Not sure if anybody else here has this, but I have something called a processing disorder. For those who don't know what it is, it's a disorder that basically means it takes extra time for your brain to process information (though the up side is once I do, I cling onto said info for good basically). Largely, the thing that it's known for is it's difficult to learn new concepts. But it has another side effect as well.
As a result of this shit, my reaction speed is fucking awful. I've been playing games for as long as I can remember, but any game that requires me to react to what's going on, on screen I do bad at. I'm great at most RPGs and I am the best THPS player I know, but when it comes to fighting games, fps and stuff like that I am just terrible. I can't tell you how frustrating it is to know that I've played certain games 50 times more than a friend and they manage to get better than me like it's nothing. The inability to exceed at literally everything.
Anyway not sure if anybody else here has any sort of similar shit that hinders their abilities to play certain games and what not. If you do, how do you deal with it? Just feel free to post shit like this in general.
Sebastian Clark
lmfao get p0wnt nub
Kevin Lee
I'm bad at games but I don't have a disorder like that. At least you can be happy that you're really good at certain genres.
Charles Sullivan
>processing disorder It's called autism m8, you could be getting NEETbux for it
Sebastian Jackson
Someone has to be the fodder that pads my KDR in shootan and W/L in fightan. You and people like you are important to me.
I can't micromanage units well in strategy games, but then I don't really play those games, especially not competitively.
Juan Martin
Doesn't really help when none of your friends are interested in any of the games you don't suck at. So basically when I play games in a group, I'm always the friend who gets taken less seriously.
And I don't blame them. It's hard to take a player seriously when you know they're bound to do awful.
Colton Adams
How does it slow your reaction time, like you just can't shoot an enemy as soon as you see them in an FPS?
Lincoln James
Nah, I don't have autism.
I have a severe Anxiety Disorder and ADHD though. But I've been tested for most things and in general have great social skills.
Tyler Sanchez
I think I've got a disorder that, when asked if an object or destination is to the right or left, I always say the wrong one first before immediately correcting myself. There is no known name for this.
Adam Johnson
I recently got some kind of vision disease that limits the amount of frames I can capture when there's a lot of movement going on pretty hard to play fps when enemies are stuttering and doing mini-teleports around and my eyes aren't capable of following it perfectly so consider yourself lucky
Anthony Hernandez
Since it takes longer for my brain to process information, I don't realize what's going on as fast as most people. Basically I see something and it takes me a moment to go "oh shit I need to do something now".
Mason Green
>Auditory Processing Disorder (APD), also called central auditory processing disorder, is characterized by an inability to process, interpret, and retain what a person hears. Children with APD may struggle to understand speech in noisy environments, mix up similar speech sounds, fail to follow directions, and misunderstand verbal instruction in the classroom, all of which lead to difficulty in task completion, both at home and at school.
>Visual Processing Disorder is characterized by an abnormality in the brain’s ability to process and interpret what the eyes see. A child with visual processing issues may struggle to differentiate between size, shape, and color of objects, confuse written symbols like those used in calculations, misjudge distance, and experience poor spatial awareness, often resulting in frequent falls or bumping into objects despite normal vision tests.
>Sensory Processing Disorder, also called sensory integration dysfunction, is a neurological difference characterized by either a hypersensitivity (over-responsiveness) or hyposensitivity (under-responsiveness) to one’s surroundings due to the brain’s inability to properly integrate multi-sensory input. While all children may be quirky or particular about their likes and dislikes, children with SPD are so severely affected by their sensory preferences that it interferes with normal, everyday functioning. Children with hypersensitivity to sensory input may exhibit extreme or fearful responses to touch, textures, noise, crowds, lights, and smells, even when these inputs seem benign to others.
I think I'd spec into APD. Although it'd make me appear to be a retard in public, my solitary pursuits wouldn't be as effected.
Brayden Clark
Wait, you have "H-HE'S FAST" the disorder?
Jose Foster
I'm not sure which of them it was, or if it was one of these.
I just know I took a series of tests in my school and the psychologist there ended up telling me that while I'm smarter than most people it takes me time to understand certain concepts or react to what's going on.
My therapist later agreed that it sounded very accurate.
Angel Brown
I find myself doing something similar where I'll ask somebody to repeat something and then moments later realize what they said.
Chase Cook
Sucks to have a limitation, but don't take it too hard its the same with anything else in life.
I know people will tell you really smart people studied hard, really thin people eat right, people good at sports practice a lot, and too an extent those things are true, but at least half of that shit is nailed too our biology.
Got asthma? Well join the chess club because baseball isn't for you. Its part of why I try to never shit on anyone working a low level job, just never know if it may be the best thing they can do physically.
For me its a pinch in the spine. Some days its good some days its bad. Good days I can brutally dominate in fast paced games and carry a team. Bad days I can't do the quick movements for it. So my skill level in a game goes from people thinking I'm hacking to people thinking I'm toasted.
Kayden Moore
I can actually see those frames and recognize what he's doing I think the more detailed a game is and the more movement the characters do on screen the harder it will be for me to see it Overwatch is a good example I thought it was a problem with my pc at first but I see the same thing happen when I'm watching streams or videos from a celphone
Hunter Brown
>Got asthma? Well join the chess club because baseball isn't for you. Ironically, the two most athletic people I know have asthma. Each carried an inhaler, but I've never seen them use it.
I never asked about the severity of their condition. I'm not even sure if asthma is on a scale, but it's worth pointing at that as far as this example goes, an asthmatic might surprise themselves and it certainly not a reason not to pick up a sport if they really want to.
Noah Flores
I just want to be able to feel like I'm actually part of a group of friends when we play games together. I always feel like an outsider to it all, and it sucks because there's certain aspects of games I love.
When I try to explain this to people, I think people take it as I hate being a loser. But it's more the fact that I just feel like I might as well not be there.
Wyatt Baker
Must suck to have your life locked at 30fps
Jonathan Lee
None of your friends play digital board games or turn based strategy? Find ones that do.
Ryder Hall
Nice blog.
Subcribed. Liked. Upvoted.
Just play the games you're good at. Love your confidence, though. =P
Daniel Reyes
The human eye can't see anything more than that so it should be fine
Bentley Walker
Nah. And I'm talking about my IRL friends.
Maybe it'd be a good idea to try and find some online friends to play vidya with. But sometimes I wanna play shit with my IRL friends too. I was considering getting into FFXIV though and one of my friends was interested. Don't know too much about that, but maybe that'd be something better?
I just thought it might be a good idea.
Isaac Cook
I have asthma and their doctors probably told them what mine told me. Stay active, the more physically healthy you are the easier it is to breathe. Also, If they aren't using their inhalers often that's a good thing. The inhalers you carry around are the rescue ones, only to be used when you're about to have an asthma attack or if you are having one.
Jacob Price
I also own a Nu-tendo Switch. Nice to see a fellow man of taste around town.
Care to join me for some Street Fighter II?
Nathan Ramirez
Isn't this called downs?
Why can't you just force a better reaction time by just guessing?
Brody Anderson
No lmao.
And that doesn't really work.
Lucas Garcia
My reaction time improves the tighter I make my helmet, and you might be onto something with that guessing thing.
Jacob Hughes
>My reaction time improves the tighter I make my helmet, maybe all you need is a little pain to help you out.
>and you might be onto something with that guessing thing. you should just play those color based mouse reaction games until you can train your brain to react quickly from simple inputs.
Jaxon Hughes
I'm not sure where exactly I read this. Either Cracked or Sup Forums, but just to make sure, are you the samefag that can only see still pictures unless you blink fast?
Carter Powell
it really doesn't matter, most people care less about competitive gaming as they get older, even just into their 30s their competitive spirit fucking dies.
basically competitive gaming is kiddy shit don't mind it, there's more than one way to enjoy games.
Joshua Foster
I don't want to be fodder :(
Jace Hughes
It's not really a competitive thing.
It's more that all my IRL friends like to play games that I don't stand a chance at, and I hate always being the guy in last place just because it makes me feel like an outsider to the actual game and like my presence doesn't even matter.
Christopher Nelson
well i don't have friends so i can't offer advice
actually i can, dump your friends and those feelings of inferiority will stop. lel