How does Sup Forums feel about SWL? Is it an improvement on the former game?
I feel like for every shitty thing they added, they added one great thing. Trying to keep myself playing, and the world is great even playing through the quests a second time around, but the combat feels like a side-grade. I like the new gimmick to each of the weapons, but then they took away the synergy weapons have, so I haven't decided yet whether or not it is better, worse, or the same.
Original felt like a complete game. This is mess. Mouse controls are better, but that's the only thing they improved imo. Combat looks interesting at first, but after a few days of playing I started to hate these gimmicks they've added, they are useless and annoying, especially rifle's grenade. Loot in dungeons is crap and quests have unnecessary level requirement that gets on my nerves. Really don't like this update and I have a feeling it won't get any better.
Adrian Richardson
is it sitll possible to tab target or is there a target lock on akin to metroid prime? Im not aiming my shit with a thumbstick
Charles Thomas
It's not an update over the original that's for sure. The f2p bullshit is horrendous and I don't see players sticking around for more than just the story.
This video explains the changes and Funcom's money grubbing.
Oh shit this came out already? I'll have to try it. That fuckin' download time though.
Joseph Bailey
>Different type of shitty combat : 0 >Worse cash shop bullshit : -5 Going backwards over all
Landon Wilson
>he still plays MMOs
Aaron Campbell
>quests have unnecessary level requirement Hadn't heard that one yet. I liked quests only being locked behind you ability to do the ones before them.
Aiden James
The game is easier now so you can get through the quests quicker, which are the better parts of the game.
Some of the gimmicks are fun like shotguns giving you 4 different types of ammo to use for whatever situation you need. Some gimmicks suck like grenades or managing heat levels. There is no synergy anymore and using multiple weapons can actually hinder you if your main weapon gimmick needs slots (shotgun needs shotgun skills for better odds of receiving the ammo you want) and sucks up passives to leave you mediocre in both weapons.
The game is piss easy and fights go by quickly, but the quests are the same so you are free to experience the lore and characters without shitty combat hindering you. It won't be a big PvP or raiding game, but that was never the appeal even in TSW Original.