Will we literally EVER get another good Vampires the Masquerade/World of Darkness game?

Will we literally EVER get another good Vampires the Masquerade/World of Darkness game?

post more cute vampires

Wasn't the ip bought out by the Witcher company or am I remembering this wrong

No, only figuratively.

Paradox has got it now, so maybe.

Harley queen is a vampire now?
Stupid DCucks already out of ideas lol

Never, normies aka 90% of modern audience want skyrim 2.

Apparently they are working on a new title

no all the rights were bought by paradox and they're publishing a new werewolf game being developed by cyanide studios. So far no word on a vampire game except those really lame phone "games" on steam.

Didn't paradox buy out the studio? Last I heard the were working on a game in the same universe but about werewolf's.

> implying we wouldn't shit on the game for having to many memes and references

No, more likely to get some shitty nWoD/CoD garbage

The WoD franchise has jumped the blue-haired shark so to speak.
SJW bollocks were always present but it has reached critical mass, doubtful it will recover into anything salvageable.
RIP in peace.


Deserved it for the lesbian haircut alone to be honest.

Isn't that guy more of a communist?

No, we won't.

No. Would you like to know why?
Because you fags are like fucking furries,
except those degenerates throw money at their fetish and you parasite loving faggots don't.
Vampires are for staking, not fapping over.

what are you talking about? there hasn't been very many opportunities to throw money at a vampire game in 13 years.

There aren't a lot of opportunities for furfags to spend money on porn on legitimate storefronts but they still manage to spend a fuckton of money on that sick shit and game devs see this and release lowkey non degenerate games furfags can then pervert to their horrible darkness.
You don't have deviant artists making a living appeasing to you sick fucks. You don't have conventions and consplayers who should be burned at the stake.
Furfagging is a big industry. Leechfucking isn't. That's why the answer is no.


This. If you look at the 2 WoD shits that came out recently, they're choose your own adventures designed for iPad-using cucks, and the stories feature riveting narrative direction such as MUH REFUGEES and WE WUZ KANGZ. The fact that White Wolf is open to licensing their IP for that horseshit, but they won't let in even the most grasping and corporate mainstream studios says it all.
Bethesda WoD would be undeniably fucking horrible, but it would at least be better than this. CD Projekt RED is busy with Cyberpunk 2077 for the next 9000 years, so even if they got the IP you wouldn't be seeing a game this decade. CCP had the rights but CCP is literally a shit tier developer who only knows how to make one game. Paradox have it now and are going to fail because they haven't demonstrated they're capable of project managing a single good RPG (Pillars of Eternity aside, because muh Obsidian + kikestarter), and furthermore Cyanide is a trash developer who literally only makes shit cycling games and awful knock-offs of other IPs. They only have temporary meme power because of showing off 3 minutes of cinematic footage of their Call of Cthulhu game, which I guarantee will be a poor man's Outlast just like Styx is a poor man's Thief. Plus, it's Werewolf. Who gives a FUCK about Werewolf?

In short, if you want to play World of Darkness you need to find a group and play it via tabletop, BBS or MUDs.

What makes a good vampire game?
For me it's that you can only play a human and the bloodsuckers are terrifying because they are superhuman, capable of wrecking your shit if they find you at night and you can only survive via silly rules like having to be invited into your home or crossing running water and crosses and holy water will only keep them at bay if you're lucky, not allow you to beat them at night. That's a good vampire game.

Plenty of fans still in it for the good stuff. Sure, Beast is basically a parody of itself, but they're still putting out decent material for Hunter and Demon.
If the Werewolf game does well, we might actually get another Bloodlines-esque game one day.

When I think about this all I remember is people talking about pirating it in these threads. I suppose this may have fair grounds.

People talk about pirating it because literally none of the money goes to the developers. The studio got shut down within a year of the game's release. The only people that get money from sales of the game now is the publisher and Valve.

The reason it gets pirated, and why people here say to pirate it, is because Troika got fucked over by Activision and none of the money from you buying the game goes to Troika, who have been dead anyway for many years now.

Or one that puts you into the tier between (single) humans and old blood. You know, like bloodlines.

There's nothing wrong with making a powerful PC, it increases the options for gameplay. You just have to scale up the threat appropriately.

That's all well and good that you can't help out the devs and the money only goes to ebil publishers but a copy torrented does absolutely nothing to signal to devs that there is interest in this stuff. Every copy bought on steam or GoG may only go to fund Gaben or Pollacks but it also tallies one more mark in the column of people willing to pay money for this type of thing.

The small trickle of money at this point doesn't even register anymore. Bloodlines bombed on release - which it was always going to, it never stood a chance - and that's all the people with money give a shit about.

Fuck off, Kotick, I'm not giving you a single cent.

Haha hilarious.

What's so bad about werewolf? My only experience with WoD is vtmb.

Werewolf is hella fun IMO, but the story's a bit shitty and the powersets are kinda straightforward. But y'know, who DOESN'T want to pick up a skyscraper and throw it at the moon?

World of Darkness was being worked on by CCP (Eve Online's devs) last I heard, but they abandoned it when they realised that updating Internet Spaceships makes them way much more money than WoD ever would.

(old) Werewolf is basically, 'if Captain Planet was a heavy metal album cover.'

Brah, I know that's probably bait, but your vidya illiteracy hurts my soul. Jeanette Voerman was created in 2004, back when Harley was still wearing her literal harlequin jester costume.

I can't see left guys face. Was it censored?

>comparing furrfag degenerates to true rpg fans

You alright senpai? There is no shame in seeking help.