How does Sup Forums feel about SWL? Is it an improvement on the former game?

How does Sup Forums feel about SWL? Is it an improvement on the former game?

I feel like for every shitty thing they added, they added one great thing. Trying to keep myself playing, and the world is great even playing through the quests a second time around, but the combat feels like a side-grade. I like the new gimmick to each of the weapons, but then they took away the synergy weapons have, so I haven't decided yet whether or not it is better, worse, or the same.

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Original felt like a complete game. This is mess. Mouse controls are better, but that's the only thing they improved imo.
Combat looks interesting at first, but after a few days of playing I started to hate these gimmicks they've added, they are useless and annoying, especially rifle's grenade. Loot in dungeons is crap and quests have unnecessary level requirement that gets on my nerves.
Really don't like this update and I have a feeling it won't get any better.

is it sitll possible to tab target or is there a target lock on akin to metroid prime? Im not aiming my shit with a thumbstick

It's not an update over the original that's for sure. The f2p bullshit is horrendous and I don't see players sticking around for more than just the story.

This video explains the changes and Funcom's money grubbing.

>it is free to play

Oh shit this came out already? I'll have to try it. That fuckin' download time though.

>Different type of shitty combat : 0
>Worse cash shop bullshit : -5
Going backwards over all

>he still plays MMOs

>quests have unnecessary level requirement
Hadn't heard that one yet. I liked quests only being locked behind you ability to do the ones before them.

The game is easier now so you can get through the quests quicker, which are the better parts of the game.

Some of the gimmicks are fun like shotguns giving you 4 different types of ammo to use for whatever situation you need. Some gimmicks suck like grenades or managing heat levels. There is no synergy anymore and using multiple weapons can actually hinder you if your main weapon gimmick needs slots (shotgun needs shotgun skills for better odds of receiving the ammo you want) and sucks up passives to leave you mediocre in both weapons.

The game is piss easy and fights go by quickly, but the quests are the same so you are free to experience the lore and characters without shitty combat hindering you. It won't be a big PvP or raiding game, but that was never the appeal even in TSW Original.

Ok I'm trying this out

What are the best weapon combinations?

Since I like solo questing and story, this seems pretty neat. But what's the group play like?

Swords and chaos, pistols and whatever, shotgun exclusive. Synergy is nonexistent so its more about filling a gap in your play style, or giving yourself a move to spam when you are out of energy on your main weapon.

These are a few that I heard good things about. Shotgun has a ton of versatility (Dot ammo for hordes, +damage for DPS, armor piercing for debuff, healing for tanking) with plenty of heals just from the act of reloading if you take the passive. Pistols are low maintenance as the gimmick has no micromanaging required and pair well with melee characters. I hear sword has great healing abilities.

The damage weapons do is actually kind of the same, you just want the ability to heal yourself from one of your weapons. The game is so easy you don't need to worry about nonexistent synergies. I'd suggest looking at what weapon's gimmick you like the best for your main, and avoid combining two micromanaged ones (like shotgun and elemental.)

Forgot to mention, the classes are not permanent. If you can't find your desired weapon combo, pick a class that has your primary weapon and pick up the other later. Classes only determine starting equipment.

I like how he lumps shit that was paid in TSW also just so he can bitch more

So, the secret world is now the secret world legends on steam, right? Because my download is telling it's the the regular secret world, I think.

I don't think Legends is on Steam yet. You have to download the client from their website.

Good shit senpai, that was going to really upset me if I sat through that whole download.

>have to constantly focus and watch the action bar instead of the action because of the combat gimmick
yeah, nah

Just as ass as solo play but now you got designated rolls mixed in like tank (shotgunner) healer (blood magic or assault rifle) and DPS.
I really wanted to like this and the atmosphere and writing is top notch but the gameplay has barely improved while they're trying to nickle and fucking dime with a completely unnecessary relaunch.

Thank you.

>trying to nickle and fucking dime
What absolutely necessary things are locked behind a paywall?

In most regular encounters you don't need to pay much attention to that because they're over in 5-10 seconds.

active target is the one you point the mouse at. feels very weird with AoE spells when you just want to hit a big crowd but it occasionally tells you no target because crosshair doesnt point on one enemy.

Are we getting together, bros? Like old times? Or is the game too easy now?

Trade, alternate weapons and dressup

Pick a easy to manage one. Pistols, chaos, swords, hammers...

I like shotgun since it gives me a tool for every situation. I can't stand the ones like blood magic or AR that hurt you if you fail to micromanage it.

How is the optimization in this game?

Does it run faster than the original TSW?

Trade, weapons/weapon trees which are ridiculously expensive if intending to buy with marks of favor with no means to try them out, dungeon loot being extremely low chance and instead throws shitty weapon ugprades at you while also being limited to 10chests per day, MSQ has a level requirement and sidequests have 3day cooldowns meaning you need to run up and down world zones looking for anything and everything to turn in for experience, not awful first zone but i could see MSQ being gated in the future.
Their sub benefits are shit and they relaunched purely to try and make a quickbuck off of retards willing to pay into their cancerous f2p model that unless fixed soon will probably be the final nail in the coffin for this unique yet mismanaged game. There's more I could complain about but review is pretty accurate.

I feel like I'd be having way more fun with this game if I don't have 320ms ping

Runs like shit. If you got a good computer you can probably run DX9 well, DX11 if you don't care the game will freeze up now and then because you really want AO. Ignore tesselation or at the very least have it set to ground only since having it on world or ground/world causes the game to have a stroke.

>no releasing on Steam

it's like they want to make a dead game

TSW was always niche as fuck and isnt going to be for most people anyway. it just seems like such a bad idea at its core - trying to solve "real" puzzles whilst MMO mobs respawn on you, server disconnects, dodgy interface, etc.

I have no idea what Legends is really supposed to achieve. its not really a step up, or a sidestep, it might even be a step down. Funcom are doing the Hokey-Cokey or some shit.

But i have a high tolerance for shitty F2P MMOs, i just like grinding and powering up a character and dressing them up. so its nice to play some TSW again, Legends simply reminded me it existed and is a nice excuse to play through the zones again. in this context i suppose the combat is much better, just for casual solo grinding.

i've decided to focus on chaos, blood, rifle, and fist for now. we'll see how that goes. it seems almost a moot point now; just pick whatever gimmick doesn't annoy the fuck out of you. does the endgame power-up still exist, what was it, AEGIS?

Aegis does not exist, they made a special point of stating that Aegis system is gone. I don't think Tokyo is even in Legends right now or what the plans are for it in the future, but I'm ok with that.

It is a shame that the game is niche, it's been really hard to convince my friends to play it with me since their focus is typically anything but story-based questing. I'm hopeful that Legends being free will at least encourage some of them to give it a shot and see if they like the aspects of the game that really make it great.

>"real" puzzles
it's a stupid idea on itself, and it's even worse on what they assume on the players in this game. I mean who the fuck reads a fucking bible nowadays.

>Combat changed, but puzzles and story unchanged
Such as "follow the blood trail", Now that thing has fucking giant blue highlight to it, so even retards can follow it.

I TOUGH YOU SAID THEY DIDN'T CHANGE THE PUZZLES, WTF is this shit? HOW DO I TURN IT OFF, I don't want every clue to be highlighted from 50m away!


that still launches the original TSW game

SWL won't be live on steam until July 31 when the hype dies down


I want to be a Tank/DPS. What class should I take?

don't worry about it, they aren't real classes.

but you might want to start with chaos + fist/sword/something.

new combat is cool but the skills are fucking shit, you just can't make a fun build out of this mess

Shotguns the tank class. Has inconsistent self healing for solo play i believe.

Combat feels like it's been dumbed down for Funcom's desire to release it on consoles. All the synergies are gone and only having five buttons (1 button being reserved for your mandatory Basic Attack) is definitely a consolization move.

I'm half-heartedly playing it but I know Funcom lies about Season 2. They put in Augments to give people something to grind for a year+, they put in Museum to give people something to grind for a year+, now they're doing a level/gear reset in the hopes people will grind for a year+ to get back to where they were when TSW got pod people'd and became TSWL.

But still TSW has the best quests in any MMORPG--hell it's better than most single-player RPGs.

Shotgun have 3 lines of "specs": damage, support (heals/cleanse/debuffs), tank.
None of which synergizes with each other.

>can randomly buff your opponent

umm is this class actually viable or is it a pain in the ass?

Pistols and shotgun are the only good weapons now

If anyone Dragons want to level with me and a friend or eventually do end-game stuff.

Add: MikeTython (NA - Dragons)



Which class won't make me hate myself after 3 hours?

I haven't played this game since some where around 2013 it seems I remember I tried to get my buddy to play with me but he didn't like it so I quit as well.
Also my character's name which I really liked is gone and I can't for the life of me remember what it was, is there anywhere I could check in or chat with support if they have it archived somewhere?

Do the investigative quests have highlights now?
Cause then there is literally no reason to not go back.

you can disable them in the hud options I believe. There's a lot of shit crammed in it, waypoints bugged me a lot as well.

This AR grenade mechanic is driving me crazy. Worst weapon mechanic in the game, to be honest famuly

Following blood trail is not a puzzle

any advice? it's shotgun/hammer vs. chaos/pistols

Take the perk that increases it to 9seconds, makes it far better.
And disable ability queueing in the options because that shit makes you snackbar your self so fucking often with the dumb as fuck basic ability that should have just been autocast.
Mashing keys is fun1!!11!!

I can't believe I was slightly hyped for this.
The Secret World with better gameplay as an action-rpg with online, it sounded perfect.

>Do the investigative quests have highlights now?
Making a video comparrison right now. give me 20 min or so.

>improve gameplay very slightly but its still awful
>re-release and punish those who play more than one or two hours a day
I'm sad with the way it turned out too. Maybe in a few months when they realize this isn't how you handle an f2p mmo we can enjoy it together, or we can silently mourn its death.

Investigation missions are vanilla

What? The game always has had 5 active skills.

This kind of pretentious shit is why it failed. Crying about handholding while thinking that basic shit like LOOK AT STUFF a "puzzle".

Just started. Why does every quest I pick up need to have a cutscene attached to it?

>he doesn't like fully voice acted story driven cutscenes

its what makes this game grate

don't you want to feel like an /x/phile

Anyone here main Chaos?

How is it? Is the random enemy buffs really shitty or not really an issue?

I just got used to picking up quests and going. I've been turned into a zombie and forgot how to enjoy things.

More importantly, can you play it outside NA?

Can somebody please record "The Hunger" mission in Kingsmouth in Secret World Lenegds?
I have it on cooldown so can't record the example myself for another 50 hours.

>This kind of pretentious shit is why it failed. Crying about handholding while thinking that basic shit like LOOK AT STUFF a "puzzle".
I am saying everything seems to have been dumbed down.
Puzzles have interactive shit highlighted so everything is isntantly found in the room.
Blood trails are highlighted with blue shit so even retards cant miss.
I am giving you examples of how people said that only combat was changed, but the rest of the game was dumbed down as well with giant highlights showing

It's basically the same. You level so damn fast from doing quests that the level requirements aren't an issue unless you're actively skipping quests

so far i've been skipping annoying side quests like "find the 6 things within large radius indicators spread all over the map", but doing pretty much every single missions and investigation. hasn't really been a problem so far.

those quests are a particular problem, because it's not like you can take and track 100 quests at once, and just do it as you clear the map naturally.

The combat was so slow and such a pain in the original game that it stopped me from ever leaving Kingsmouth.

Now I am running about The Savage Coast for the first time. The combat might have been simplified and yes the weapon gimicks are fucking pointless but fuck me I can kill groups of enemies outside of 5 minutes and half my health bar.

"action oriented" and "latency" doesn't mix, ever

>The combat was so slow and such a pain in the original game that it stopped me from ever leaving Kingsmouth.
How do you fuck up at a video game so hard, that you have trouble killing shit in an orderly manner?
Or were you a heal cuck?

TTK in the original was like 3x as much as it is now.

I literally just compared kingsmouth gameplay between the two.
Secret world legend takes about 2-3 seconds to kill
The secret world takes 3-4 seconds to kill stuff.
Usually the difference is 1-2 seconds for most of the mobs and bosses.
Maybe your idea of mobs doing before you can get HALF of your rotation down is fun, but I preffer it when my enemies don't die so fast I literally got to use 2 abilties at max.

How much does it cost to respec?

You don't

Well, it seems the majority thought otherwise since one of the biggest complaints for players quitting was combat was boring and you did no damage.


Secret World Legends
>hurr durr where is the blood
>oh better follow these giant blue beacons hurr durr

The Secret World
You actually had to see and follow the blood trail.
So yeah, the entire game has been dumbed down.

That was true if you weren't a dps class.
But a dps class felt just fine at least in my opinion.
I do understand how you would have to take some time to kill if you were a healer/tank.

By the way, they also seem to have reduced the damage the enemies do.

Both have good primaries (if trickster's main is pistol.) Keep in mind all weapons basically do the same damage, and differences only come up with the abilities, gimmicks, and range.

Shotguns require you to play with the reloading gimmick, which I like because it can never fuck you up like AR. Gives you heals, more damage, whatever you need. Pistols/chaos on the other hand have no manual manipulation so they work in the background while you focus on spamming your 2-3 abilities.

If you take shotgun, you are better off ignoring the hammer (unless that's your main weapon) since the more shotgun abilities you have slotted the more variety of ammo you may get. Reloading also can heal you.

Pistols I never used, but I hear they have good single target abilities. Chaos seems like the only nonannoying magic type.

General rules I made for selecting weapons is
Gimmick > Powers > Ranged/melee >>> "roles" >>>>>> any imagined synergy

>follow the giant gloving quest markers
Holy shit! This is disgusting.

Would I do it good in solo with pistol as primary and element as secondary?

>playing SWL
>would rather go back to TSW and finish off Egypt

I don't like this. The combat feels way worse.


Please, no.

As long as your main weapon can heal you in some way, you will do fine solo. As for secondaries, I honestly think it is a better idea to follow a weapon down a pure path since splitting up your weapons splits your abilities and passives with no synergy.

Maybe later you can find good combos, but leveling I think bumrushing is the far better choice. Especially with god tier shotgun. Your resources don't get split up either.

Is blood magic and assault rifle that bad?

Two micromanaged gimmicks, AR animations don't match when they do damage, other weapons can heal now so leeching isn't the end all solo build. It's easier to do other weapons and you get the same results.

Group play is also rare as fuck.

both are for healing so it might be a bit redundant.
I was going to roll AR and blood magic to roleplay as a Somalian war criminal but I'm too afraid of wasting favor to unlock blood.

Alloha Akbork

Did pistol have heals?

No clue, if it is your primary you can check the skills in the tutorial. Only one character slot so I can't look at it for you.

>redneck in the Illuminati

I want to go Chaos and Hammer. Good or no?

A lot of people like hammers and it's gimmick isn't annoying. Not a bad pick.

The game is really easy so it is almost impossible to gimp yourself. Might as well go with what you like the looks of.

>"""""2 hour""""" downtime in 60 minutes

absolutely ruined, take an upvote

