This is a Japanese spearman
Say something nice to him!
This is a Japanese spearman
What's the difference between all the Arc System fighting games?
Where is her shield? Where is her helmet?
>Say something nice to him!
i want to fuck a boy until he thinks he becomes a girl and mai really helps with imagining that
I want him to ram his spear past my defenses!
i like his body shape!
I wanna bury my tongue in his every orifice.
Also to few doujins.
BB is on it's final version right now and it's more offense based.
GG is played more and is still releasing new versions.
Needs to be raped by fat disgusting old men more often.
>Dude becomes grill through some random magic book fuckery
>Rather than play it straight as "Man's mind trapped on bodacious young female body" they pull some bullshit about even his brain and soul becoming female
>Not only is he 100% not a "he" anymore but now he's just as giddy ans girly as any other member of the female cast
I get that's what a bunch of faggots on this site wish would happen to them, but this is just wasted potential. Nothing came from this other than making sure lonely NEETs can safely waifu this character without a single moral quandary.
>becomes a grill
>dresses at 100% slut
Da fuq...
Damn. That's a waste.
Guy being transformed into a hot as fuck chick and being forced to deal with this fact is one of my fetishes
If they "Played it straight" it also meant Mai finding a way to change back in the end. He can't turn back. It's permanent. Forever. That's what makes it more interesting. Because Mai has to live with it.
>not the holy grail of fetishes
remove self
That's bs. If you can turn into a female, it ain't impossible to turn back through magic
You can't rape whores though
>wanting to go back
That's what the story says. And Mai give up finding a way to change back anyway.
>there are anons on Sup Forums that would go back to being a guy after becoming a girl(female) via weeb magic
He turned because of Azure bullshit. He's lucky he didn't turn into another Arakune.
Too bad it's hard to find new content for our fetish
>not wanting to go back
What are you, gay?!
Natsuru is perfect
>he thinks he can beat the cock
>he takes the cock like the faggot he is
if it was actually played straight it would be a horror story like that kafka one.
>implying you wouldn't do the same
Least we have no periods
I'd spear that man, if you catch my penis
>get gender bent
>eventually has mind fucked up so much he thinks and acts as a girl and for all intents and purposes is one
Gender bending is a shit fetish, even if you add that caveat to the end.
I wanna Main Mai!
>He doesn't enjoy corruption
Look at this pleb.
You move into a woman's body, but retain your past memories and such that make you 'yourself'.
I always saw it that the brain and all those hormones are part of the body you now inherit.
You may still have those mannerisms from before, but when you have estrogen instead of testosterone flowing through you, and your brain processes shit a bit differently, it would clearly affect you. If some weeb transformation magic hit me, I'd probably at the very least turn bi. It's the same way as you just accept what the dick wants.
I would dress like the biggest slut ever if I turned into a hot chick, tease all the fuckboys and then turn lesbian with Mila Kunis or something
I would fuck that boy!
no homo
Guilty Gear is fundamental. BlazBlue is combo
Actually Mai's story is exactly that. After your being turned into a girl he wants to change back but his mind is slowly altering to be more girl-girl like. In the recent manga issues she's started to loose interest in girls and is falling for a guy
The problem is that Mori isn't clear on what the rules of his world are so he pretty much does whatever he wants. Oh the Azure is the source of all power in the universe only tempered by robot god to create existence. Well something like that should kill anyone who goes near it right? Well it does unless you're Mai where instead of it just killing you it turns you into a cute grill. So did it turn Litchi into a boy? No if you already have tits then it just gives you cancer.
I 100% agree and fucking hate this character for basically that exact reason
I always kinda saw it like this: your personality gets to a certain degree shaped trough how people threat you and trough how you experience life. So obviously these influences will change after you get turned into a woman and will slowly shape your personality accordingly.
Also being called cute is a oh so sweet sweet drug
>Also being called cute is a oh so sweet sweet drug
It's a gradual process, though and in the end kinda makes sense that he just accepted being a woman, since as a result he got a better life than he ever would have as a guy.
Guilty Gear has more neutral to it. You can't tech roll so being knocked down is more dangerous and more cast members have ways to maintain pressure. There's also different "weights" to each character and everything is chained to one meter so you have to manage it correctly or die. But as a trade off you gain much more of it faster. There's also more of a focus on cancelling which can be used in any number of ways.
Blazblue is all about offense. It's getting in the opponents ass and staying in that ass. If you're the defender you can either find a way out of pressure or get fucked. But there are more ways to get out of offense here like Tech Roll so it's a bit harder to maintain that offensive momentum. But tech rolls are also punishable so both the defender and the attacker have to guess right to succeed. Also there's more meters to manage so you have more resources to play with. Being without Barrier is basically a death sentence though since not only are you basically not allowed to jump anymore and you're vulnerable to unblockable attacks but now you take 50% MORE damage until your barrier recharges. And there's Overdrive which boosts your character's power and makes combos unburstable and it stops the match timer AND it gives you a meterless super. But it's chained to your burst meter so you basically have to choose whether to keep it to escape a potentially lethal combo or use it bring pressure on the opponent. But there's also Active Flow which increases damage output and recharges your burst faster but it only activates when you play aggressively, bringing EVEN MORE incentive to be aggressive in this game.
>be guy
>potential mates are 10/10 perfect 2d waifus, who severely outnumber men and will be fighting for a chance to share your dick
>turn into girl
>suddenly you have to fight to try to get a chance at maybe landing some weird joke character, or if youre lucky, an edgy faggot who hates everyone.
Is Mai good for a beginner?
>armchair psychologists
Where would we be without you retards, I wonder?
I want to spear Mai's womb until she's pregnant
The world would be a darker place without them.
Yes actually. Off the top of my head the "beginner" characters are
Was he hot before the transformation?
Guilty Gear is for closet weeb faggots who jack off to Jojo and think Filthy Frank is funny.
Blazblue is for unironic weeb faggots who keep up with anime seasons and own body pillows.
They're both okay so just play whichever one you like better.
He was an ok bishonen
I finished Chronophantasma and started Central Fiction yesterday. I marathoned Chronophantasma during the weekend.
Man such a good fucking game. I fucking love the story.
It's shit
>started Central Fiction yesterday
Oh boy
I thought it was okay.
Not anymore. Mai is 100% girl. Even her mental state has changed from a man's to a woman's. She was never a tranny who thought she was one thing, while she was the other; she just got changed. No transition, no 'oppression' or other bullshit; she was 100% a guy and now she's 100% a girl.
I wish there were more traps then genderbenders in modern jap games.
Is it ok to fap to Mai? I'm so confused.
How many genderbenders are there even in modern jap games? apart from Mai that is.
It's the body of a voluptuous woman, it'd be wrong not to fap to her. Be a man of the present, yesterday or tomorrow means nothing.
Bring on the manly buff masculine men being turned into cute girls through magic and slowly, very slowly coming to accept this new fact
Loves adding corruption to everything. His company becomes corrupted by greed, then gets consumed by another greedy company, only for the first company to become greedy enough to buy itself back from the first company, but the people that bought it back were the main problems in the first place.
Genderbending sucks mate.
Genderbending is the best when done properly, with all the body horror and psychological breakdown stuff
Problem is, it's almost never done proper. It's almost always just "Oh shit I'm a girl now time to suck 30 dicks"
I want to put my penis in your vagina.
I just prefer newhalfs.
that is clearly a girl
Pull up your pants! We can see your builders bum, you slag.
Terumi and Hazama never did anything wrong.
Do you think you would be able to see those butt cheeks shake if Mai violently farts?
If she physically looks like a girl, biologically is a girl, with great tits and a cunt, I'd say you're gay if you don't fap to her.
does your dick like it?
fap dumbass
why not?
fap anyways
Imagine someone trying to do a 100% accurate cosplay to this.
Glad you agree Susan is the faggot of the 3