honestly was never too big of a fan of Leper since his low accuracy and inability to hit row 3 or 4 made him feel too limited and downright useless on certain bosses. He can take a hit and is pretty strong when he can actually hit things from what I remember so I should give him another shot I guess

what? leper is an amazing boss buster because intimidate hits all rows, marks himself and reduces like -25% prot per use.
granted, he can't hit anyone not on the frontline but he makes the backline hitter's job way easier while deflecting attacks.

The leper only works if you build him from the ground up, only allow quirks and that raise ACC, and you must bring at least one plague doctor for damage boost and a man at arms for acc boost, but the pay off with the leper raping bosses with his crits is worth it.

It does all that? I thought the self-mark was on a different ability? That said I haven't really experimented too much with the Leper but yeah I should really give him another go.

That sounds really expensive but if its anywhere close to that good I guess hes worth it?


later on the leper hits for 53
and that's not even a critical

Leper is an investment, but good fucking christ he hits like a train. Earlier I went to the first necro boss on a fresh run with a team built around buffing the leper and I 3 shot him. They were all lvl 1 and 0. Mid to late game you can fucking demolish bosses with him.


Shit's fun OP

If you love being raped, sure it is.

I bought the game during the sale and started on this lowest difficulty. Usually I play at least on normal but they specifically said "strongly recommend for first im Darkest Dungeon players". What exactly has changed from the standard difficulty? I feel like the building materials are very hard to come by still and are the current bottleneck if my campaign (if they're increased I wouldn't wanna imagine their normal rates)


>eper is an amazing boss buster because intimidate hits all rows
It hits rank 1 and 2.

God forbid the Leper ever gets shuffled though.

the artstyle is western cartoon garbage

I don't get why people say Hellion's "If it bleeds" is overpowered.

Please explain it to me. It feels weaker than Iron Swan

More houndmasters.

Yeah, he has a 1% chance to spawn, but the game needs to be on 0 light, so you need to intentionally go hunting for him.

>Play XCOM2 LW
>Oh boy everything is going fine nothing nasty so far
>Rescue mission? That's fine let's do it
>Go around a corner
>Discover what an ultra sectoid commander pod looks like

Jesus christ, who the fuck makes this shit

It's basically Mike Mignola's style but with a bit more color which I'm okay with.

This is the dumbest shit I've ever heard

Sounds like every tabletop game ever
You still haven't explained how it's not a game

The game is easy and a boring grind. The stress mechanic is really out of place. It's fun for a few hours a day but then I have to take breaks.

>Stress mechanic is really out of place
>A game about confronting eldritch horrors and the effect they have on our intrepid heroes

>can't lose the game

If there's one old timey weapon you could expect a woman to get gud with it's a crossbow. And she's about 40% support focused too. She shoots a crossbow and other than that all she does is support. Nothing unreasonable there.
Easier to make characters visually distinct if you mix up the genders. She doesn't look that strong but she doesn't actually seem to have that much raw physical power. Her niche is being the unconventional frontline-melee fighter. Crusader and Leper just tank hits to the face and fuck up whoever stands in front of them while Hellion stuns, inflicts bleed and swings around her big halberd in weird ways to hit the back row from the front and other such autism.

I just bought this game recently and it has giving me that pent-up feeling of frustration that the Souls series used to give (until I got gud). I love it while I the same time, I hate it. It's made me call bullshit numerous times. I can't imagine how hard late game is.

stress in this game is like repairing your equip in diablo, it is completely pointless waste of time mechanic

What happens if all your heroes die and theres only crap in the coach? Wouldn't that leave you in a spiral of failure effectively being a soft game over?

Is a reference to Red Sonja, and she comes from a place far away from the Hamlet, where the rules are likely different for her tribe
A kid who had to flee from her parent's house with a crossbow after an angry mob torched the place with her father still inside. She needed to learn to survive, and a crossbow is a weapon anyone could fire with a bit of practice. Half of her kit is marking targets or healing them, as well. The other half is making a long range shot from safety.

nigga you in the wrong thread?

cuse thats not how stress works at all

>he had to git gud before he could beat normie trash simulator

if you were playing with a time limit yea, so hard mode

other than that you can start over as many times as you want with the same hamlet

New heroes are free and arrive every week. You can always just retry easy missions, probably?

>red sonja
read Howard before you talk about convention pls

Oh I didn't realize this, I literally just started playing 15 minutes ago

someone who actually activley plays the game here? i might wanna buy it but asking Sup Forums about it seems risky because this is the same place that deemed gungeon as too hard

please is it worth it?

It's literally a fantasy game where you have a fucking plated Crusader swordfighting alongside a pistol-using Highwayman, and a Jester with a guitar buffs them with sick rock anthems. BUT OH NO IT'S A STRONK WOMAN MY DAY IS RUINED

>implying you swept through DS on your first playthrougth

I wish I was as epic as you, pal.


It's second health bar meets risk-reward mechanic meets upkeep. Dark 'n dump is a legit profitable strategy that's only compelling because of stress. Inversely, so is building for virtue.

While the Crimson Court is an appreciated increase in difficulty, did the rate of infection for Crimson Curse have to be so high? Every time a bunch of those mosquito cunts show up in a normal quest when I have an uncursed party my asshole clenches tight enough to make shit into diamond.

I presume they stop showing up for a while if I go facefuck the Baron, but that's a normal difficulty quest and I've only got two level 3s. I'm pretty wary of the Courtyard after the face-fucking that was the Crocodilian.

For $10 it is definitely worth it. For serious challenger's only though, brah.

Oh, are you mad I didn't call her Red Sonya?

Easily worth $10, probably not more than $20.

Buy it, find out and refund if it's not to your liking? Fucking generation z who can't decide ANYthing on their own baka

hows the new dlc?

There's a mod in the workshop that halves the curse rate, I think. I might actually install it because it feels insanely high for no real reason. Small enemies shouldn't be so incredibly infuriating to fight

Try a hel, vest, hm, arb. I cleared most of the game with that team on the hardest settings.

is gungeon any good? nuclear throne is kinda meh so far

A dizzying blow to body and brain.

Fun but don't get it if you have a hard time with the base game. The first DLC boss is easily the most difficult boss you can fight at level 0-2.

she is a comic book Mary sue whom Howard would have hated for her ridiculous character, you might as well reference superwoman
actually READ you stupid faggot

quick, how do I build flagellant and in what comp