He bought a ryzen for gaming

>he bought a ryzen for gaming

im going to, yes

It's excellent for gaming also

Ryzen unleashed all the AMD shills

>he bought a ryzen

>want to use trump card
>can't because i haven't given any time/thought/consideration as to how i'd implement it

No, I'll buy threadripper for gaming.
I'm not even kidding.

If all you ever do is game that money is wasted. Also, the lower clocks will probably mean worse gaming performance.



Depends on the game though.
I'll agree that if all your games are older and or single thread heavy (lots of MMOs, shitstrike, overlol, MOBAs, etc) then buy a cheap Intel, otherwise get Ryzen.

Sup Forums is for watch threads now.

Yes I'm replacing my 2500k for a 1600

Intel can go fuck themselves with their 2% perf increases each year. Had to wait 6 years for ryzen to get an upgrade from a 2500k at the same price I bought it for, 6600/7600 is basically the same with a 20%ipc boost

>Depends on the game though.
Yea. I heard fallout 4 uses at least 3 cores. And everyone is a content creator nowadays haha *cough* MAC *cough* and don't forget about windows excel.

>he doesn't want better frametimes

>he bought an i7 for gaming
>he overpaid for something he will never fucking use in his life
>not just getting a good i5 chip and being happy
you fucking gaymers will buy anything that you're told you need, and yet you have no idea why or what it does. Have fun overpaying for shit you'll never use, though! I'm sure intel appreciates you being a stupid consumer

R5 1600 and 8gb 480 has no problems with anything I've tried it on so far. Max temp has only been around 50-60 for cpu and 75 for gpu under serious load.

Fox and the grapes. You don't have to justify your purchase to me user. I mean in 2 year this new stuff will be replace.

Reminder ryzen has better minimum 0.1% and 1% frames

This is the ultimate bang for your buck and all the average gamer requires.

i5 is pretty much obsolete when r5 exist

My 4690k 4.4 hits 90-100% usage on the regular at 1080p 120hz with a 1060.

Sone games I have to cap to 60 frames to stop stutter I. E. Battlefield

Anyone who buys a quad core right now is retarded, they have been reused over and over by Intel since they had no competition. Now they have competition and mainstream i5s will be 6 core in August.

If you waited 7 years and don't have a quad core it's worth waiting another two months because the cpu market is finally changing after almost a decade

Ryzens logo looks like the contra logo. More like gryzen

More foxes.

>you fucking gaymers will buy anything that you're told you need

Every single source I've seen is "i5 is enough for gaming, get i7 for video rendering and shit like that".

Games use more than 4 cores these days retard

>i5 is pretty much obsolete when r5 exist
i5 runs Windows XP and Windows 7.
Two important OS for gaming.
Ryzen only runs Windows Phone games.

Bottleneck any GPU over 1050ti/570

I want contra in my mobo!

No it won't, the 2500k lasted me 6 years. I can see the 1600 lasting me at least 5 since all I do is game.

You even have an upgrade route on am4 so for whatever reason you upgrade a cpu every 2 years you'll just need a cpu and not a cpu + new motherboard like Intel

GTX 750 Ti is all the average gamer requires.

Weird I have no problems.


I wished.

This desu. I have a 4960k @ 4.6ghz with a gtx 1070 and rainbow six siege stutters out the ass if i dont lock my fps to 144. I can't even push 144 constant on all levels. Gpu usage is at 70% at most and my cpu going to 100%.

I5 isnt enough- that, or ddr3 is too slow

ITT: kiddies trying to justify their i7 purchases when they realized they wasted their money


>Anyone who buys a quad core right now is retarded, they have been reused over and over by Intel since they had no competition. Now they have competition and mainstream i5s will be 6 core in August.
>If you waited 7 years and don't have a quad core it's worth waiting another two months because the cpu market is finally changing after almost a decade
user, Mainstream dropped PCs completely already. Nobody gives a flying fuck about x86 CPU markets anymore.

>buy quad core intel cpu in 2017 because you didn't get one for the past decade
>literally being replaced with 6 core i5s in august due to ryzen

Worst timing ever to buy an i5/i7, quad cores are being phased out


For 720p medium 30fps maybe

You buy a Xeon E3 1230, pal.


> justify their purchases
But aren't you doing just that?

>tfw want to replace my i5 3570k but there is nothing worthwhile out
Why did the CPU advancement slow to a crawl?

>higher averages and higher minimums at lower load temps and lower clocks
Oh no, I can't stutter my way to higher maximums like your cum-smeared quad cores, whatever will I do?

>90°C spikes at stock on quad cores
>Intel recommends you not overclock the unlocked quad cores
>90°C after mild overclocks on 8 core chips
>100°C at stock on AIOs on 10 core chips
>100°C after mild overclocks on custom liquid loops on 10 core chips

>10% better overall performance than an 1800x on equivalent core count chips

Panic more you degenerate kike.

except I already own an i5

the r5 1600 is the i5 2500k of 2017.

>144hz babbie
>not having 120hz a decade ago

new to pc gayming eh?


>the r5 1600 is the i5 2500k of 2017.
No, it's much more expensive.

Why would you buy Intel in 2017?

Honestly, unless you're gonna get an i7, the Ryzen 5s are generally the best price:performance you can get. Buying a Ryzen 7 for gaymin is pretty dumb, though, not the worst if you're willing to put in the effort to optimize OC and RAM. Unfortunately it's hard not to recommend the blatantly overpriced i7s due to their IPC and overclockability because of how shitty so many games are optimized these days. But if you're not chasing >120 FPS minimums, then an i5/r5 are often good enough. I kind of regret ever getting a 144hz monitor because now I can't go back, and I gotta upgrade constantly to maximize FPS in new titles. My friend has a 4k 60hz one and it practically makes my eyes bleed.

>2 cores

>new to pc gayming
I do okay. 4 years

Spot the AMDrone

ryzen is for lewd

>the r5 1600 is the i5 2500k of 2017.
ARM Cortex-A75 is the i5 2500k of 2017.

You can't lewd male CPUs!

You do realize those temps are under AVX load where Intel is roughly 2 to 3 times faster than your beloved AMD right?

Same problem with 2500k 4.8 and a 980

Cpu near 100% load while gpu fluctuates 50-80% in most 2016/2017 games. Locking
to 60 frames solves this issue most of the time, but that's just limiting your gpu and monitor.

If people wanna buy a quad core at this point in time let them, they'll regret it within a year.

Reminds me alot of the 08/09 when people said quad cores were useless in games and you only needed a dual core, or in 11 when people said hyperthreading is useless for games

>Why would you buy Intel in 2017?
AMD chipsets suck balls.
AMD energy usage sucks
AMD software support sucks

AMD is only there to drive down Intel's prices. You don't actually buy the gear. You buy the (now cheaper) Intel hardware.


most of the people who are buying ryzen processors now are switching from intel.
until this year I would never recommend ANYBODY buy anything but intel, especially for gaming.
It was a no-brainer, even cheap i3s were outperforming everything AMD was throwing into the market.

Now AMD is creating powerful, cool, efficient chips with good core counts while Intel is pushing expensive, power hungry, hot chips with LOCKED FEATURES because they don't want to devalue their xeons.
Buying any current or X series Intel CPU is a terrible idea, even Intel shills like pic related have jumped ship.

We'll have to wait to see if Intel can follow up Kaby lake x and Skylake x with something actually good before this evens out again, but for right now Ryzen is dominating.

>why is my 6 years old CPU not enough anymore?
>evil Intel that's why reeeeeeeeeee

how come Ryzen 5 1600X loses to i5 7600 then in single-core and quad-core tests

Shhh. Bethesda and EA told him, so it's true

forgot pic

>4 GB 1070

But there is, it's called the 1600. Moar cores, moar ipc, triple the threads, ddr4, roughly same price as i5, comes with decent stock cooler.

Intel hasn't given i5 users an upgrade route but amd has.

Okay but how are AMD GPUs doin'.

I bought a gtx1080ti strix and i am not interested in 4k cause i am not fuckings stupid (there is no visual difference if you play on the couch some distance away)i have not played a single game all i do is watch some youtube videos and browse the internet.
I am currently setting up vorpx, trinusvr for skyrimvr but then bethesda announced they make skyrim vr.. so now i wait for the pc version so i dont have to bother as with a bunch of thirdparty software. And i am not gonna trade the card back because i dont care every 15 years i updgrade my pc with the best this is now my second time.
I am thinking about starting Dark souls3 lol

AMD energy usage is lower though, one of the biggest criticisms of Intel right now is the outrageous power usage

>tfw never had problems with Intel
>have been using Intel since the 90's
>literally all games prefer Intel CPU

>roughly same price as i5
and loses to it in all the gaming tests

I wont gain any significant FPS from upgrading to the 1600 though

I want at least 50 fps difference

>>literally all games prefer Intel
"Playerunknown: Flavor of the month shit meme game" runs better on ryzen.
7700k can't deal with it.

No, its the same. Got my 2500k for like £160 in 2011, 1600 is £190.

Factor in that you need an aftermarket cooler since the Intel one is dogshit and the slightly more expensive Intel motherboards and they are the same price senpai

>being this loyal to a brand
>not just buying what you need at that current moment
Wow. So this is what rampant consumerism looks like? I bounce back and forth between intel, amd, nvidia, and ati

>AMD energy usage sucks
Didn't know that amd's new cpus have 140W tdp.

It's 8GB
also the CPU is 5hz

>AMD energy usage is lower though
It never was. AMD doesn't have the fabs to make CPUs running ten hours on a 40 Wh battery.
AMD chipsets are power hogs.

Can't buy them anywhere because of miners.

Intel i5s are more expensive and are getting maxed out by current games while the 1600 keeps pace with extra headroom for the future.
look at the CPU utilization here.

billy if you don't buy Intel you're gonna keep giving us your lunch money

You do know that all i5s since sandybridge are pretty much the same performance wise?

At best sky/kabylake is 25% faster than a 6 years old 2500k, with worse temperatures.

>Didn't know that amd's new cpus have 140W tdp.
TDP doesn't matter, actual power draw matters, especially with low and average loads.

meme games don't count mate.

>still rocking an i5 3570k
Should I upgrade soon? I graduated literally yesterday and about to have a job

Enjoy 100% cpu usage and stutters out the ass unless your on 60hz or have a potato gpu

>Windows Phone
No, you don't need to upgrade your phone.

>he shills intel for free

WE DON'T TAKE ABOUT THOSE. AND THE 1070 is fake news.



Is that what /r/AMD told you?

Then you upgrade your gpu senpai, you don't gain frames like that from a cpu upgrade unless u have a massive bottleneck like a 3570 with a 1080 and go to a 1600.

pretty much

majority on this board weren't even born though when the 2500k was new so your post is pointless

>he went to Jared

do AMD cucks get paid for shilling here?

Do people still think the witcher 3 is well optimized?

I don't understand

Feels good man.

>retards bought an i5 in the past two years thinking it will last them for a decade
>other retards are buying 6 core Ryzen CPU's with shitty IPC that are struggling to even keep up with the i5's
>you bought an i7, the sweetspot currently
>RAM was still cheap, you saved on that
>resale value is high
>when you want to upgrade to a proper high clock, high IPC 6 or 8 core you can sell your old shit and buy a new CPU + MB for literally 40% of the asking price
Feels good man.