Are you getting this? It's the first 'real' VR game
>inb4 bitching
gaming is not for poor people, just c*ck off
Are you getting this? It's the first 'real' VR game
>inb4 bitching
gaming is not for poor people, just c*ck off
Other urls found in this thread:
>c*ck off
>c*ck off
Who the fuck even owns a VR headset?
>vr meme
lol no
Yes it is a day one buy for me. I've been a fan of the Skyrim game and all of its series since 11/11/11 and there's no way I'm missing out on this new virtual adventure
I'll buy it if the actual mods are compatible. I gonna drop A LOT of VR cum on my Skyrim character.
VR just looks wierd with the invisible arms and floating weapons. Not really interested in that.
I have money to buy an HTC but there's no games and play FO4/SKYRIM on VR it's a great deal at least to me but ONLY if all the mods are compatible and I say it again.
cock off?
If I want to get sick playing skyrim I'm sure there are some pony mods I can install.
>cuck off
>Skyrim Sex mods with VR
>put screen closer to eyes
yeah ok sure lads where do I sign up?
Dude it's probably the special edition so sex mods are NEVER EVER.
Vacate the premises, Todd
I'm pirating Skyrim on over a a billion computers
It will be the SE version and the SE version works with NOTHING.
>c*ck off
>barely anything
the fuck is your point user?
So what's the movement like in this game?
Why do people say it's different from normal Skyrim?
wow working without SKSE and a basic FNIS verison?
it's amazing how SE handle the mods compared to Oldrim.
>Why do people say it's different from normal Skyrim?
user are you listening to todd again
That there are sex mods and SKSE is still being worked on for SE Skyrim. It's coming.
theres a version that works with oldrim too you fucking retard
SE is useless
skse64 is in a fucking standstill right now
No, it's just that moving around is supposedly so cumbersome that Bethesda added a teleport option so it plays like Myst.
I just don't understand what could be so difficult about moving around in VR.
You go make it faster then faggot.
> It's the first 'real' VR game
Thats not even true.
It's PS4-exclusive.
There have been plenty of real VR games.
Skyrim VR only exists at all because of Sony begging for a timed exclusive VR game, and Bethsoft refusing to give FO4VR or DOOM VFR. It's FO4VR that is their real focus.
FO4 & D44M are exclusive VR on PC because PS4 couldn't handle them at 60fps, which is the bare min for good VR
Sony was probably butthurt about this so Beth threw them a bone with Skyrim VR being timed exclusive (yes it's already confirmed for PC)
I don't think Skyrim is good for VR though, the graphics are very rough since it was made with 360 limits in mind, it will look like a PS2 game up close in VR, while FO4/D44M have very sharp textures on Max, should be a treat
>c*ck off
Meant FO4 isn't on PSVR because it would require 60fps, D44M is already 60 on PS4
>first 'real' VR game
It's probably gonna play like shit. And I have absolutely no faith that Bethesda if they're porting it themselves will have a good way to deal with VR sickness.
>not using SexLab
What's the point?
Actually user, D44m vr is listed on the ps4 store already at $29.99. I think because it only has teleportation movement the ps4 is capable of running it. Fallout 4 however has practically no chance unless it's completely downgraded to early last gen graphics.
>60fps, which is the bare min for good VR
This has never been true. ~70fps was the actual absolute bare minimum Valves clinical research revealed, with more always better as far as they tested (up to 300FPS).
>>inb4 bitching
>and then you go and talk about money
have you been lurking for not even 2 hours marketing man?
>I think because it only has teleportation movement the ps4 is capable of running it.
You have no idea how any of this works.
Wait, this is being sold as a separate thing and not coming as an update to the already twice-released game?
>still no script extender for the SE
>still 80% of mods from standard that can't be used or won't be ported to SE
>people will actually buy skyrim for the fifth time just for some cheap """""VR"""" gimmick
humans are fucking retarded
>using the hypocrite backstabber framework
do you even see your own body? fallout 4 VR looks like as if you don't so skyrim VR is probably the same
Yea, all their VR stuff is sold at full price.
I don't know why they're doing it this way. I guess they hope there's so little VR titles out there people are willing to shell out any amount even just to play a modded version of an old game.
I think hands are floating in the air. It looks really fucking stupid but it's not really any worse then the base game. You have higher expectations because the community always fixes the shit Bethesda couldn't be bothered to but for this they won't so it'll be forever shit. They still probably won't implement all the bug fixes.
Oh yes I am so confused by vr technology. Care to explain "how any of this works"
The teleportation movement system is not about performance, it's about VR sickness.
This user. Vive
VR will convince the modders to MAKE IT WORK
1) DOOM VFR has other locomotion than teleport ('jet strafe' and environmental jump pads, possibly climbing?) and may actually offer full touchpad/analog movement in the final version (devs running demos at E3 have said they're considering it).
2) The type of locomotion a game uses is not a factor in its performance. The only way it would be were if the games graphics engine was significantly integrated to the VR controls, eg. doing streaming loading or level of detail specifically tied to teleporation to certain predefined points. Nothing like that currently exists, AFAIK, and never will because it makes no sense anyway.
3) DOOM 2016 runs so well on a wide variety of hardware because idTech 6 is an amazing engine with 'adaptive quality' principles integrated at the lowest levels.
why would changing the movement mechanics affect performance? Holy fuck, you are tech illiterate
>paying many hundreds of dollars for the feeling of disorientation and nausea
Just buy a bottle of vodka