This is amazing.
This is amazing
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I didn't even know you can open up the glider mid-ragdoll.
I love this stupid shit
it's amazing how much silly TECHNOLOGY Nintendo managed to pack into their very first, modern open world game. It's like playing something out of Hideo Kojima's head at times.
I keep forgetting that Nintendo owners are 3 gens behind everyone else and find basic physic puzzles impressive.
>basic physic
you mean basic on PC back in 2005, yet almost totally nonexistent on modern console games, because of focus on GRAPHIX + weak ass CPUs?
Not to mention the game has tons of very fine-tuned simulations that most devs wouldn't even want to try tackling in their games. Even less so in dynamic open-world titles like this.
Fun doesn't always make for a good game.
You guys should check out Just Cause 2. It will blow your fucking minds.
I can't wait to replay the game on hard mode now that I am actually much more familiar with the game and how to exploit it.
It's great fun though. The game really wants you to break it. So now that I know how, I will.
You're right, but fuck you anyway
Yeah, but you'll never have to do it because you can just skip straight to the final boss in like a half hour.
>tree rocket
>Not Tao Pai Pai.webm
just like dragon ball, amazing.
>tfw not enough brain power for making up stuff like this
>every shrine took more than hour for me
Good thing BotW is fun AND has great gameplay + atmosphere.
They probably take more time trying to bypass doing the shrine normally than doing it this way. Trial and error. Makes for cool things you can watch and technically do but likely take longer to actually get working.
Except that Just Cause is pretty damn terrible in just about everything but physics. Besides, aside from the cables the physics really aren't all that fun play around with. Disregarding mods.
Its great because they give up a fuck ton of tools you can apply in multiple scenarios, which aid in accomplishing different things. I love it when freedom is in games like this.
Speedrun all the shrines
Can't you make the same shit in Just Cause 2?
I actually did a handful of Shrines "all wrong", yet much quicker than I was apparently meant to. Some were a total lucky shots, but some I just stared for a few seconds, saw an obvious solution, and proceeded to run through the entire thing within couple minutes. One such example would be that one with a wind-circle room with a hole for the ball in the middle. I just carried the sphere right to the edge of the hole, stopped its time, and ran to the elevator it activates.
Lets imagine you can do almost everything in just cause 2 that you can do in breath of the wild. Just cause 2 still falls short on every other aspect of the game.
Sure, if you've only played Nintendo games for the past 12 years.
>Autists try and spin this around and turn it into consolewar shit
Kill yourself
>when you can play this shit on wii-u and pc
They're both open world games (=shit), so I'd say they are on par.
I wait for the hc dlc.
>Tfw when modern open world games have no useful physics and have actually regressed in TECHNOLOGY
>Tfw it took BOTW to revive Crysis level fun, a game made in 2007
Skyrim, Horizon: Scripted Dawn, Witcher 3. This is where we are at since Crysis. It's kinda pathetic. Thank you BoTW.
just ignore them, this game has reached meme status with how much praise it's gotten that anyone who doesn't have the game gets completely ass blasted by the sight of it and starts smacking away on their keyboards while breathing really heavily
tao pai pai levels of awesome
it gives me so much pleasure to hear a sane fucking person speak on this board. I feel like im drowning in sony fans.
You can always post something from your HL2 seesaw puzzles, user.
look, you can say you don't enjoy the game, but it isnt "shit". it does alot of things right and is fun to play for many.
I actually haven't, and I bought an used WiiU just for BotW. The game was simply put amazing; 100 hours later, story all finished and tons of side questing later, I'm still finding brand new things in the world.
yep, it's a great game.
WTF i love zelda now
Look at the little rigid whiny baby. Go talk to a human being and see what they think of you.
Oh yes wonderful idea, do go ahead and post a webm of you steamrolling the last area and boss with just weapons you find in the castle, no divine beasts slain, and no upgrades whatsoever you fuckin pro speedrunner
To be fair, I did the castle before anything else because the weapons and shields in it are fantastic. Parrying guardian lasers is the only issue you should have that early.
ok that game looks fun
>takes elements from other games
>doesn't innovate in any meaningful way
>"b-but it's way better than those games"
I didn't actually mean that insult, but I used it because you guys are moronous fanboys.
That's one thing but i wouldnt even proceed to the last boss, i'd just take the loot and leave as well
>Why would you play video games to have fun?
>I'm perfectly content with my blu ray movies
>have you guys seen Talladega nights?
>6"2' vs 5'11"
>I feel like im drowning in sony fans.
E3 2017 was a mistake
Think of how much innovation you could bring to the world if you weren't pontificating out of your ass on Sup Forums all day.
This is pretty fucking cruel. GOTY or riot btw.
Mind = Blown
woah are you telling me BOTW is that easy?
>no magic
>no glider
shit game desu
>Positioned so you couldn't get in front of the plank and push it backwards to keep it ramped the right direction
It was probably fixed to a pivot regardless, but still
Shit. This is actually fucking sick and could be useful in some instances. All these webms are making me realize that I played this game like such a basic faggot.
BoTW is shit
Welp, you've convinced me.
You can't even do that much in Just Cause 2. Especially nowhere near this level of creativity
t. 100%'d the game with 100s of hours
This fucking game
No problem.
>they give up a fuck ton of tools you can apply in multiple scenarios, which aid in accomplishing different things. I love it when freedom is in games like this.
and an open world game where they actually let you climb to the top of that mountain.
a game doesnt have to fucking innovate to be considered good or fun. botw does build upon many things, though.
>passing off a glitch as an actual game mechanic
I guess if your only reason of playing games is to see the end credits, you're right.
But some people actually play games because they find them enjoyable.
Look up emergent gameplay, retard
exactly how I feel. Love crysis love Botw
>still no Ricky Bobby sequel
I thought Sony cared about their fans...
I haven't checked speedruns in a while but last I saw they incorporated something like that but with a rock to shave off like 40 seconds.
i love this in videogames.
solutions to problems where you don't know if the dev knows about it or not or if it was an intended solution or not.
>a glitch
It's fully intentional. There are admittedly a couple of legitimate exploits. But really, the more you try to break the game the more you just realize that the game always took your supposed exploits into consideration and accounted for them.
It's a game that's more than happy to have people go for unconventional solutions to move forward.
never implied it was an actual mechanic., but it is fun. utilising the games mechanics to achieve a desirable outcome is great and fun.
what about this you can do many things like this in the game.
You use that word, hombre. I does not mean what you imagine.
Shut up, don't play video games for something other then fun.
so bunny hopping isn't a game mechanic either?
depends on the game.
it's not a game mechanic in every game
not even that guy
Nothing about that was glitched. You could call it cheating, but it used those powers that Link has to propel him. I believe he Stasis'd the drawbridge, hit it so it would launch, detonated a remote bomb for oomph, then un-Stasis'd it, went flying, then pulled out his hang glider to sail right to the end. I personally haven't played the game but that's what it looks like.
It isn't a glitch, all of the trials are like this and it's clearly intentional.
>trial where you use gyro to navigate a ball through a maze
>can just flip the maze upside down and roll the ball straight to the end on the flat underside
>trial where you need to use metal crates to conduct electricity
>can just drop metal weapons and use thouse.
You can argue it's an exploit, but a glitch? No. U are using intended mechanics to produce a result the developers didn't take into consideration; but you're still playing the game how its meant to be played by using the appropriate mechanics to do what its meant to do.
damn what, it turns into scatmans world?
>things that are good aren't necessarily good
only on Sup Forums
so bunnyhopping in quake isn't a mechanic.
Is it possible to start the game from the beginning and defeat Ganon with 0.5x A Presses?
when it launched it indeed was not a mechanic
Literally everything you enjoy is fun. If you enjoy a story in a game, that's a FUN game. Go away with your buzzwords
>CEMU is still garbage
Good shit, OP. I found this the other day on reddit too.
You're given a rune specifically to launch objects as shown in the webm. Stops time for an object and all forces applied to it are added together and applied when the effect times out. How could it be called a glitch in any sense?
I won't lie the attention to detail in BOTW is reminiscent of kojima's insane details in Metal Gear Solid 2, like those fucking ice cubes or how the rain was done in the tanker.
>Takes all the fun out of the puzzle.
>This and Monster Hunter were going to sell me on a Switch
>I can't justify buying a console for one game
Shame, this still looks really fun to me. Some of the best emergent gameplay since The Phantom Pain
>implying that fun isn't replaced by the fun of finding a unique, crazy method to skip the puzzle
Kek. The gameplay in BotW genuinely feels next-level compared to the archaic shite you think is good. Everyone making open world adventures now has to up their game to compare with BotW.
DO NOT bully guardians!
While I agree in a sense. Breaking the puzzles is its own puzzle.
I tried to do all the puzzles the "intended" way my first playthrough. But now that I am about to start my second playthrough I intend to break the fuck out of it.
The game actively encourages such experimentation. Fucking around with how you can interact with the world was one of the major design focus for the development team.
Keep crying.
>doing that one puzzle where you have to guide the ball in a maze that moves with your controller.
>get frustrated and sperg out with my controller, maze is flipping all over on screen.
>Ball drops and the maze smacks the ball, the ball flies all the way to the destined location.
>puzzle solved
Yes, I do like this "emergent gameplay" mechanic.
Would you say that fun is just... a buzzword?
>nu-v pretends physics in HL2 weren't innovative
They still are aren't they
I did that too. The ball maze puzzle was so poorly made I just flicked the ball up into the air and turned the control pad upside down.
My roommate shook his head and left the living room.