This game isn't very good

This game isn't very good

It's better than Zestiria but still I wouldn't recomment you buy it, let alone spend your time playing it. The plot is ok but I just absolutely hate the base gameplay. Shit loads of walking, tedious fights, grindan equipment, it's all a huge shit show.

I'm glad I pirated it.

Other urls found in this thread:

I quit after 19 hours. It just got too tedious and the characters didn't have much appeal to me.
I loved Symphonia and Vespieria.
Abyss and Legendia were okay.
Xillia got boring towards the end but was mostly good..
I never played Zestiria.

Now thanks to the steam sale I can enjoy a good RPG experience with Final Fantasy IX.

OP here
I partiuclarly enjoyed Symphonia, but I don't wanna go back and play outdated old ones. I was hoping the brand new one would be good. But alas, it was underwhelming through and through. Oh well.

I agree

just wait for tales of xenoblade 2 or something

I loved it and honestly thought it was better than Persona5

I played the game mostly on moderate and never felt challenged by the game. Never even upgraded equipment above +1. I thought the gameplay was fine, if a little easy. The cast was great but the plot was bad and the game was too linear.

it's so boring though

You upgrade your shit to level six then whoops the next sword at base level is stronger

Just remove upgrading altogether and put the sword and weapon upgrades inside the chests ffs.

Well I'm glad I bought Nier instead then. Honestly I think the last good Tales was Vesperia.

i liked it

I couldn't get into it either. Same with Zestiria. I can't put my finger on it but it's just not as fun as Vesperia nor is it as fast or amazing for coop like Graces f. I thought the Xillia games were great but that's when they started going into a direction I wasn't a fan of and Zestiria/Berseria both really solidify that.

Tales of Symphonia got me into RPGs in the first place.

In addendum I don't care for the main heroine for the game. I just can't like her playstyle and moveset for some reason like I could Yuri and Jude.

I know people say Yuri is overlimit + "DESTRUCTION DESTRU- DESTRUC- DESTRUCTION DESTRUCTION DES-" but if you decide not to abuse that kinda stuff he has a lot of interesting artes that he can weave around with, not to mention his left-handed nature and the way he holds the sword both outside and inside battle are so fucking cool to me.

And then you have Jude and his glorious backstep/frontstep. Yeah, it was easy to time and pull off but that only helped make it addicting and still feel rewarding. It becomes even more insane when you can activate it with a frontstep and goes full fucking WITCHTIME when you can activate Rowen's time stop skill by linking with him.

OP here

I only slightly liked Nier a little bit more. It has its flaws but it's at least a better game overall. The music is outstanding as fuck, and I enjoyed the story quite a bit more.I fucking hate the sandbox walking meme though, and the game could use some additional colors besides Gray and shades of other gray.

Zestiria: 3/10
Bersia: 5/10
Nier automata: 6/10

I've seen people praising 360 Vesperia, is the ps3 version fine or it's a gimped experience? In case, how much gimped?

>and the game could use some additional colors besides Gray and shades of other gray.
Nier's art direction is perfect for that kind of atmosphere.

i liked the characters and their interactions but it just wasn't enough for me to put up with the garbage gameplay. i could feel my iq dropping while playing. would love to have velvet in a good game

You can ride moose and boars BTW, they're a lot faster. Color pallete fits the tone of the game, notice how it changes in certain situations.

People bitch about brown and bloom how is this any different?

Fighting is okay except balance is all shit. At some point you just don't want to fight trash mobs that you need to fight a lot of to make sure your stats aren't total shit. So of course you just skip trash mobs and fight by abusing overpowered break souls.

I got bored after 2 hours playing.

Crappy dialogue.
Crappy story, which seems like it's written by a 12 year old.
Boring, bland cities, full of boring bland NPCs.

Because it's not always grey, there's greens and reds, it goes grey during serious events, and when you're in the bunker. This is intentional, not out if laziness.

>people bitching about something should be considered a universal dogma.
Seriously? Blind and generic bitching instead of judging case by case is nothing more buzzwording and parroting meme.
In Nier's case it works perfectly because of that specific atmosphere and story, make a game in which brown and bloom perfectly suit the game and people won't have a valid reason to bitch about it, it's not that hard.

I fucking loved it, I loved the story, I really liked the combat system and the cast was amazing.

I think OP is being too harsh, but what did you like about the combat? Asking since I recently started it (I'm right after the lizard guy) and probably I'm still missing some nuances.

The fact that you can map artes to all 4 buttons and overall the fluidity of battles

In 2 hours you barely made it to Hellaves and went to look for Dyle. The story doesn't even start till you reach Loegress.

That first major port city was boring enough for me to give up.

This, 2 hours isn't even the first step in jrpg.

You're an idiot but it's ok, you're not wanted in these threads anyway and now you don't have any reason to post in them.

What were you expecting - full plot of 40-60hour long JRPG in 30 minutes?
Are you this retarded?

My first Tales game, despite me having a bunch roms of older games downloaded and owing Zesteria since PC release.
Combat system is something else. Maybe I need to put more thought in it while I'm playing.

>Yea, the first layer of the cake is made out of dogshit, but fuck, man, the center is really good. What an idiot for abandoning it after the first bite.

Downloaded it, Installed it, and read it was horrible. I never played it, and uninstalled it. Same with Zestiria. Not easily influenced but games like this, I played about 20 of them. I cant do another one this year.

Except the first layer isn't made of dogshit.

OP here

I'm near the end of the game and while it does pick up a little it's not worth slogging through if you aren't enamored with the game early on. I'm not enjoying it that much, even if the high points are a pleasant suprise on occasion.

zestiria is truly trash through and through though.

>not washing your cake first.

youre doing it wrong

>Comparing games to cake

Well, first 10 hours of BOTW are boring plateau tutorial, so does it make the game dogshit?

>food analogy

I am literally orgasmic that my shitposting has garnered so many precious (You)s

Personally I dislike that about Berseria's battle system. You don't have as much control of what you're doing and it promotes mashing.

>been playing it almost 24/7
>get back to hellawes
>suddenly stop playing and can't force myself, even though the combat is fucking fun because i play Eizen and Rokurou exclusively

>nobody replied about ps3 vesperia.
Did you all play it on 360 or something.

I've only played the PS3 version but from what I've read the PS3 version is superior because:

Much more voice acting. Supposedly they almost double the amount of voiced lines in the game
Two more playable characters
A few new minigames and more sidequests
More artes including mystic artes for all characters
New key item so you can have a much higher level overlimit
More costumes and other fluff
I think they also made a few additions to the main story, but I'm not sure about that.

I might be forgetting some things.

Right I was confused, my bad I only played Abyss and Berseria and It has been years since I browsed a tales thread, but now I remember it the gimped version was the 360 and it's the only one the west got, while enhanced version was on ps3 and jap only, right? Man, what a strange situation.

That's correct. For now you need a PS3 with custom firmware to play the fan translation of the PS3 version. Perhaps they'll port it eventually or it'll emulate well some day.

> PS3 with custom firmware to play the fan translation of the PS3 version.
Freaking neat, was already planning to downgrade the firmware, thank you.

>Perhaps they'll port it eventually or it'll emulate well some day.
I hoped to see it on steam, but Berseria isn't selling very well (it was around 80k before the sales started), at this point it's very unlikely.

The more I played this game the more I disliked it. By mid-game my patience was wearing thin, and by end-game I was ready for it to be over. The story starts off interesting but devolves into a typical Tales plot by the end, and the characters turn from interesting antiheroes to the same kind of cliche-spouting moralfags you'd see in any other Tales game. The dungeons are shit; just like Zestiria, they're overly-long and full of recycled enemies and layouts (albeit with slightly different textures). There's also little-to-no incentive to explore or admire their design; once you've seen the first cave, you've seen them all. At least give me a stupid puzzle or two to break up the monotony. The equipment system swung far too much in the other direction from Zestiria; instead of being obtuse and needlessly time-consuming, it's bland, mindless, and unremarkable. The battle lacks any real finesse or skill, and some characters are designed like absolute shit. Laphicet is a slog to play as and Eizen was only fun for me when I was spamming stomps and punches like a fucking retard. Hybrid spellcasters should be fun; don't give them spells or physical attacks if they aren't even competent at these things. Laphicet doesn't even need physical artes and Eizen doesn't need magic. These characters feel poorly designed to me, but I'll admit that I'm a fringe case.

I liked the game enough to finish it, but I feel like the lowered expectations from previous titles have lead people to give Berseria a little more leeway than it deserves.

How do I get into the Tales series?
Which game should I start with? Are they all connected?

This is coming from some guy who primarily plays fighting games, not JRPGs, so keep that in mind.

The combat is, in fact, fairly nuanced if you pay close attention to the unlocked moves. The move you start the combo with can be pretty important, especially for the ones that pop the opponent off the ground. Certain moves also knock down, and enemies usually stay down long enough for you to regenerate a soul or two and keep going without resorting to break souls or whatever.

Hitboxes/hurtboxes on a lot of moves also tend to get you out of certain situations. That one move that causes that little water splash, and that other move that causes Velvet to rise up in a ball in the air before divekicking back down come to mind. It's important to know (at least on the harder difficulty levels) how to use those.

Velvet's break soul in particular allows for some pretty neat combo extensions if you think about it even a little, since it pops enemies off the floor and cancels into anything, but it's fairly minor compared to what I already listed.

Directly addressing what you said about the face button stuff, I think it's arguably worse for casting but benefits hand-to-hand stuff a lot, since you have a lot more control over what chains into what.

Yeah, I played through most of the game using Velvet. Nobody else is as fun as her to use.

Pick one and start with it. Unless they have a 2 after their name, they're not connected. Berseria is a prequel to Zestiria but you can play Berseria first just fine. I dunno what systems you have, but Berseria would be a fine starting point in my opinion assuming you have a PS4 or PC.

Same. I've played other Tales games and thought they were meh, but Berseria really clicked with me. Maybe It's because Velvet wasn't your typical protag wanting to save the world like past games. That shit got old with Zesty.

Yeah, her schtick felt a lot more personal. The whole cast felt more relatable than many RPGs out there, I think.

symphonia is the best one

Believe me

I'm , that's the kind of post I wanted to read, thank you. If you remember some other details, I'm very interested in reading them.


I'm the only one allowed to post that picture, fuck you.

>it's typical JRPG
>don't buy it
>I don't like it
>walking, fighting, grinding

Well, it's typical JRPG, what do you expect? Btw, looks like you only played Zesti and Berseria... so get lost.

Sorry user, both that pic and your waifu are mine now.

Give her back!

Symphonia's a good starting point. Then you can play Phantasia, Abyss, and Vesperia and ignore every other title because they're shit.

Why does every character look like those two faggots from the Symphonia sequel? Does Japan really like gay?

> ignore every other title because they're shit.

Wasn't xillia 2 very popular here?

I pirated it, will play to completion just for Velvet and you can't stop me OP

I dropped it as soon as i realized i can have all equipment skills without an upper limit. What the fuck kind of design is that?

I enjoyed the battle system and the characters so it was a pretty cool ride.

Not him, but Symphonia feels incredibly ambitious as a game compared to most other tales. Asstons of delicious sidecontent, open world with shit to find off the beaten path, minigames, cooking, relationship system, unique dungeons with high variety in puzzles, etc. A truly amazing tales game needs all this stuff, but lately it feels like bamco is starving their tales developers.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Equipment learned skills are just there and can't be interacted with. leading me to believe that they are unlimited and active all the time as soon as they are mastered. Is that wrong, you fucking faggot?

So what, nigger?

I pirated it because of denuvo, regret nothing, will pirate any future Tales of that comes with denuvo.

I want to micromanage and not be an overpowered fag.

They don't make you overpowered, play on chaos, fag.

The game is pretty balanced around you getting these skills though. You think 8% increase to fire damage makes you a destroyer of worlds?

she was a horrible one sided protagonist, hated her and forcing the le fememe protagonist, glad I pirated.

she was perfect on the beginning of the game though when she wasn't edgy.

>not playing it for my boy Eizen

Wellm considering i have every single char learn every single skill. Yes that is fucking overpowered. I don't even need to mash buttons.

but the guys aren't faggots like typical final fantasy gays. even the shota is a bad motherfucker.

>implying she doesn't stop being edgy after she almost breaks


It also happens to halfass the plot and the cast is one of the most one-dimensional ones in the series.
Rest of the stuff has been done better by other games and the relationship system is garbage because it means you can't have meaningful romantic relationships within the game (with girls who aren't Colette because she simply gets the most scenes).

You need to play the first xillai which is kinda crap and then you kill yourself because the incredibly huge amount of recycling shit the game does.

>glad I pirated
Which crew is best for this game?

I love how Sup Forums is literally a cycle of garbage contrarians.

>game comes out
>literally loved by everyone
>constant threads about it and good reviews all around
>fast forward
>"I hated "
>"Game was so not good, I hated game first!"
>"Oh my godddddd game is the worst of the series I liked Previously Hated Game so much more!"

I don't think there's ANY game that has gotten popular threads in Sup Forums that hasn't gone through this phase.

I actually agree with pretty much everything you said, but I wasn't able to put it into words. I mean, I don't hate Berseria by any means, but like you said the patience was wearing thin. I think I remember hitting a breaking point just before the "town plot twist" I felt like I already had enough and just wanted it to be over.

I also didn't really feel anything for Velvet which seems to be most peoples craze for the game so I guess that was already a downfall going into the game.

Honestly, Symphonia is your best bet. It feels the most "safest" way to ease yourself into the series. You should also play the gamecube version and not the PS2 one.

>half-ass the plot
The plot is one of the best in the series though. You might not like the writing, but the story has a ton of variety and and is a good example of how to write something with multiple antagonists.

Same here senpai

You are a fucking faggot.

If it makes you feel any better I've been talking shit about Berseria in Tales threads here on Sup Forums long before we even knew anything about the game.

This. Every single fucking time.

>You should also play the gamecube version
That's the one on steam.

>there will be no Tales of Vesperia 2

No. Steam version is the PS3 version which is the PS2 version.

Nope steam version is the PS3 version I believe, which is unfortunately a port of the PS2 version.

You can mod it enough and it's not like the game is challenging in any way barring one fight the ps3 version makes harder.

>which is unfortunately a port of the PS2 version.
Dunno, but here
it says
>Based on the PlayStation®3 port of the original GameCube game

You can mod the graphics and make it 60fps? If so then sure that's fine.

Yeah, the port is the PS2 version, the one Japan received.

Currently at the first town.
Game seems weel made so far, even if the combat system seems like a bit of a clusterfuck.

the world is suposed to be dead and desperate.
difference between this and brown and bloom?
it's done on purpose for the atmosphere.
just like how caim's control were fucked up in dod1 but not angelus's

>not liking Velvet not falling prey to the common 'oh no we can't harm this child' when Laphi is ordered to suicide bomb and just kicks him in the face.
Any other Jrpg party would have allowed it and cried afterwards

It's okay, I still fucking love Berseria