Warning: This is probably going to mostly be autistic babbling, just was doing a lot of retrospect tonight.
Does anyone else feel like the Dark Souls series (and don't get me wrong, I've beaten each game in the series and the attempts at copies they spawn, and I love them) has and is going to leave a negative effect on the RPG genre in some ways? I got into RPGs at a very young age with shit like A Link To The Past, Fallout 1, and Final Fantasy VII where pretty much anyone can accessibly get into that, but I know as a kid I never could've beaten Dark Souls or any of the Souls-esque games out there. I can't help but feel like this is going to make it harder for a pretty young audience to get into modern RPGs, because so many games out there are already following the Souls formula and so many games plan to. I don't know if anyone else out there is wondering the same thing, or if I've been smoking way too much weed, but either way, I'm not digging the reverb effect it's having on the genre where every modern RPG wants to emulate Dark Souls style and difficulty. (Example: Not sure if anyone else picked up on these vibes, but even Breath of the Wild tried to create a similar combat style in some ways and how unforgiving it can be at points, and while it was welcome, it also felt force fed at certain points. It killed some of that Zelda vibe for me, but that's just opinion, and a whole other thread discussion.) Sometimes I want that classic RPG feel that shit like Dragon Age Origins and KOTOR 1 and 2 gave and not hours of frustration (enjoyable frustration, but frustration nonetheless) without having to dig through my library of older games or dig for the rare RPG that'll release in the next few years that won't be Souls-esque in nature. I don't know, again, probably autistic babbling, but it's something to talk about.
Warning: This is probably going to mostly be autistic babbling, just was doing a lot of retrospect tonight
One: you're assuming kids will have the same start as you rather than being dropped right into the current scenario and growing into it
Two: I think you're grossly overestimating the impact of DaS in the industry
Three: the more grounded RPGs are still out there, you just gotta look harder for them instead of hoping one magically crosses your field of view. It might happen, but you'll have far more luck actively seeking them out. Hell, bravely default ain't old and was heavily rooted in the turn based RPG classics
Four: dude weed lmao
Holy shit I can't be fucked reading all that nonsense with that formatting. What's your quick point OP?
TLDR: I got into RPGs at a young age playing LOZ: ALTP, Fallout 1, & FFVII, & nowadays the Souls formula seems to be a norm for RPGs. As a kid I never would've been able to beat/get into a Souls game as much as I love them now. Even Nintendo used aspects of the Souls style for BOTW. Does anyone else think that modern games coming out that are taking the Souls approach to style/difficulty is gonna make it harder for kids to get into RPGs?
no. kids will play anything if it intrigues them enough
>a link to the past
That out of the way. Dark Souls games really aren't that hard. I don't know who hyped up that concept but the first couple of levels of Demons Souls are the only particularly hard parts in the series. Not trying to act like some gaming badass either - I fucking suck at games but the souls games are really not that difficult.
I wouldn't have been able to beat them as a kid, but I couldn't beat a link to the past as a kid, and I couldn't even figure out how to play fallout 1 as a kid, so I really don't think that matters. Literally the only games I could beat as a kid were kirby, yoshis island and the original Pokemon.
Almost every kid was growing up on RPGs like that, I can't really think of any RPGs that were actively as difficult as Dark Souls back in the 80s/90s. I think Souls games are progressively having more & more influence on the RPGs coming out in terms of difficulty to the point where every other game is going to be as hard, if not harder, than Dark Souls 1. Just look up the opinion of ANYONE who's played the Dark Souls franchise: Dark Souls has ruined this genre for me. The majority of people just aren't going to want to play shit that doesn't operate on a Souls level in difficulty. It sucks to be going toward the point where if you wanna play an RPG not heading toward that you're going to have to dig harder for them lol
I wanna hear what elements of souls were used in BotW.
Because the entire souls combat system is pretty much just a polished up version of the combat from OoT.
Persona 5 indicates you're entire post is pointless.
>I can't help but feel like this is going to make it harder for a pretty young audience to get into modern RPGs
I don't think today's kids will have much difficulty beating Dark Souls. There are ways to make the games easier (co-op, for example). Plus, Dark Souls is easier to finish once you understand how the parry system and AI works.
>I'm not digging the reverb effect it's having on the genre where every modern RPG wants to emulate Dark Souls style and difficulty
This, I would agree with. While I wouldn't say it's a terribly prevalent issue, it does bother me on the rare occasion that game devs imitate the Dark Souls style without any real meaning or depth (Lords of the Fallen, for example)
said it best, OP. The only concern I have is kids watching channels like VaatiVidya and The Game Theorists and turning into a bunch of pretentious lorefags.
Everyone had the habit of calling ALTTP an "ARPG", when I was a kid when it came out I thought it was an RPG because Nintendo Power and bullshit, I realize now it really isn't but part of me still remembers everyone mislabeling it so I sometimes do the same. And mechanically they aren't once you're USED to them, but they're most definitely difficult to get into starting out. They seem easy to people who've played them after 4 games in the series and Bloodborne. The only one that still challenges me is Demon Souls at times and that's mostly PS3 issues lol
No other game besides Persona 4 Golden and, if you really wanna mention it, Undertale has released with that style in recent years. While I'd love for more RPGs to go that route, just isn't happening.
Dark souls 1 gives a pretty good tutorial. I found it pretty intuitive desu.
Demons souls on the other hand is awful at teaching the mechanics to beginners.
Ultima? Baldur's gate? TeS arena and daggerfall? None of these are hard if you have the attention span of anything smarter than a goldfish, but a kid will hack and slash their way through mindlessly and hell, they'll adapt. Even the PS1, where a good chunk of kids born into the late 90s started their hobby, has a great bunch of hard as balls RPGs like the digimon world series and king's field, and THEY WILL PLAY THAT SHIT. Why? Because they have more balls than we do right now to adapt to games, and if you give them a brick to play with by hell they'll find a way to make it look fun
Eh, it depends on how young you're talking. Preteens might not with the help of walkthroughs and YouTube, but I think anyone younger than that (11/12 or younger) would have serious trouble getting used to the Souls style/difficulty that's getting more and more prevalent.
Gameplay-wise, you're right by saying that there are few similarities. The way they deliver the lore and story definitely feels similar though. Eh, maybe I'm off by saying BOTW had Souls-like attributes and I'm misplacing inspiration that Dark Souls took from BOTW. Again, I'm high off my ass, I could be completely wrong with all of this
Persona 5 came out this year and sold better than any other RPG in the last few years, on top of that, Atlus is creating a SMT game for the switch, and a new IP Fantasy RPG.
The death of the classic RPG formula is far from happening, there will always be a niche fanbase to cater to that some company will satisfy the needs of.
I found all of those way easier than Dark Souls in that I'm still just more comfortable and used to those style of games personally. I don't know, just looking at the style/difficulty of Dark Souls, I know myself as a kid couldn't do it. Although that was an entirely different time for gaming so it's kind of hard to compare. What I see though, is kids without a lot of attention span and an affinity for mindless lacking-difficulty FPS games like Call of Duty. Makes me wonder if they were getting easier and more accessible RPGs they wouldn't resort to mindless shit like that.
>and I'm misplacing inspiration that Dark Souls took from BOTW
stop posting until you're sober, pothead. come back to the thread in a few hours and bang your head against the wall a few times
Oh I know, I just wish that style was more prevalent and in the mainstream and more popular across the board. I'd much rather see the Persona/Atlas formula become the norm than the Souls series become the norm. I'm glad to know that we'll still get those of course, but I wish we'd get more of those.
you are REALLY overestimating dark souls' difficulty, and you probably don't even realize it
It doesn't nullify the rest of what I'm saying considering that's the only thing you're bringing up. Eh, ignore the thread for now, I'll keep ranting. I'm mostly talking about shit I find myself thinking about in the back of my mind even when I'm sober (outside of the BOTW comparison)
Dark souls is not a JRPG. It's an entirely different genre.
The Dark Souls market doesnt cover the same shit as the weeb market, there is a crossover, but its not as big as you seem to think.
>we now live in a world where you have to preface a post longer than 2 sentences by calling yourself autistic to avoid being called autistic.
What a time to be alive.
OP here. Great stuff guys. Thanks to those that replied. Way more friendly than some other boards.
We live in a world where most 4 channel users are too autistic themselves to read more than a couple sentences. What can you really expect?
>modern RPG trying to copy Dark Souls
Like what? Seriously, I think souls-clones are so rare that you can count them with your your fingers. Not to mention, Souls games are essentially the harder version of Zelda games.
Does it makes the gaming less accessible than before? Probably, but in the good way tho. It doesn't cause any shortages of casual games either. Kids can take hard games.