Is it possible to discuss the Modern Warfare story line here on Sup Forums?
Is it possible to discuss the Modern Warfare story line here on Sup Forums?
Why would you do that when Blops story was so much better?
blops 3 was trash though. It has nothing to do with two previous games they did not even have a crossbow and ballistic knife in multiplayer on the release and only added them in supply drops which was unfair.
>MP shit
Who cares lel.
gb2 gaia
After the reveal about the sleeper agent Mason in Blops1, Blops 2's story was kind of shit.
game stopped being good after MW2
Blops 2 was great, though I agree Blops 1 had the better story, 2 had the better gameplay.
It did have horses before Battlefield.
Infinite Warfare's campaign has a good story
it's pretty much a gundam story, not that that's a bad thing
>game stopped being good during MW2
Fixed it for you, bro.
>killing all those ruskies at the airport
>That white house trench warfare defense level
>LITERALLY defending fucking burger king
>mustache twirling Army general turns heel
It was awesome. It was like if Michael bay directed a video game. Anything that was required to blow up more set pieces.
Makarov dindu nuffin
>Knowingly colluded with an american general to start World War 3
Yeah, the stupid backlash against IW came at the time CoD had one of their greatest single player campaigns.
The CIA was Makarov's handler, user. He was literally following orders.
The backlash against IW was one of the most retarded things I'd ever seen happen. It was like it was manufactured. IW was one of the most original COD's ever released. Everyone was hyping BF1 because of a setting yet it turned out shit, and IW was actually good.
tfw i actually enjoy all the call of duty campaigns
Explain to me what the fuck was Price going for with that EMP?
Saving the United States of America.
I think the argument was that Americans were already reduced to irregular warfare in the DC area so knocking out all advanced electronic tipped the scales in their favor.
If I had to give a half assed guess.
EMP knocks out all equipment for both sides. Price is banking that the US will recover faster since they aren't the invading army and dependent on resources on hand.
Russia was literally launching a full scale invasion of the united states. the EMP was meant to, at the least slow them down at most offline them for weeks or maybe months.